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wGPA Question

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I'm in a weird situation, my GPA are:


1st Year: 3.85 (8/10 courses)

2nd Year: 3.83 (10/10 courses = full course load)

3rd Year: 3.63 (9.33/10 courses)

4th Year: 3.9 (10/10 courses)


I have never taken a course in the summer and the only year which I took a Full course load is 2nd year (3.83) and 4th year (3.9).

So my question is how is my wGPA calculated? Is my 4th year weighted 2x or 3x?


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3.83x1 and 3.9x2

your wGPA is 3.87666~3.88

you have a low shot but you probably need amazing ECs. If you look at the stats most of the interviews are above 3.9 and most are close to 4.0.


so if a year has 9/10 courses, then its not considered a full course load?

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3.83x1 and 3.9x2

your wGPA is 3.87666~3.88

you have a low shot but you probably need amazing ECs. If you look at the stats most of the interviews are above 3.9 and most are close to 4.0.


Are you sure my 4th year would be worth 2x?

It would make more sense if its worth 3x in comparison to my 2nd year.

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As stated in http://www.med.uottawa.ca/students/MD/Admissions/eng/excellence_marks.html


You would remove any year that is not full time. From what's left, the most recent full time years you have are 2nd and 4th. Thus, the weighting factor would be 2x4th year and 1x 2nd year.


Alright. Thank-you. In this case I won't bother applying since the only EC i've done is hospital volunteering atm.

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What about other parts of your application? Have you done any research, work experience, sports, or clubs?


With a *single* EC, it is a long shot. But EC's can be classified as many things (as mentioned above) and not just volunteering positions. So think careful if you missed anything! :o


Your GPA isn't super competitive for Ottawa, but it is above the cut-off. You might want to consider applying anyway.



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I was under the impression that once you meet the GPA cut off for interviews your EC's are what's looked at?


They say that but gpa is also definitely a factor. For example let's say sketches are marked out of 10 with an average of 5. Gpa probably provides a bonus with 3.85 getting 0 and 4.0 maybe 4. People with higher gpas will get selected over a lower gpa with the same sketch. then cut to the top 500 people for interviews.


Just my interpretation of the data from the past couple years.

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That's pretty disheartening since I meet the GPA cut off for Ottawa area (i applied last year) but I feel like having a 3.74wGPA is never going to get me into uOttawa.


No school interviews people that do not have a reasonable chance of getting in - it would just be wasting their time to do otherwise. Although I have no evidence for this as well it would be very strange for a school to drop the admission requirements effectively in one area only to severely punish those effected people with another rule.

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My interpretation of the lower cutoff is that it gives people with an exceptional sketch a chance at an interview.


Although we don't know definitively, the data (based on a small sample that may not be representative of the entire applicant pool) seems to suggest that they are more forgiving about the sketch for applicants with a higher wGPA. Still, it's definitely possible to get an interview even if your wGPA is below 3.90, which seems to be the number that gets thrown around on this site very often. Having the Ottawa cutoff at 3.70 would benefit somebody that has a very impressive ABS, since they'll still look at their application.

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