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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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thought i'd update with whatever limited info i have right now since ORPAS won't update for me

applied: PT uoft mcmaster queens western 


rejected: queens 

waitlisted: western 


subGPA 3.89, 4th quartile casper. brutal out here. i thought my personal submissions were good haha. 

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1 minute ago, ptpt22 said:

thought i'd update with whatever limited info i have right now since ORPAS won't update for me

applied: PT uoft mcmaster queens western 


rejected: queens 

waitlisted: western 


subGPA 3.89, 4th quartile casper. brutal out here. i thought my personal submissions were good haha. 

I just got queen's waitlist - thoughts exactlyyy! 

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Applied: Western, UofT, Queens, McMaster (all OT)

Accepted: UofT and Western

Waitlisted: Queens

Rejected: McMaster (did not get MMI)

subGPA: 3.81 cGPA: 3.53

4th quartile CASPER

Hi everyone! So excited to have received an offer this year. I’m so sorry to those of you who are hurting tonight who did not get the results you wanted. I was rejected from everywhere I applied last year so I know the feeling and would be happy to offer any advice to anyone who may want to talk via direct message :). Congratulations to everyone who got an acceptance so far, we did it!

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Applied: (PT) Queens, UofT, Mac and Western

Accepted: UofT, Mac and Western, Queens (off waitlist)

Waitlisted: Queens

sGPA: 3.89, 4th quartile Casper

I thought the CAP was fair and the questions were straight forward. I was a little nervous since I didn't use all the time provided (I used an hour and 20 mins I believe) and many people had stated they were pressed for time. I thought KIRA was more difficult, but I felt fairly confident in majority of the questions.

One of my references was a professor I have had several times throughout the past year as well as the supervisor of my research practicum and NSERC USRA. My other reference was a physiotherapist that I shadowed at a local clinic. 

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Applied: (PT) UofT, Western, McMaster

Accepted: McMaster

Waitlisted: Western (middle third) and UofT

GPA: c-gpa = 3.88 and s-gpa: 3.90

Casper: 2nd quartile

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

My essay for western felt pretty strong but you never know what exactly they're looking for. 150 hours shadowing physios and doing strength and conditioning coaching in a sport medicine clinic. worked as admin in a different multidisciplinary clinic for 240 hours. 65 hours in a chiro clinic. My other experience is working at a gym for 1000+ hours and as track and field meet staff for 22 hours. I got a reference from a prof I had for 2 courses and know fairly well. And my second reference is from a physio I worked closely with at the first clinic I mentioned.

KIRA felt pretty good. I felt like I rambled here and there but I just tried to respond naturally and not over think. The last question I was asked felt like my strongest so I guess I left off on a good note lol!

CAP felt pretty good as well (similar to the KIRA).

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Applied (PT): Queens, Mac, Western

Accepted: Queens

Rejected: Western

No response yet (at least through email or ORPAS): Mac

Honestly did not expect to get an acceptance this year with a 3.86 GPA and 4th Quartile Casper, so I’m incredibly excited to be (most likely) heading to Queens!

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Guess we can do this fun thing now 

Applied: PT- Western, Queens / OT - UofA, McMaster, Western, Queens

Accepted: None :/

Rejected: PT - Western, Queens / OT - Queens

Waitlisted: UofA, Western

sGPA: 3.57 (according to ORPAS) cGPA - I dunno

Casper - 4th quartile 

felt like my qualitative parts of my application were good ( Licensed and practicing Athletic Therapist, coaching/volunteering for a new accessible ringette program, lots of clinic hours both working & shadowing with OT’s and some other non-rehab specific experience) but my GPA is obviously lacking lol. Guess it’s a waiting game now - but already signed up for more courses to boost the GPA!

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Applied: UBC (IP), Western, UofT, Queens, McMaster (all OT)

Accepted: UofT, Queens

Waitlisted: Western

Rejected: McMaster (did not get MMI), UBC

subGPA: 3.75 cGPA: 3.44

4th quartile CASPER


I was shocked to receive offers from queens and u of t!! I’ve never been to Ontario so I’m very torn with which school to go with but leaning towards u of t!! My GPA is not that high, but I have a few months of full time work experience as a coordinator for a mental health housing program! I think references and submission were decent, I did not have anyone review my submissions and my reference was a Nurse not an OT. Congratulations to those who got offers and keep your head up for next year if not!!

Any advice on U of T vs Queens for living experience would be super appreciated! 

thank you!!

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On 10/15/2021 at 12:54 PM, PTPTPT said:

Applied & still waiting to hear (PT only): UofT (CAP invite), McMaster, uOttawa
Waitlisted: McGill QY, Queen's
Rejected: Western
GPA: c-gpa 7.96/10 (not going to bother converting lol) and s-gpa 3.84/4
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: By the time applications are due, I'll have worked ~2500 hrs in a very multidisciplinary clinic as as a PTA and then R.Kin, alongside mainly PTs and OTs. Also have ~500 hrs between cardiac, stroke, and sport settings. I'm quite confident in my personal submissions, CASPer/Kira, and references due to my experience and the connections I've made through them. 

CASPer quartile: 4th/top quartile

I unsuccessfully applied in 2020 so it helps already being familiar with the various applications components - at that time my sGPA was a huge weakness and I've since improved it! For anyone feeling worried/down about not getting in right away, it's SO normal and SO okay. I finished undergrad a few years ago and the practical experience and break from school has been SO worth it. I feel much more prepared, mature, and confident now to go through PT school :) Feel free to ask me about it!

Update before I sleep! :unsure:

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Applied OT: Western, Queens (BC applicant)

Accepted: Queens


Rejected: Western

subGPA: 3.71 cGPA: 3.61

3rd quartile CASPR


I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT ACCEPTED TO QUEENS. Based on my cgpa I did not expect to, I felt like I was on the lower end of competitive, but I guess they liked my essay and resume! For reference I am 26, so a slightly older candidate, a big part of my essay was me discussing my head injury i sustained in a car accident and how that helped me understand the OT career. I also volunteered to shadow OTs at a prestigious rehab center, and worked as an admin at a physio clinic for a year. I talked about occupational justice and meaningful engagement with occupation a lot. I hope that me getting in gives future applicants browsing this forum hope, GPA isn't everything! I am pretty sure I will accept my offer :) good luck to everyone!

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Applied + (PT or OT?): PT - Western, UofT; OT - Western, UofT, Queen’s, McMaster

Accepted: UofT (PT)

Waitlisted: Western (PT), UofT (OT), McMaster (OT), Queen’s (OT)

Rejected: Western (OT)

GPA: sGPA - 3.90

CASPer: 3rd quartile

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

I think my application was fairly good, with job experiences in a summer camp with youth living with disability, volunteering with a rehab program for the elderly, shadowing at a physio clinic, a few leadership experiences, volunteering, and long-term sports, as well as a thesis project. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t have better results with OT as I thought my connections to OT were stronger, but my first choice was PT so I guess it was too transparent? My CAP went pretty well I think.

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