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U of T campus locations: Downtown vs Mississauga

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I'm leaning towards DT campus since the OT program has been operated from there for decades. I feel uncomfortable being the first timer at the Mississauga campus. Although, I would be happy to get into any OT program in Canada. I am a BC resident and I would love to know more info on both campuses to make a final decision. 

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I chose Toronto, the main reason being that I've always lived in a small town and am dying to live in T.O. (although I know Mississauga also has a lot to offer).  I agree with @OThopeful18, I'm not sure how I feel about being a part of the first class and working out all of the (possible) issues. However I also agree with @MWUQ - cost of living is probably much cheaper in Mississauga. 

Ultimately I think it's a  personal preference and a matter of weighing the pro's and con's. I've had a number of friends live in Toronto for various reasons and they found it to be pretty isolating at times, due to a lack of community feeling. I also have friends living in Mississauga who are eager to move out, because although it's a big city and part of the GTA, they feel it lacks that "city vibe" and is too suburban.

Ultimately I'll be stoked if I get in anywhere, fingers are crossed :) 

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I would recommend Mississauga because the cost of living is so much cheaper than downtown. Class sizes are a bit smaller meaning you will have more 1 on 1 with profs. 

I agree that Toronto lacks the community feel. I would choose Mississauga 100% even though its not as vibrant as DT, downtown is so easily accessible by transit. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I graduated from UTM and was looking forward to studying downtown, but I think I might just choose Mississauga.

Working downtown full-time since graduating has made me miss being at UTM. I'm well accustomed to the campus, and I'd have no problems navigating the services there, having spent 3 years there. Plus I'm a 30 minute bus ride away from UTM, and not being in Toronto all the time will help prevent me from wandering into new restaurants/bars - which my wallet will greatly appreciate too.


Besides, I hope to do a PhD in the future. So I'm hoping to eventually study downtown, unless they move the PhD Rehab program to UTM :P

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