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Withdrawal On Premed Transcript


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I was in another professional postgrad program when I discovered I want to do medicine. There were a few years left in the program, so I decided to withdraw and now I am in med school. 


My mentors (from medicine) said the big fat WITHDRAWAL on my transcript will not matter. But if I apply to the programs that require UG transcripts, I can't help but think that it will work against me. Thoughts? Do I pretty much write these programs off? 

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I was in another professional postgrad program when I discovered I want to do medicine. There were a few years left in the program, so I decided to withdraw and now I am in med school. 


My mentors (from medicine) said the big fat WITHDRAWAL on my transcript will not matter. But if I apply to the programs that require UG transcripts, I can't help but think that it will work against me. Thoughts? Do I pretty much write these programs off? 

don't worry bra. won't affect you at all. not even 0.0000000000000000000001%. literally 0%

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agree with all the above. Lots of people switch from a program into med school. I'm sure your previous professional schooling is probably a bonus rather than any sort of red flag. 


I had a W on my transcript from a summer course during my BSc (was on my submitted transcript because I did med school at the same spot as my undergrad). I got a pile of interviews, no one ever asked about it. I had an answer ready in case but never had to use it : ) 

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry to revive the old thread, but do I need to mention the incomplete program on my CV? Or disclose that anywhere else?


Is the CV post-med school only?


Thanks y'all 


Yes, you should list your time enrolled in this program on your CV. CVs are everything of relevance (within reason) and all post-secondary education would be relevant. You certainly don't have to draw attention to the program. If you're worried about how your withdrawal will be perceived, you can write something along the lines of "Withdrew from program in good standing to commence studies at [MD Program]". It's generally good not to have unexplained gaps of time on your CV anyway, so I would definitely have the program included in some form or another.

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