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Rapid Decline Of Morality/ethics/character/etc?


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Anybody else notice a trend of a decline in morality, ethics, and character? Or is it just me who notices this? This trend has seemed to have been started in around the 2008 peroid/financial crisis.


Why are people so unfaithful to their spouses these days? I have seen people openly talk about sleeping with a married person and openly bragging about it. What ever happened to loyalty?


Seems today all people care about is one's performance and money. Character doesn't matter and the menatality is lie, cheat, steal, and do whatever it takes to get the top.


Why are people so short term oriented? If somebody has a very sketchy/dishonest past but achieves "success" and "money" why is their past often overlooked and they are respected by society?


Some people might say I am accomplished academically and athleticly but I don't put anywhere near as much weight into this as I do in my character, integrity, morals etc.


Am I just a sucker for believing in having a strong sense of morals and god?


Unfortunately I have a hard time trusting people outside of my close circle of friends, family, and teammates.


This trend deeply disturbs me.


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There are good and bad people at all levels of society, it has always been this way and it has always been said that with each generation, morality, integrity is declining. Dishonesty, immorality, unfaithfulness has existed way before 2008 - for time immemorial. The more things seem to be changing, the more they stay the same. As for close family and friends, if you look under the veneer, they probably are no different than the rest of society.


I focus on a handful of those whom are very close to me and myself. Other than that, professionally, it is about patients, improving myself and never making any judgement calls, just doing the best with each patient. As for trusting people, this is a non-starter. Everything is political, you need to kiss @$$ to get ahead, and essentially, I trust myself. Many of us have values, morals, goodness and character, and we just live our lives doing our best one day at a time.


Focus on the positive and change what you can change. Like with Harper, he was hated for his arrogance, conquer and divide attitude with a feeling of entitlement. I liked the Conservatives, hated Harper and we brought him down by one vote at a time - good for us Canadians. 

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Nothing is changing, you're getting older and noticing it more.




Plus, you could make the argument that our parents generation was the morally corrupt ones who voted in Regan whose social and financial policies created the massive wealth gap that underlies the current financial crisis.


But really, its just because your noticing it more.

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Perhaps it is the new mindset of oversharing on social media, but I think there are just details about yourself that do not need to share with professional coworkers, especially supervisors (e.g. dating life, where you go out / party). Maybe it's just me. We all know the saying "too much information". Also, I've heard numerous times from older coworkers who have supervised students for 20+ years now, and I would say at least 75% would agree that the professionalism and 'quality' of students has declined (is it the laxity in universities? less overall discipline? - everyone gets a medal/pat on the back/can't "hurt anyone's feelings" with any kind of criticism)....definitely an interesting complex issue.

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Perhaps it is the new mindset of oversharing on social media, but I think there are just details about yourself that do not need to share with professional coworkers, especially supervisors (e.g. dating life, where you go out / party). Maybe it's just me. We all know the saying "too much information". Also, I've heard numerous times from older coworkers who have supervised students for 20+ years now, and I would say at least 75% would agree that the professionalism and 'quality' of students has declined (is it the laxity in universities? less overall discipline? - everyone gets a medal/pat on the back/can't "hurt anyone's feelings" with any kind of criticism)....definitely an interesting complex issue.


Ha! Ask those same older coworkers about their own training time and what they or their classmates got up to. I swear, I've heard more stories about unconscionable activities in the workplace from people over 50 than I've ever seen or heard from those my own age. The morality has changed over the years and undoubtedly our generation has some issues to sort out - proper use of social media being a big one - but that's a product of progress, not decline. We sort out the old issues with common morality so that we have new ones to deal with.


Even with respect to the OP's more narrow question on cutthroat competitiveness, especially in a medicine context, things seem to have gotten better if anything, not worse.

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Im only 22 and I would have to agree with you OP. Although I have done many sketchy things and I am by no means a "good person", I feel like the kids who do stuff like that are just getting younger and younger. BTW I am also saved and have been so for 4 years so maybe I too would notice this more. 

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