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Admission Decisions out on SOLUS!!!!!

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I hope you're kidding.


It's one medschool macbook- it's not the end of the world. Not to mention the fact that you haven't even applied yet... I can only imagine how ridiculous this forum is going to get over the next year with your stress levels going through the roof.


You needz to chill bra.


You need to make sure your next post is pretty epic to celebrate 1000 :)


But i'm pretty sure he was kidding lol :P


Anyways, i had a dream last night that with your acceptances / rejections they sent you a little form that told you how you scored on each station out of 10. One of my friends (who didnt even apply to queen's) got accepted while i got rejected, even though half her stations were 1's and i had all 8's :(


The randomness of this cycle with queen's is really taxing my creative mind...

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I dreamed that they gathered us all in an auditorium, put us in groups of 3 and told us to write a short story together. Then, while we were doing that, they started handing out these red plastic disks with our name and a letter on it. A was accepted, R was rejected and E was waitlisted (yeah, I dunno where the E came from).


Mine had an E, and then they told me my position on the waitlist depended on how good my story was.


Then there was something about pancakes, then I woke up 0.o;;

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6. A rejection email, followed by a waitlist email followed by an offer (followed by no explanation and busy phone lines)

This one.


Actually, I feel like things will go fine on the 5th.


Dear Applicant,


We regret to inform you that you have been accepted into the rejected pool of applicants. However, due to the randomness of our tech system, within the next few hours you may in fact, be rejected from the rejected pool of applicants into the waitlisted pool for the Michael DeGroote School of Medicine. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your patronage and patience during this troubling time. Because of previous glitches that have resulted in the playstation network going down, we will reimburse you with a post-interview GPA bonus of 0.05 % next year if you choose to re-apply.




Queens Med

So Queen's is going to tell me my decision for McMaster? Interesting.
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Top 10 possible scenarios for Queen's emails on Thurs:


1. Email is written entirely in white text (if you highlight it you can see what the email says)

2. You can only see the text if you shine a blacklight on the screen (that blacklight you go and buy Wednesday night will be worth every penny)

3. Just a blank email (WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?)

4. Just an emoticon (this one is actually easy: :), :confused:, :( )

5. An email you can only read if you hold the screen up to a mirror (detpecca)

6. A rejection email, followed by a waitlist email followed by an offer (followed by no explanation and busy phone lines)

7. An email saying your bursary application has been approved but you have been rejected

8. An offer that has a different name than yours at the top

9. Just these words: Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

10. An email saying 'Just kidding, everyone gets in this year!'


Heres to hoping for scenario #10!


11) SOLUS goes down and e-mails are not sent out. No one hears anything.


Hahaha. I also, separately, blamed Queens for the PlayStation network going down. This is a fun distraction... the craziness of the wait is revealing my previously latent creativity.


12. 'Congratulations, you have made it to the secret 'multiple maximum interview' stage. Finding the time and location of the interview is the first station. HINT: the info is hidden in SOLUS.'


13. You have been rejected on SOLUS. Waitlisted by email. Accepted by snail mail. Or the reverse order lol.

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I hope you're kidding.


It's one medschool macbook- it's not the end of the world. Not to mention the fact that you haven't even applied yet... I can only imagine how ridiculous this forum is going to get over the next year with your stress levels going through the roof.


You needz to chill bra.


LOL I was joking...I meant that if I had gotten an email like the one I composed (see above) I would probably die out of confusion.


Let's hope that Queens doesn't screw up next year.

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But there will be two decisions, one on each leg. We then have a poll to decide whether the left leg or the right leg has the real message.


and if the pigeon craps on your head it means you got the scholarship.


(not waiting to hear from Queens but this thread is amusing)

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This is all starting to seem like part of Queen's master plan...they purposely have all these "glitches" and wait for students on pm101 to make fun of the school. Then the tech team at Queen's that has actually been awesome all along (where all the "glitch" stuff has been part of a ruse) manages to track each poster down and then reject them. Then they pick the 200 odd students who don't frequent pm101 in any fashion and accept/waitlist them. Mission accomplished.

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I love it. Decision pigeons! "Reminder: decision pigeons are the property of Queen's University and any attempt to consume your decision pigeon will be taken as an affront to our highly organized admissions system"


Ha ha. Decision Pigeon. Love it!

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On a more serious note (warning! rant ahead!):


For me making fun of Queen's is a respect thing. They have lost my respect. The schools have earned the ability to confer MDs, so we give them access to our entire lives. All that we have accomplished (and not accomplished) is laid bare in a series of numbers with the hope they will give us a chance to interview. Our mentors and heroes write us letters and those letters are likely distilled into another number. They make us write tests, we sacrifice months to comply. We pay money. The ones who probably have more than a bit of luck get interviews. We prep for the interviews. They run us through a gauntlet of stressful scenarios.


We do all of this with the hope that the whole process is taken seriously by the school and that the school is doing its best to find those who would make the best docs, not the ones who are best at gaming the system or who would make the best med students. The whole process is shrouded in mystery and rumor.


When the school screws up and doesn't at least admit it, to me, that is garbage. When the school screws up multiple times and responds with silence, I lose serious respect... If Queen's decides not to release my decision pigeon from its roost on Thursday because I am making fun of them, then they are tools. Blah blah blah we should exhibit professionalism. What about a little in return?



Note: I am surprised I had that in me. Isix's comment just got me to thinkin (I know you were joking). And I am a little stressed out right now (as we all are). I am also trying to finish my thesis and being constantly toyed with by Queen's does not help. That said, of course I would still go there if its the only place I get in. They have all the power.

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On a more serious note (warning! rant ahead!):


For me making fun of Queen's is a respect thing. They have lost my respect. The schools have earned the ability to confer MDs, so we give them access to our entire lives. All that we have accomplished (and not accomplished) is laid bare in a series of numbers with the hope they will give us a chance to interview. Our mentors and heroes write us letters and those letters are likely distilled into another number. They make us write tests, we sacrifice months to comply. We pay money. The ones who probably have more than a bit of luck get interviews. We prep for the interviews. They run us through a gauntlet of stressful scenarios.


We do all of this with the hope that the whole process is taken seriously by the school and that the school is doing its best to find those who would make the best docs, not the ones who are best at gaming the system or who would make the best med students. The whole process is shrouded in mystery and rumor.


When the school screws up and doesn't at least admit it, to me, that is garbage. When the school screws up multiple times and responds with silence, I lose serious respect... If Queen's decides not to release my decision pigeon from its roost on Thursday because I am making fun of them, then they are tools. Blah blah blah we should exhibit professionalism. What about a little in return?



Note: I am surprised I had that in me. Isix's comment just got me to thinkin (I know you were joking). And I am a little stressed out right now (as we all are). I am also trying to finish my thesis and being constantly toyed with by Queen's does not help. That said, of course I would still go there if its the only place I get in. They have all the power.


I think your drive for medicine and investment in this process has limited your ability to look at the whole situation. I agree with your description of the process, and a wild one it is, but remember, its the same everywhere, and its a requirement with thousands of applicants. Personally I'd feel way less comfortable with my reference letters, ECs, etc. not being turned into numbers because what is the alternative? get 100 people together, with 20 apps each and if the loudest person is holding your app and likes it you get in? Also you mention the focus being specifically NOT who would make the best medical students. I think its pretty widely known/accepted that ALL schools are seriously interested in how you would fare IN med school, not just after it.


As for Queen's specifically, you speak as if they posted your GPA and LORs on a public forum. All they did was make a couple (admittedly rather large) technical errors. While it is ultimately the job of Queen's med, the admissions committee, dean, etc. to make sure this doesn't happen, it is not like the admissions committe made the mistake. Some programmer working for an inside division or outside company made that error (and probably lost their job for it). And even that, I think, we have all exaggerated. Companies make changes to test systems all the time. Yes this is a stressful time in your life, and yes you REALLY CARE about getting in, so yes, it sucks when this happens. But again, its not like they sent you an email saying Dear so and so, we have decided to accept/reject... etc. All that happened was a bunch of pre-med gunners logged into a system before they were supposed to, and saw 1-2 word dead links.


I am as stressed as anyone about the next few days, but I think we could all use a chill pill.

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I think your drive for medicine and investment in this process has limited your ability to look at the whole situation. I agree with your description of the process, and a wild one it is, but remember, its the same everywhere, and its a requirement with thousands of applicants. Personally I'd feel way less comfortable with my reference letters, ECs, etc. not being turned into numbers because what is the alternative? get 100 people together, with 20 apps each and if the loudest person is holding your app and likes it you get in? Also you mention the focus being specifically NOT who would make the best medical students. I think its pretty widely known/accepted that ALL schools are seriously interested in how you would fare IN med school, not just after it.


As for Queen's specifically, you speak as if they posted your GPA and LORs on a public forum. All they did was make a couple (admittedly rather large) technical errors. While it is ultimately the job of Queen's med, the admissions committee, dean, etc. to make sure this doesn't happen, it is not like the admissions committe made the mistake. Some programmer working for an inside division or outside company made that error (and probably lost their job for it). And even that, I think, we have all exaggerated. Companies make changes to test systems all the time. Yes this is a stressful time in your life, and yes you REALLY CARE about getting in, so yes, it sucks when this happens. But again, its not like they sent you an email saying Dear so and so, we have decided to accept/reject... etc. All that happened was a bunch of pre-med gunners logged into a system before they were supposed to, and saw 1-2 word dead links.


I am as stressed as anyone about the next few days, but I think we could all use a chill pill.


I just want to emphasize this point. In all probability the adcom at Queen's had nothing to do with all of this. I'd be very surprised if they did!

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Thank you psychlops1 for giving me something further to discuss... that isn't the discussion section of my thesis! I agree with most of what you said. I agree that the admission committee didn't make the mistake, but they are responsible for making the decisions and I would have liked to see some acknowledgement. What is it to them? I don't think they needed to flat out say sorry, but at least let us know they are frustrated too and that they want to make sure it doesn't happen again. I am a big fan of communication. It lets me know that they care, especially after four (!) 'issues'.


I do think the SOLUS changes were screw ups. A lot of money goes into developing these systems (millions of dollars) and IMO they just shouldn't be gummed up like they were. I don't want anyone to lose their job, but you can't deny that the people who logged on and saw a rejection or a waitlisting can't help but feel effed. Disclaimer: I had no deposit and had no accept/decline and missed the third thing this past Thurs.


I also don't have a solution to the 'black box' admissions system, but it doesn't keep me from feeling very dehumanized. Again, overall, I just don't feel I have been treated with enough respect in this situation.

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Thank you psychlops1 for giving me something further to discuss... that isn't the discussion section of my thesis! I agree with most of what you said. I agree that the admission committee didn't make the mistake, but they are responsible for making the decisions and I would have liked to see some acknowledgement. What is it to them? I don't think they needed to flat out say sorry, but at least let us know they are frustrated too and that they want to make sure it doesn't happen again. I am a big fan of communication. It lets me know that they care, especially after four (!) 'issues'.


I do think the SOLUS changes were screw ups. A lot of money goes into developing these systems (millions of dollars) and IMO they just shouldn't be gummed up like they were. I don't want anyone to lose their job, but you can't deny that the people who logged on and saw a rejection or a waitlisting can't help but feel effed. Disclaimer: I had no deposit and had no accept/decline and missed the third thing this past Thurs.


I also don't have a solution to the 'black box' admissions system, but it doesn't keep me from feeling very dehumanized. Again, overall, I just don't feel I have been treated with enough respect in this situation.


Definately some sort of public acknowledgement would have been nice but I can see them sitting there in their offices thinking they have a fair amountof plausible deniability. If you think about it most people probably didn't see this all happening because they aren't compulsively checking pre May 5th, so that's kind of fair. For the more obvious screw-up of the interview rejections, I ASSUME an apology was a part of the admittance email (?). I wasn't in that group. Also would be more disappointed if to hear someone called about this problem and was improperly dealt with.

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Ya ya. They were sorry about the interview email screw up, which is good, but the lack of response to the issues since sucks IMO. I would guess that between word of mouth during exam period and these forums a large proportion of applicants would be aware of the situation within a few hours or days. That is totally a guess though, maybe there are less people connected to the forums then it seems.


I am really curious, do schools really look for applicants who would make good med students? I did not know that people thought that. Is there evidence of this? I understand that no school would ever admit this directly. Wouldn't that be short sighted? For example, wouldn't the school fairly quickly get a bad rep for graduating MDs that aren't, in general, skilled clinicians?

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what's a "good" med student? how do measure skill in a clinician? What's considered "unbiased" evidence?


Tough question paradocs...I think bout it all the time too...


I think generally med schools try their very best to pick and produce individuals whom, in their eyes and somewhat to a standard, would make "good" clinicians. This is also related to how it's taught in the respective schools as well...(ex. PBL, CBL, Lecture, etc)

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Agreed. I don't know what would make a good clinician, but I know that other clinicians probably know!


It has been a few years, but I seem to remember in the first episode of scrubs how JD thinks the chief is a good doc because of his warm demeanor, but by the end learns that it is Dr. Cox who is the caring one, in spite of his awesomely harsh insults and cold attitude.

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Ya ya. They were sorry about the interview email screw up, which is good, but the lack of response to the issues since sucks IMO. I would guess that between word of mouth during exam period and these forums a large proportion of applicants would be aware of the situation within a few hours or days. That is totally a guess though, maybe there are less people connected to the forums then it seems.


I am really curious, do schools really look for applicants who would make good med students? I did not know that people thought that. Is there evidence of this? I understand that no school would ever admit this directly. Wouldn't that be short sighted? For example, wouldn't the school fairly quickly get a bad rep for graduating MDs that aren't, in general, skilled clinicians?


Personally, I have been told by a number of people (in passing, almost as if it was a widely known fact) including current med students that this is the case. And it seems perfectly logical to me! This school (in concert with the government) is putting a huge investment in you by accepting you into the program. In doing so, it is a top priority (not necessarily THE top, as I hope "physician" characteristics like empathy are #1) for them to say, with certainty, that we are not going to have to repeat years, drop out, etc. because we aren't smart enough, hard working enough, can't handle the stress, etc.


Edit: And I would LOVE for others to share their ideas on this!

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I dont blame Queen's administration because it isnt their fault. SOLUS is a brand new system and obviously is going to have bugs which unfortunately caused a lot of stress to us. It was though a bad idea to use the new system and probably should have waited till next year to sort out the bugs.


However, their technical difficulties is no representation of their medical program. I loved my time there (mostly because of the students) and I am sure most people would be ecstatic to get an offer from Queens.

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