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Ninja black. And it would be black. With sparkles. ZING.


Do you still listen to CDs?


Yes, in fact I just um..got one yesterday. I'm too lazy to charge my mp3 player and I'm tired of waiting for the radio to play something I like.

(nice crayon colour)


Have you ever got your hair done, nails done, errthing didd (lol sorry) and for what occasion? And ofcourse, whatever the male equivalent is. :)

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Yes, in fact I just um..got one yesterday. I'm too lazy to charge my mp3 player and I'm tired of waiting for the radio to play something I like.

(nice crayon colour)


Have you ever got your hair done, nails done, errthing didd (lol sorry) and for what occasion? And ofcourse, whatever the male equivalent is. :)


The only time I ever had a manicure and pedicure done was for my wedding. :) Had my hair done lots though. ;)


If you could have dinner with any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?

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The only time I ever had a manicure and pedicure done was for my wedding. :) Had my hair done lots though. ;)


If you could have dinner with any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?


Very difficult question.


Hitler so I could have pleasure of killing him myself.


Fav sport?

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Visiting 7 wonders of the world (old and new).


What's a bad habit of yours (if any)?


I absolutely hate to lose (only at sports and sometimes board games lol) and tend to get emotional from time to time.


What song means the most to you and/or relates most to your life?

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I absolutely hate to lose (only at sports and sometimes board games lol) and tend to get emotional from time to time.


What song means the most to you and/or relates most to your life?


Beethoven's Six variations on a easy theme:




more contemporary:


Don't Stop Me Now - Queen



What movie is you all time favourite?

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A wood-chuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood!


Sorry Para for the the double post ^.


what is your alltime favourite movie?


Based on sheer number of times watched, probably Beauty and the Beast.


Have you ever gotten any speeding tickets?

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No. I did hit 180 km/hr when I was 16 though:p .


Who do you look up to in your life?


I don't have one specific role model type person, but I have different people for different qualities. For example, my mom for when I need motivation to study. Kobe Bryant for his work ethic. Various scientists for their dedication to research. Stuff like that :)


What's in YOUR wallet?

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