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Free backpack?

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While I'm also the type of person who prefers not to advertise my future occupation in public, I don't feel that the med backpack falls into the same category as, say, clothing with "Medicine" in big letters on it, or that credit card with "MD" in even bigger letters.


How many people who are not knowledgeable about med school will know what it is or notice you wearing it in a public area? If you are self-conscious about the white embroidery, just put some patches on the bottom. It is a very practical bag with multiple compartments.. still using it (albeit slightly worn and frayed) as a resident because I don't want to bring anything else to the hospital. The bag *is* highly recognizable in the med school and hospital environment, but can hardly be said to be a status symbol there, lol.

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While I'm also the type of person who prefers not to advertise my future occupation in public, I don't feel that the med backpack falls into the same category as, say, clothing with "Medicine" in big letters on it, or that credit card with "MD" in even bigger letters.


How many people who are not knowledgeable about med school will know what it is or notice you wearing it in a public area? If you are self-conscious about the white embroidery, just put some patches on the bottom. It is a very practical bag with multiple compartments.. still using it (albeit slightly worn and frayed) as a resident because I don't want to bring anything else to the hospital. The bag *is* highly recognizable in the med school and hospital environment, but can hardly be said to be a status symbol there, lol.


Well put. I agree with this 100%, this "backpack" status is limited to I believe those students who are in universities with med schools and even more those who are pursuing meds. No one else will really notice them. So why not wear it? I still don't think its pretentious. I had thoughts about wearing the bag myself because of these very notions, but then I realized that instead of worrying about it looking pretentious, I should see it as a backpack which I'll be proud to wear.


I simply do not buy however that students wear this bag only because it is free...it just looks ridiculous when 150 students come out of a classroom wearing the same hideous blue or bright green backpack.


Ppl wear it because those who know, know it is a med school bag. That is all. It is great, convenient, free, but above all a designation that you are in med school. But again no one says this is a bad thing.


If you are a pretentious douchebag, you will be one regardless of this bag trust me.

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Anyone who isn't going to wear this bag, because they think it is "pretentious" = self-righteous


Anyone who is wearing this bag because they simply think it is a "free bag" = lying


I think it is a little bit of both. Yes, the bag is free, that saves you $80 and from talking to other Meds apparently it is actually a decent bag. Any student that attends an university with a medical school can easily identify these bags. And every medical student knows this! The bag is hideous...let's be honest. It is in bright colors and stands right out. People wear it because yes it is a free bag, but also because it is a MED SCHOOL bag.


There is nothing wrong with this however...referring to the person who was "embarassed" to show their MD management bank card, really? you are way too self concious if you think people get bugged seeing a card like that.


Believe it or not, it is OKAY to be proud of your accomplishments. The bag is free, but is also a sign of your accomplishment, wear it proudly, the law students wear theirs, the dents wear theirs and I don't think anyone thinks they're pretentious. At the very least, they say, "oh there goes a med student, what an ugly bag".


Sport that bag you deserve it, if you don't like it buy a new bag, it is no different than wearing an University T-Shirt that Says "Schulich Medicine". You don't need that bag to be a pretentious med student.


Also...like others said this bag isn't celebrity status, it isn't going to get you premeds rushing in to ask you questions, get over urself.


excellent post

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It's just a freakin' backpack. And that's it. No one cares you're wearing it. Moreso, as hard as this is to believe, no one actually cares that you're a med student.


I had a med school attached to my uni, and premeds did not swarm around the med students, let alone give them a second glance. There is no celebrity status associated with being a med student, let alone a backpack.


So relax guys, you can wear the backpack without inducing inferiority complexes into the onlookers. It is pretentious to assume that it is pretentious to wear one.

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Telling people who are simply expressing their honest opinion on an internet forum that they need to get over themselves does not equal "polite" or "chill". Just sayin'.


I don't like the bag. I don't like walking around with MD bags or clothing. It's a personal choice. It's that simple.


Yours truly,


Master of the Universe

Medicine 2010


Whoah. Didn't read the whole thread but....


Are we getting a little ahead of ourselves here. "Pretentious" display of achievement? Its a red backpack that means you got into medical school. Big flippin deal. It's not like you're Master of the Universe, or something worth a second look. Get over yourself. You're not that important. And neither am I.


If you're worried you might look like you think you're the ish and showboating, then try this: I knew med students who sported the bag, but in their behaviour, they were extremely modest, polite, humble, chill and didn't walk with their noses in the clouds.


And if a prememd approached me asking admissions questions. No problem. Happy to help.


Oh, and what pb said.

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I wouldn’t describe the bag as pretentious but it is certainly on the garish side (last years blue, anyways, and it sounds like the new red follows suit). I use it regardless.


Bottom line for me is, it’s a free bag. If you already have one, or can afford another backpack/Lululemon bag etc, than you’re set! If you don’t want to spend money from your student loan/LOC then use this one! I understand the need for anonymity also so if that’s a concern, do what you have to do.


I and many others are simply past the point of either believing or caring that the average stranger is interested in me, my backpack, whether or not I’m in med school etc. (Yes, I was once questioned by a premed I happened to sit down right next to on public transit but was not bothered by this).


We are all entitled to our opinions/rebuttals and it certainly makes the thread more fun than if everyone was ‘chill’ and I don’t see where anyone has stopped being ‘polite’. Truthfully, I would feel more than a little ridiculous whipping out the gold ‘MD’ mastercard at McDonalds or wearing a faculty sweatshirt with a big rod of Asclepius on the back, lol. I feel EXTREMELY pretentious walking through the hospital in a white coat with stethoscope around my neck that I barely know how to use, but that's life!

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Gosh, you certainly took the wind out of the sails of my, IMO, silly and funny post... I guess tone is hard to determine on the internets.


I'm not offended by things that were said in the least, I was just pointing out what I thought was an interesting contradiction... Maybe it's also just me but I don't think eyerolling and being told to "get over ourselves" because we are not "Masters of the Universe" is polite, but hey, it's the interwebs and I wasn't looking for polite-just thought it was an interesting comment in the context of the entire post.


Besides, I was offended by the impolite comment because I am Master of the Universe and I'm tired of the persecution... however, my psychiatrist keeps telling me otherwise, stupid muggle killjoy that he is :P


We are all entitled to our opinions/rebuttals and it certainly makes the thread more fun than if everyone was ‘chill’ and I don’t see where anyone has stopped being ‘polite’. Truthfully, I would feel more than a little ridiculous whipping out the gold ‘MD’ mastercard at McDonalds or wearing a faculty sweatshirt with a big rod of Asclepius on the back, lol. I feel EXTREMELY pretentious walking through the hospital in a white coat with stethoscope around my neck that I barely know how to use, but that's life!

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You know, I didn't even know about these colored backpacks for each class year until this year when a UofA student actually told me a day before my interview. Coming from a undergrad school that doesn't have a med school, I presume most wouldn't even know about it.


But, I do have to agree that these brightly colored backpacks are too vibrant...


Personally, even if I chose to wear the backpack, and was singled out by premeds for advice, I would be glad to help :) (to return a favor)


I didn't know about the backpacks until I read this forum. I've been at an undergrad school with a med school for 4 years and I still have no idea what this backpack looks like.

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Gosh, you certainly took the wind out of the sails of my, IMO, silly and funny post... I guess tone is hard to determine on the internets.


I didn’t intend to direct my post at you and wasn’t trying to specifically call you out so quoting your words probably wasn’t helpful. In any case, I think you might be right about this here ‘internets’ thing. After all, I was amused by my own silly and funny post, apparently it was not as whimsical as I thought :mad: . I doubt any of us will lose any sleep tonight over “Backpackgate” :o (yes, lame, I already know, lol), especially not the Princess of Power!

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Medordie... backpackgate, I love it!!! Sorry for misinterpreting your post... I think we have a similar sense of humour and therefore I, She-Ra, cristen thee Princess of Bright Moon! Errr... or He-Man if you are a guy... another thing you can't tell on the internets!


(And really, it must look like I have so much time on my hands but I'm online trying to find elective accomodation in Nanaimo BC which is about as hard as it sounds, lol.)

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Medordie... backpackgate, I love it!!!


Hahaha, I'm glad you got the joke...But seriously, now that I got what I really came here for (validation of my ideas from a perfect stranger on the internet, of course), I guess I can move on, lol. Enjoy the day, all!

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These backpacks are great for travelling / going to conferences, because it's a great networking tool. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to pick out another medical student out in the terminals and whatnot, and it gives a great basis for breaking the ice.


I personally don't wear the backpack unless I'm travelling because I don't like to be one to stick out from the crowd in my day-to-day life. However, even if you do choose to wear the backpack, I'd say that 90% of the people outside of medicine don't even know the significance of the backpack (they just wonder why there's a bunch of students with similar colored backpacks - especially during the tours of Orientation Week). Furthermore, really the only 'identifier' on the bag is the "MD Managment" and "Alberta Medical Association" (on ours), but that really doesn't point you out as a medical student to a stranger. It's not like the bag actually has in big bold lettering "I AM A MEDICAL STUDENT".

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These backpacks are great for travelling / going to conferences, because it's a great networking tool. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to pick out another medical student out in the terminals and whatnot, and it gives a great basis for breaking the ice.


True. During CaRMS interview season it was actually kind of funny to see so many (relatively speaking) of the backpacks in the airport.

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It's not like the bag actually has in big bold lettering "I AM A MEDICAL STUDENT".


... no, but the people on my bus route have associated them with med students, so the 5 days I wore mine, I got questions like... "My daughter has this fever that won't break, what should I do about it?" to... "Will you take a look at this fungus on my finger?"


I just use a regular bag.

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... no, but the people on my bus route have associated them with med students, so the 5 days I wore mine, I got questions like... "My daughter has this fever that won't break, what should I do about it?" to... "Will you take a look at this fungus on my finger?"


I just use a regular bag.


L0L that's terrible if true..

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I got questions like... "My daughter has this fever that won't break, what should I do about it?"


Answer: Tamiflu is apparently the new solution for everything.



"Will you take a look at this fungus on my finger?"


Answer: That's not fungus, you just need to wash your hands after you eat.

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These backpacks are great for travelling / going to conferences, because it's a great networking tool. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to pick out another medical student out in the terminals and whatnot, and it gives a great basis for breaking the ice.


I personally don't wear the backpack unless I'm travelling because I don't like to be one to stick out from the crowd in my day-to-day life. However, even if you do choose to wear the backpack, I'd say that 90% of the people outside of medicine don't even know the significance of the backpack (they just wonder why there's a bunch of students with similar colored backpacks - especially during the tours of Orientation Week). Furthermore, really the only 'identifier' on the bag is the "MD Managment" and "Alberta Medical Association" (on ours), but that really doesn't point you out as a medical student to a stranger. It's not like the bag actually has in big bold lettering "I AM A MEDICAL STUDENT".



I would even say 99%. Ie: 90% of university students outside of medicine (or lets say health), and 100% of pple (nonstudents) outside of health sciences.

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