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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Hi guys, I'm a third year student applying as IP to UT, McMaster and Queens.



first year GPA:3.92, summer:3.8, second year:4.0 (full course load for academic years)





ECs are mediocre if not poor, I have done lots of hospital related volunteering, played sports recreationally, some tutoring, but no real major involvements in clubs or research yet.


thanks in advance :)

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Just got my MCAT score today so I thought I would get experienced people's opinions. Thanks in advance :)


4th year student at UofT applying as IP to UofT, Western, Ottawa, McMaster and Queens. Also applying to McGill, Alberta, and Manitoba.



10PS/14VR/10BS (I'm hoping the 14 verbal will help me with the ontario schools)


OMSAS cGPA=3.33 --> but had terrible first year

first year= 2.73, second year= 3.53, third year=3.75

(full course load)--> Best/Last 2 years= ~3.64



ECs imo are good: 300hrs hospital volunteering, played many sports recreationally, flutist for 12 years, mentoring, helped organize a few conferences. 2 years research in psychopharmacology at Sunnybrook and 1 year (current) research in biomedical engineering at UofT. Many poster presentations and a couple publications.


Will my gpa be the downfall of me? THANKS :P

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Just got my MCAT score today so I thought I would get experienced people's opinions. Thanks in advance :)


4th year student at UofT applying as IP to UofT, Western, Ottawa, McMaster and Queens. Also applying to McGill, Alberta, and Manitoba.



10PS/14VR/10BS (I'm hoping the 14 verbal will help me with the ontario schools)


OMSAS cGPA=3.33 --> but had terrible first year

first year= 2.73, second year= 3.53, third year=3.75

(full course load)--> Best/Last 2 years= ~3.64



ECs imo are good: 300hrs hospital volunteering, played many sports recreationally, flutist for 12 years, mentoring, helped organize a few conferences. 2 years research in psychopharmacology at Sunnybrook and 1 year (current) research in biomedical engineering at UofT. Many poster presentations and a couple publications.


Will my gpa be the downfall of me? THANKS :P



Sexy verbal...GREAT chance of getting in somewhere. GPA shouldn't

hold you back too much since rest of your application appear excellent.

Good luck.

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MCAT: 10 PS 9 VR 11 BS Q WS



UofT wGPA: 3.94


Various EC: receptionist/guide (80hrs), tutor (160hrs), biology club member (4yrs), jogging club member (4yrs), Deans List (4 yrs), in-course scholarships (x4), NSERC URSA, RA at biotech firm (4mo), RA at hospital (7mo-ongoing)


I'm IP Ontario (Toronto)

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Just got my MCAT score today so I thought I would get experienced people's opinions. Thanks in advance :)


4th year student at UofT applying as IP to UofT, Western, Ottawa, McMaster and Queens. Also applying to McGill, Alberta, and Manitoba.



10PS/14VR/10BS (I'm hoping the 14 verbal will help me with the ontario schools)


OMSAS cGPA=3.33 --> but had terrible first year

first year= 2.73, second year= 3.53, third year=3.75

(full course load)--> Best/Last 2 years= ~3.64



ECs imo are good: 300hrs hospital volunteering, played many sports recreationally, flutist for 12 years, mentoring, helped organize a few conferences. 2 years research in psychopharmacology at Sunnybrook and 1 year (current) research in biomedical engineering at UofT. Many poster presentations and a couple publications.


Will my gpa be the downfall of me? THANKS :P


Unless you're swomen, Western is out as your BS is too low.

It's going to be hard for Ottawa if you're not from the region as you'll miss the gpa cutoffs.

UofT usually trends towards applicants with higher wGPA than you probably have, but you never know so give it a shot.

Mac is probably a good fit as your verbal may balance your gpa out.

McGill is almost certainly out as last years gpa cutoff was 3.9

Your gpa is probably too low for Alberta OOP.

For Queens you'll have to raise your last two year gpa.

Manitoba... I'm not too sure.


To be honest, your gpa has closed a lot of doors for now. That being said, aim for high marks this year and you can apply to more schools down the road. You only need to be able to apply to one school to get in and you have quite a few good experiences under your belt.

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Unless you're swomen, Western is out as your BS is too low.


Wasn't the cutoff last year a 10 for BS? That's what it says on their website.


Thanks for all your insight!! I'm planning on doing a masters if it doesn't work out this round, so that my GPA won't be such a huge downing factor in the future.

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Wasn't the cutoff last year a 10 for BS? That's what it says on their website.


Thanks for all your insight!! I'm planning on doing a masters if it doesn't work out this round, so that my GPA won't be such a huge downing factor in the future.


You're correct. I was under the false impression that it was 11. I would definitely apply to Western if I were you.

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1) Just outside of Toronto, but would be willing to attend med school outside of Ontario as well. Sorry what do you mean by "IP", I assume not given that I have no idea what it is, haha.

2) I have not written the MCAT yet. My apologies, should have worded the question better. What I should have asked is: are my grades good enough for med school? and suggesstions to improve my extra-curriculars/ volunteer work?


Your best chances are Queens, UWO, Dal because they look at 2 years. It's too bad you are not InProvince for any province outside Ontario. Long shots are Calgary, Mac, and UT.


Your competitiveness more or less rests on your MCAT score. The safe score would be BS10, PS10, VR11, R. Note UWO has used VR11 as strict cutoff, and Queens has used Q/R in WS as cutoff. A minimum of 10 in BS and PS is safe.

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Hi guys, I'm a third year student applying as IP to UT, McMaster and Queens.



first year GPA:3.92, summer:3.8, second year:4.0 (full course load for academic years)





ECs are mediocre if not poor, I have done lots of hospital related volunteering, played sports recreationally, some tutoring, but no real major involvements in clubs or research yet.


thanks in advance :)


You can definitely try Queens, Mac, Ottawa and UT. Don't be surprised if you land more than 1 interview from them. Your GPA is great and MCAT is good.

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Just got my MCAT score today so I thought I would get experienced people's opinions. Thanks in advance :)


4th year student at UofT applying as IP to UofT, Western, Ottawa, McMaster and Queens. Also applying to McGill, Alberta, and Manitoba.



10PS/14VR/10BS (I'm hoping the 14 verbal will help me with the ontario schools)


OMSAS cGPA=3.33 --> but had terrible first year

first year= 2.73, second year= 3.53, third year=3.75

(full course load)--> Best/Last 2 years= ~3.64



ECs imo are good: 300hrs hospital volunteering, played many sports recreationally, flutist for 12 years, mentoring, helped organize a few conferences. 2 years research in psychopharmacology at Sunnybrook and 1 year (current) research in biomedical engineering at UofT. Many poster presentations and a couple publications.


Will my gpa be the downfall of me? THANKS :P


I would say the only realistic ones are UWO and possibly Queens. It would be exceedingly difficult for the OOP ones unless you have IP status. UT and Ottawa is very unlikely too. Mac, maybe, can't say for sure, but VR14 may help a lot. Simply put, GPA is on the lower side for most schools.

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MCAT: 10 PS 9 VR 11 BS Q WS



UofT wGPA: 3.94


Various EC: receptionist/guide (80hrs), tutor (160hrs), biology club member (4yrs), jogging club member (4yrs), Deans List (4 yrs), in-course scholarships (x4), NSERC URSA, RA at biotech firm (4mo), RA at hospital (7mo-ongoing)


Where are you from? Are you IP for any province or SWOMEN status? Your GPA is probably good enough for most schools, but depending on your geographic status you may run into trouble with 9VR.

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I'm in second year and my first year was horrible.


Most medical institutions are willing to ignore my first year where I dropped one course and obtained a very low average.


My second year is slightly better but is in great danger of becoming like my first year. If it goes to that point, it's over.


I had a really bad day today when I did poorly on my Advanced Calculus midterm.


I am trying to take upper-level Maths as free electives but it's not working out for me. I like Math but it is extremely harmful to my GPA.


I'm not really sure which degree I want to do. I want to do Physiology but I may not have the requirements because I didn't get enough credits in my first year.


I have lots of issues, obviously.


Med school is my dream. If I don't get accepted, it's over for me.



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Try taking math during the summer. Some med schools in ontario and alberta don't consider summer semester grades. Also some med schools drop your lowest 30 credits, specifically U of T and UBC. U of T only drops your lowest 30 if you've taken a full load every year tho...

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Your cGPA is below U of T's cut-off, but what is your weighted GPA for there? If it's a 3.6 or higher then they'll look at your file at least.


Not sure about Alberta, and for UMan I believe you need a minimum of a 36 on the MCAT as an OOP.


My weighted score for UofT is about a 3.64 as well (I also added an essay why my first year doesn't reflect my potential). I just passed the cutoffs to apply to queens, manitoba, and alberta (not sure if they raise then afterwards, like with queens).


I think the MCAT average for OOP for Manitoba was like 12, and I have an 11.3


I'm sending in my MCAT to McGill in hopes that it can compensate somewhat for my lower GPA.


I'm really just hoping to get interviews at UofT, Queens, McMaster and Western.

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I know I already posted here a while ago but now since I will apply this round I'd like some feedback.


So I'm in third year Software Engineering, 3.6 GPA.


I want to apply to the three french universities in Quebec.




(With this GPA I'm on the Dean List, to give an idea of the standings).

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I'm IP Ontario (from Toronto)


Well that doesn't help much. The 9 in VR will prevent you from UWO, and NOSM is unlikely. But UT, Mac, and Queens is very possible. Ottawa maybe depend on your wGPA. You should try some OOP as well because your GPA is good. Overall I think you have a good chance, so should try out 5-6 schools.

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Well that doesn't help much. The 9 in VR will prevent you from UWO, and NOSM is unlikely. But UT, Mac, and Queens is very possible. Ottawa maybe depend on your wGPA. You should try some OOP as well because your GPA is good. Overall I think you have a good chance, so should try out 5-6 schools.


Any OOP schools you think I'll have a shot at?

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Any OOP schools you think I'll have a shot at?


Well your GPA is solid, so try out as many OOP as possible. Say UBC for sure, Alerta maybe, Calgary maybe (they weight VR heavily), Manitoba maybe (they look at overall MCAT), try Dal for sure. Just try to apply to as many as possible, you never know with these OOP schools, even though they are hard to get into you just may get lucky.

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Hey guys, here are my numbers:


Applying to all Ontario schools (except NOSM)

-4 yr science degree already, taking classes in 5th year to obtain certificate

-3.79 cGPA (only one B in 41 courses)

-3.87 1st yr

-3.84 2nd yr

-3.82 3rd yr

-3.6 4th yr

-5th yr projected to be 3.9 +/- 0.1



Wrote MCAT twice:

First time: 29R (5 VR, 13 PS, 11 BS)

Second time: 31P (9 VR, 12 PS, 10 BS)


Decent ECs/volunteering: two summers in hospital position, 1 yr lab volunteer, thesis project, some part time work, campus tutor 1 yr, presented at scientific conferences, other minor stuff...

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Hey guys, here are my numbers:


Applying to all Ontario schools (except NOSM)

-4 yr science degree already, taking classes in 5th year to obtain certificate

-3.79 cGPA (only one B in 41 courses)

-3.87 1st yr

-3.84 2nd yr

-3.82 3rd yr

-3.6 4th yr

-5th yr projected to be 3.9 +/- 0.1



Wrote MCAT twice:

First time: 29R (5 VR, 13 PS, 11 BS)

Second time: 31P (9 VR, 12 PS, 10 BS)


Decent ECs/volunteering: two summers in hospital position, 1 yr lab volunteer, thesis project, some part time work, campus tutor 1 yr, presented at scientific conferences, other minor stuff...


Western - good shot, I would say your best

Toronto - unless your wGPA is higher, the odds may be against you

Ottawa - no chance due to low cGPA

Mac - May be pretty hard due to low Verbal, Casper is important

Queens - who knows, likely under a holistic review that VR may hurt you.

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