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Yes. My espn can multi-task (like any good premed of course)


That's from some movie but I can't remember which one... -1 for you for not getting it hehe (altho I think it's a dumb blond type movie so maybe +1 for you for not having watched it and -1 for me ;) )



I believe it's from the opening scene to Scary Movie 3 with Pamela Anderson and the other dumb blonde haha....

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It would be weird for them to have this session before the interviews were sent. Therefore, my ESPN also suggests they will be sent out this week. I bet the first wave will be sent out tomorrow :)


I don't know when the interview invites will be sent out, but I can assure you that in the past interview information sessions have been held before interview invites have been sent out :)

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Why you gotta crush our dreams like that WUT? ? (hehe...my sentence was a question but your name also has a question mark so now it looks funny)


freakin Alberta...who do they think they are anyway?? All the other schools have at least started sending invites...




Sorry ;)


I'm not sure what's going on with the invites. I could scrounge around with my sources, but I have a feeling that they're as much in the dark as you guys are.

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There's an air canada seat sale on right now. I wonder if it would help if I called Alberta and told them I need to know by tomorrow so I can buy my ticket with the seat sale. Little do they know it's not really a sale since the price comes out exactly the same as the last two flights I bought over a month ago. They don't need to know that though:p


Pleeease, I'm a poor student and I can't afford to pay full price for my flight!!!!!!!


Seriously though...I have a good feeling about today:rolleyes:

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I think they're sending them out by carrier pigeon. Therefore, they should arrive on the 23rd of February at 2:13am, unless you live in Fort Mac, in which case you're screwed because the pigeons froze mid-air near Peace River. If you're out of province, your pigeon should come any day now, unless you're living in the territories or perhaps in a basement suite, in either case, and especially if you're living in a basement suite in Nunavut, you're screwed.

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I think they're sending them out by carrier pigeon. Therefore, they should arrive on the 23rd of February at 2:13am, unless you live in Fort Mac, in which case you're screwed because the pigeons froze mid-air near Peace River. If you're out of province, your pigeon should come any day now, unless you're living in the territories or perhaps in a basement suite, in either case, and especially if you're living in a basement suite in Nunavut, you're screwed.




omg that made my day...

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