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If we do an ACLS/CPR course this spring (March) before the start of residency, will our future program typically reimburse costs, or is ACLS/CPR run by individual programs after July 1st?


Also, how does ATLS work? Do all residents complete this course as well? Thanks!


FYI, I'm planning for FM, hopefully in Ontario.

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Ask your home school. U of A offered us ACLS for cheap ($160), then we were told to keep the receipt because the residency program would reimburse us for it. It took like 3 months, but I finally got my reimbursement check in the fall.


I think MOST residency programs will reimburse you if you took ACLS in the spring or later.

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  • 4 weeks later...
My program provided ACLS for free as a PGY1. Wait, don't fork money over for something that could be free. There is no rush to get certified for day one of residency.


In ontario they are all required to arrange training for free. It is in the PARO contract.


However since they are doing the arranging that may mean they are holding the class and can simply not pay for one they are not offering. Hence it is best to contact them and see what their plans are.

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As someone who teaches ACLS I'm of the opinion that everyone who is a practicing MD should have ACLS. It's pretty much our profession's equivalent of a basic first aid course. If you are a doctor the public will expect you to know this stuff cold, and rightfully so. Furthermore, I'm of the opinion that these certifications should be kept up to date. The only exception is if you resuscitate people as your job, eg. emerg, anesthesia etc.


Regarding ATLS... Do it if you will be resuscitating traumas. If you are in psych or family (not interested in Emerg) etc. don't do it. It is more expensive and will be pretty much useless to you unless you are going to be spending time in the trauma bay.


The same principle applies to PALS. If clinical peads is not a big part of your future than skip it.


Also I wouldn't spend the cash to get these additional certifications for a single rotation in residency. Again, not worth it.

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