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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Focus on the MCAT instead...ECs are the most variable. Like some other members here who would agree with me, ECs are better if they are fewer but longer in duration (ex. I've been playing piano for 16 years)...you don't need to fill everything on the OMSAS app; but like a CV it should highlight what kind of individual you are for adcom. GPA and MCAT are the heavier portions of the trinity...ECs are a) luck dependent if your assessor does/doesn't like them...they just seem too typical for me, but that's just my biased opinion B) you never really know how well you are going to do in VR, which is deadly for Western.

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Ya you're probably right about that. I have been trying to decide how much time I should devote to volunteering this summer and how much time I should devote to studying, but based on how crappy I did on the MCATs the first time around, I should spend most of my time studying. Thanks again!

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Hi guys,


New to the forum. I hope you can give me a look at how I'm doing.


I'm in third year at UofT. My cgpa is 3.77.

OMSAS gpa (if I'm doing this correctly) is:

first year: 3.73

second year: 3.71

third year: ~3.71


I have good ECs with long term commitments in both volunteering, drumming, violin and dance. In terms of research, I'll be doing paid research this summer, and a thesis course next year.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)

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1) GPA - cGPA is ok....wGPA for schools may be better, not sure (you'll have to follow the rules for each school accordingly, use the search function...did you take full courseload?)

2) MCAT - unknown, you'll have to give me a score

3) ECs - good so far, but you never really know (very arbitrary in the process and how they are marked at each school)

4) Research - good to have, glad you have it.


So far, a lot of missing information, but GPA is somewhat okay (read the flow chart) and you'll need MCAT. Keep up with ECs and research.

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I haven't done the MCATs so far. I'm really worried about my GPA is all. I feel like I have a chance at Mac, Queens, UofT (my wgpa is 3.8+), and maybe Western if they don't increase the cutoffs. Would this outlook be accurate?


Should I try to apply to Dal, or Calgary? I know it's contingent upon my MCAT scores, but based on my GPA and (assuming) good enough ECs, would it be worth the moola?



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Should be okay. 3.8+ isn't bad for wGPA, it depends more then on a good-stellar interview for schools that use wGPA post interview and right now, they meet cutoff for pre-interview. You can apply to Dal, need to recalculate GPA for Calg (b/c they have their own scale, and it might be a bit low for their best two year cutoff). But right now, success at OOP and even IP schools rides heavily on a high MCAT. GPA is not really the saving factor for you, to put it bluntly but your MCAT can be. ECs are very variable....some schools might say your ECs are great, some might be more cynical towards it, so right now it's not a section to rely on.

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Should I even bother?


Currently 2nd year at Queen's Lifesci:


Yr 1: 3.4

Yr 2: 3.69


I've pretty much shot myself in the foot haven't I?.. Since the only schools worth looking at now are Western and Queen's.


On another note: if you're applying in your 4th year, does your GPA in your 4th year count?


Thanks guyss :)


Your 4th year GPA does NOT count for the purpose of gaining interview. For UWO, it will for the purpose of acceptance. Doing a 5th year could be an option if your 3rd year mark is still <3.7.


Have you looked into OOP schools that look at best 2 years? Try Usask, UAlb, Dal.

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Hey shikimate, thanks for replying :)


I haven't really looked into OOP schools because I was under the impression that they have very little seats reserved for the OOP ppl. Is this assumption true? Also is it entirely possible to get into Western with a 3.7?


for UWO you must must get at least 3.7 in your 3rd and 4th years (with full load and 60% rule), and have good MCAT. Anything can happen after the interview.


OOP is another shot if your next 2 years are very very good. It's a long shot, but it's possible.


MCAT: you know what you need to do.

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Should I even bother?


Currently 2nd year at Queen's Lifesci:


Yr 1: 3.4

Yr 2: 3.69


I've pretty much shot myself in the foot haven't I?.. Since the only schools worth looking at now are Western and Queen's.


On another note: if you're applying in your 4th year, does your GPA in your 4th year count?


Thanks guyss :)


By the looks of things, you're kind of toast for the application cycle that will happen in your fourth year. From what I remember (and I could be mistaken), Western will consider your best year, and then will accept you on the condition that your fourth year also meets standards (which I think is 3.75). All your eggs will be in one basket, though, and even that acceptance has strings attached. This does not mean that you won't be competitive for future applications, but you're really going to have to hammer out your last two years if you want this degree's GPA to be competitive. People in worse positions have gotten in, but if things don't start going your way, it might be necessary to do a second UG (this is the road I had to go down). I don't expect your GPA to be competitive in the OOP pools across the country, as these are exceptionally competitive (at Dal, there are over 600 applicants for 9 seats. This degree of competition is standard).


Best of luck!

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By the looks of things, you're kind of toast for the application cycle that will happen in your fourth year. From what I remember (and I could be mistaken), Western will consider your best year, and then will accept you on the condition that your fourth year also meets standards (which I think is 3.75). All your eggs will be in one basket, though, and even that acceptance has strings attached. This does not mean that you won't be competitive for future applications, but you're really going to have to hammer out your last two years if you want this degree's GPA to be competitive. People in worse positions have gotten in, but if things don't start going your way, it might be necessary to do a second UG (this is the road I had to go down). I don't expect your GPA to be competitive in the OOP pools across the country, as these are exceptionally competitive (at Dal, there are over 600 applicants for 9 seats. This degree of competition is standard).


Best of luck!


Hey thanks for your input! So did you complete your 2nd undergrad degree before being admitted to med? What other routes would you recommend? I am currently considering pharm, optometry and dentistry (probably like all the other iffy med wannabees hahaha)

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I have just completed my 3rd year in university (Statistics and Human Bio). I have completed all my prerequisites for all Ontario schools except Ottawa, which require a full-yr Orgo chem. I'm thinking of applying to medical schools in Ontario. Here are some of my info (based on OMSAS):


1st yr GPA: 3.60 (5 Full courseload)

2nd yr GPA: 3.87 (5 Full courseload)

3rd yr GPA: 3.95 (5 Full courseload)


wGPA: 3.9+ (assume I'm allowed to drop my worst 3 FCEs when I apply to U of T)



MCAT: 12(PS), 8(VR), R (writing), 12(BS)


I wrote the MCAT last yr but I did not put in enough effort. I plan to rewrite it again this summer, with hope of improving my VR score.


I have volunteer experiences at a downtown hospital (200 hrs so far) as well as in Thailand, where I help to build some houses. I have also served as a rescue worker with the International Red Cross for 2 years, where I did a small part during the Earthquake that struck Indonesia a few years back. I also did a genetics research project with a prof during my 2nd yr in university, but it wasn't published. I have no NSERC. I only received a couple of small scholarships from my college.


I know my grades and extra-curriculars are not as stellar as some which I have seen here in the forum, but I really hope to be given a chance at least a couple of interviews in some schools in Ontario. My first yr grades are bad because I messed up real bad on a half-credit.


Which schools should I try? Or should I just try after my 4th year? Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks. :o

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I have just completed my 3rd year in university (Statistics and Human Bio). I have completed all my prerequisites for all Ontario schools except Ottawa, which require a full-yr Orgo chem. I'm thinking of applying to medical schools in Ontario. Here are some of my info (based on OMSAS):


1st yr GPA: 3.60 (5 Full courseload)

2nd yr GPA: 3.87 (5 Full courseload)

3rd yr GPA: 3.95 (5 Full courseload)


wGPA: 3.9+ (assume I'm allowed to drop my worst 3 FCEs when I apply to U of T)



MCAT: 12(PS), 8(VR), R (writing), 12(BS)


I wrote the MCAT last yr but I did not put in enough effort. I plan to rewrite it again this summer, with hope of improving my VR score.


I have volunteer experiences at a downtown hospital (200 hrs so far) as well as in Thailand, where I help to build some houses. I have also served as a rescue worker with the International Red Cross for 2 years, where I did a small part during the Earthquake that struck Indonesia a few years back. I also did a genetics research project with a prof during my 2nd yr in university, but it wasn't published. I have no NSERC. I only received a couple of small scholarships from my college.


I know my grades and extra-curriculars are not as stellar as some which I have seen here in the forum, but I really hope to be given a chance at least a couple of interviews in some schools in Ontario. My first yr grades are bad because I messed up real bad on a half-credit.


Which schools should I try? Or should I just try after my 4th year? Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks. :o


Hey Man,


Those are great stats. The fact that you have done better in each successive year always works in your favour. I would say you have a decent shot at all the Ontario schools, provided that you re-write the MCAT and score an 11 on VR. Your should be more or less competitive at every school.


All the best.


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Hey Man,


Those are great stats. The fact that you have done better in each successive year always works in your favour. I would say you have a decent shot at all the Ontario schools, provided that you re-write the MCAT and score an 11 on VR. Your should be more or less competitive at every school.


All the best.



Thanks a lot for your words of encouragement, Jordan! They really mean a lot to a mature student like me. :)

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Hey guys looking to apply to ontario schools this year for fall 2012 cycle


Studying in my fourth year at Waterloo taking Health Studies



Term Units GPA


1st year (fall) 2.5 3.7

1st year (winter) 3 3.51

2nd year (summer) 2.5 3.74

2nd year (fall) 3 3.66

3rd year (winter) 2.5 3.86

3rd year (fall) 2.5 3.84

4th year (winter) 3 3.54


MCAT (august 2010) B 9/ Phys 11 / V 10 Writing: Q

Total 30Q


I have one more semester to complete this fall

I had to take one semester off in the winter of 2nd year due to medical reasons and as a result had my course sequence rearranged a bit so this fall I will require 2 more courses to graduate but am going to be taking a few courses extra to meet the full course load requirement


I have also completed all my science prereqs

I have volunteering experience both in the hospital and in clinical settings at a cardiac rehabilitation center and a cancer patient exercise clinic

I am also an exec member on the pre med society, and have been part of various cultural clubs and the varsity dance team for three years


I haven't had any research positions yet but hope to get some done between the time i finish my undergrad in december and hopefully begin med school in september however I won't be able to add that on my application yet


I am also late in the game in terms of making solid connections with any of my professors but will look to be doing that as soon as school starts as I will be having a few seminar courses which will allow for closer interaction with the professor.


Do I have a shot at getting into Ontario med schools or should I start looking south to either the US MD/DO and carribean route?

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I am only going into 3rd of my undergrad Health Sciences degree, does anyone know if a 3.82 cumulative OMSAS gpa will be good enough to get an interview at any of the Ontario medical schools? I would never expect to get in or whatever third year I just don't know if I even have a shot at an interview... Thanks for any feedback

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I am only going into 3rd of my undergrad Health Sciences degree, does anyone know if a 3.82 cumulative OMSAS gpa will be good enough to get an interview at any of the Ontario medical schools? I would never expect to get in or whatever third year I just don't know if I even have a shot at an interview... Thanks for any feedback
Have you written the MCAT? The score would help determine if you meet the cutoffs for Ontario med schools (since your GPA meets the cuts).
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I just got my cGPA after completing third year at UofT and am feeling pretty depressed about my chances of entering a Canadian med school. Is there any chance for me??


OMSAS cGPA (after 3 years): 3.77

cGPA (after 4 years): ~3.80


Problem with this is that I didn't take full course load in two semesters so no weighted formulas will work for me.



hospital volunteering (over a year), tutoring (about a year), columnist (1yr) and now copy editor of a school newspaper, volunteer/general member of a school cultural club- take part in plays and fundraiser events, work part time at a lab as a technical assistant, recreational sports, executive of a global youth-led change group chapter in Canada



- one summer research project

- full year individual research project - to be done during fourth year


Studying for MCATs this summer, hoping to do well...


Is there still hope for me considering UofT's average is 3.88 or 3.89 and McMaster's average is similar? Really hoping for some advice.


Thank you!

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