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2015 Backpacks

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I'll sport the bag... although I've had a pretty nice bag since second year of undergrad. It was the best purchase I've ever made at the bookstore. The thing is close to 8 years old and it's only had a couple of stitches come out on the strap, plus it looks pretty pimp... in my opinion.


These MD bags carry a lot more meaning to us, as med students, than to the general population.


I had no idea about these backpacks until I applied to med school and found this forum. And I was pretty informed wrt Med school and the various goings on (or at least I thought I was).

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I'll sport the bag... although I've had a pretty nice bag since second year of undergrad. It was the best purchase I've ever made at the bookstore. The thing is close to 8 years old and it's only had a couple of stitches come out on the strap, plus it looks pretty pimp... in my opinion.


These MD bags carry a lot more meaning to us, as med students, than to the general population.


I had no idea about these backpacks until I applied to med school and found this forum. And I was pretty informed wrt Med school and the various goings on (or at least I thought I was).


I'll definitely keep the bag if it is sturdier than the Apotex backpack I got. Backpacks are awesomely useful for 4 day vacation trips =D

We see the backpacks around a lot on campus, not sure how many people recognized them, but at least all 980 of the pharmacy students do =)

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I have to wait another year because I'm only in pre-med this year :( hahaha for me it's just another backpack. I have 2 that I use all the time. One is a simple MEC backpack for school, the other is a free national team speedo bag I use whenever I have to go to the pool/gym. And I have another 2 hidden in my closet in case that one breaks.

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If someone graduates from Mac or UCal in 2014 and another graduates from some other school in 2015, do they still get the same backpack?


I always wondered about that too! like, shouldn't the mac and uofc entering class get the previous year's backpack to match with the rest? but then I realize it doesn't really mark what year you finish med school because a lot of people take time off pre-clerkship or whatever too or defer a year so.. yeah. just signifies what year you entered med school.


maybe this year they'll be a PRINT instead of a colour. like herringbone. or plaid.

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There has been a fair bit of discussion about the perceived pretension about wearing these bags around. I think there has been an overestimation over how much people will recognize these bags for what they are and even care about it. I didn't realize that these MD bags were for med students until I knew people who got them. I didn't even know MD Financial was exclusively for medical professionals until recently. This could be ignorance on my part, but I think it is indicative of the average person.


Most people won't recognize these backpacks as being an indicator for medical students, and more still don't know how competitive it may be to get into med school, so, of those who know what it is, a good chunk won't think it is anything to flaunt so they won't care.


In my opinion, these bags are just a token from MD Financial to try to get your business and a nice way for med students to identify each other. I think the only non-meds people who will care about the bag are the ones who would recognize it even with the MD logo covered up.


That being said, I am also a little apprehensive about wearing the bag, but mostly because I foresee a lot of mixups in a classroom with 204 identical backpacks :P


I'm familiar with all the arguments. To each their own, but at the U of C campus I know enough of the grad students, and know what the grad students think about the backpacks, to not want to wear one there. Like I said, outside of campus it's another matter. I don't care if others want to wear their backpacks, but it's not for me.

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I haven't worn an actual backpack in years, except on an airplane or to make it easier to carry 10 cans of tomatoes home from the grocery store. Back when I still went to classes, I carried my laptop bag, a large purse with notebooks and my kindle in it, and a lunch bag like some crazy bag lady.

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I haven't worn an actual backpack in years, except on an airplane or to make it easier to carry 10 cans of tomatoes home from the grocery store. Back when I still went to classes, I carried my laptop bag, a large purse with notebooks and my kindle in it, and a lunch bag like some crazy bag lady.


you are my hero. First, you sound like you like to stock up on stuff when on sale! Second, we seem to share the same kind of 'accessories', i.e. lots of bags of stuff. Just wait till you see me at school! lol!

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I dont care what color it is, I just want one. I'm holding out on buying a new backpack and my old one is totally trashed.


Also, I was apartment hunting in London the other day and this guy near me on the bus had a red MD financial bag, and I wanted to give him a secret handshake or something. Yeah, I'm a tool.

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this guy near me on the bus had a red MD financial bag, and I wanted to give him a secret handshake or something. Yeah, I'm a tool.


You should have!

I wonder if that was me ... hmmm.

I'm always looking for an opportunity to do the secret handshake.

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I just want one so everyone won't think I am the janitor or a lost old man who came in off the streets to sleep somewhere warm and ended up in a medschool class. I would just go out and get the "med" sweater but then everyone will just think I am a proud parent or I found it in a lost and found box.


Everytime I need something from university services they ask me where I work or tell me my child needs to come in in-person. In physiology last year a girl came up to me and was asking about how hard I was going to make the test.


oh man, I seriously LOL'd.


I am lucky--students/university staff only ask me what I am doing my PhD dissertation on, or alternatively they suck up to me because they assume I am the TA...

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