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Dating in Medical School

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The free time is decreased in med school. From (1) Increased class / lab / small group time and (2) the amount of studying you will do.


I actually disagree with this. I think I might go to the same school as you as well haha. I spend far less time studying in med school than I did when I was trying to get 100% on everything in undergrad. I also have at least double the spare time I did before. Obviously this will change next year with taking up clinical duties, but I'm just saying the experience can be a little bit different for everyone.


As far as dating . . . I think circumstances are trivial. If you're with the right person you'll find a way to make it work. There's a number of engaged, married, and people with children/having children in my class. There's also a number of us dating people that have nothing to do with health care.

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I know of one couple in my class, but there may be more. :)

There are a number of people in committed relationships however. There are a number of us who are married or engaged. At least one is married to someone who is in one of the upper year classes.


On the side note of getting married during med school, I got married in September (my husband is not in medicine). We didn't pay for our wedding however, our lovely parents were very good to us in that regard. But we do have a house and are undergoing renovations right now. I'm very careful with our money and I watch it like a hawk so I think we will be in a good place debt-wise when I'm done school. I didn't qualify for any student loans because my husband makes too much ~57K gross/yr. The bank was very happy to give us a large line of credit and we use it as sparingly as possible. We didn't go for a honeymoon and we have no plans for one anytime soon, we did purchase our own rings (they were a little on the more expensive side, but we'll have them for ever :) ). On the gift-end of things if you don't need too much stuff I would suggest not registering for anything then people are more likely to give you $$ as gifts. If you generous friends and family and you invite enough of them you could probably get enough to pay for a honeymoon and the rings, or even most of the wedding. :)


I wouldn't put off getting married just because you're in school. I'm very glad we got married when we did and I'm very happy to have my husband as support through med school.


Good luck!

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Agreed. I tell them all I'm a fireman:D


That's so funny! I've started telling guys that I'm in nursing instead of telling them I'm doing a Masters in Oncology and it makes so much of a difference! It's amazing how scared most guys get when you tell them you're doing something semi-smart sounding...they basically make a few minutes of awkward small talk and then leave right away! *sigh*

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That's so funny! I've started telling guys that I'm in nursing instead of telling them I'm doing a Masters in Oncology and it makes so much of a difference! It's amazing how scared most guys get when you tell them you're doing something semi-smart sounding...they basically make a few minutes of awkward small talk and then leave right away! *sigh*


I never understood why women get upset over stuff like that. IMO, a great way to weed out the insecure idiots who can't handle a woman who does anything outside the kitchen.

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I never understood why women get upset over stuff like that. IMO, a great way to weed out the insecure idiots who can't handle a woman who does anything outside the kitchen.


Oh yeah, I totally don't tell that to anyone that i'm actually interested in AT ALL ! It's more of a social experiment that I like to do when i'm out at a bar. :) I would never actually be with anyone that couldn't handle me having a brain.

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I never understood why women get upset over stuff like that. IMO, a great way to weed out the insecure idiots who can't handle a woman who does anything outside the kitchen.


You know it goes the other way too? As in women who are overachievers that can't stand a man that has achieved more than them. LOL. Insecurity exists for the smart and dumb alike.


BTW, this isn't a swipe at RobynM or anyone else on the forum. Just an observation I have made.

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Hey Law, are you trying to procrastinate too? I've been bouncing between threads for the past hour trying to avoid studying :cool:.


Yes, I need to write the last section of my paper (discussion) and I have most of my research done and just can't seem to start. I also need to study for my Wed biochem exam. Make me do work... I can't control the procrastination! :P

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Oh yeah, I totally don't tell that to anyone that i'm actually interested in AT ALL ! It's more of a social experiment that I like to do when i'm out at a bar. :) I would never actually be with anyone that couldn't handle me having a brain.


I love a woman with great big hemispheres :D *shudders creepily*

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