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March 24th Interviewees

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2 hours ago, sykern said:

Come to the clinical skills session!!!! Session will be held by yours truly and my other fellow classmates ;). 

Bonus - I'm a former nurse, so I have some tricks up my sleeve.

I went to this on Feb 24th and I really recommend it. It's pretty cool content but its also a nice way to destress mentally before your interviews!

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3 hours ago, IMislove said:

Good socials QMED, has a great time, even though I’m not the most confident about that MMI, hope to see y’all next year as a MS1. Sauna, didn’t see the video yet sadly :(, can’t wait to see it when you post it.

It’ll be up tonight in a few hours!

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3 hours ago, pine138 said:

THANKS to the entire QMED family for organizing such a wonderful weekend.
You made my first interview experience a delight amidst all the nerves.

Hopefully, fingers crossed, I will see you in september!

PS: for anyone who hasn't seen the video. Go take a look, it is absolutely incredible.
Link for the lazy

I second this- won't be joining you guys in the fall but I genuinely enjoyed the interview experience at Queen's.

Thanks for putting everything together!

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