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Yes - we have seen so many social and technological advances (how could a community like this have existed before the internet?), though I confess I prefer the popular music of days of yore..


Name a healthy but satisfying snack?


Dark chocolate ;):D


What's your nervous habit (ie leg shake/bite nails/pace etc)?

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cause i have something with my brain where i've been going to bed at 2-6 am for like 12 years... it's weird, even if i sleep 3 or 12 hours the day before i still feel sleepy at the same time


why aren't you sleeping?


self-improvment, helping others, preventative medicine, extending lives with improved quality of life


why are you not sleeping now? :)

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cause i have something with my brain where i've been going to bed at 2-6 am for like 12 years... it's weird, even if i sleep 3 or 12 hours the day before i still feel sleepy at the same time


why aren't you sleeping?


I only need about 4 hours sleep a night and one 30 minute power nap in the afternoon - it has been this way for years.


Are you looking forward to the fast approaching (or already begun) semester?

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I only need about 4 hours sleep a night and one 30 minute power nap in the afternoon - it has been this way for years.


Are you looking forward to the fast approaching (or already begun) semester?


Yes and no. As a 35 year old going back for a second UG amongst 20 year olds should be interesting lol excited by new beginnings though.



Your reaction to Jack Layton passing away?

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4 omega 3 eggs, 8 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal with handful of blueberries and ground golden flax seed

2000mg fish oils, 1 multi vit/mineral pack



Plans for last 2 weeks of sumer (if going to school inthe fall)?

Say bye to a bunch of friends.


Did you go to a fair/the Ex/an amusement park this summer?

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Canada's Wonderland!! Behemoth still rocks, no matter how many times I go on it. Leviathan will be absolutely amazing I'm hoping next year!


Do you like cats better or dogs? Why?


I am a cat person, primarily because I am an independent type of person and I like my pet to be that way as well.


Preferred choice of dessert: cookies or pie?

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I am a cat person, primarily because I am an independent type of person and I like my pet to be that way as well.


Preferred choice of dessert: cookies or pie?


Pie with cookies in it (gluten free of course). But seriously, probably cookies. Or Nanaimo bars.


What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten and why did you eat it?

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To be honest, none. But if I had to pick, Nerds.


What's your bad habit?


Procrastination. I find it difficult to pay attention to any one thing for a long time - I've often wondered if I have a form of ADD but never been tested.



What are you looking forward to the most in the next 4 weeks?

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Procrastination. I find it difficult to pay attention to any one thing for a long time - I've often wondered if I have a form of ADD but never been tested.



What are you looking forward to the most in the next 4 weeks?


Being DONE with this place and (hopefully) going to Comox.


What is your worse fear?

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That it's all just been a dream. And clowns.


Are the leaves on the trees in your yard/neighbourhood changing colour and falling yet? (the trees in my yard are. bye summer :()


one of the trees looks like it is dying, but the other trees are still green :)


Are you prepared/looking forward to going back to school?

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