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I'm never ready. I can only approximate being ready.


How often do you have a really good cry?


Hmmm... that one varies. Usually dependent on what's going on. But I'd say once every couple of months. (I'm assuming tearing up during a movie doesn't count :o)


What's your favourite (and/or most useful) textbook from undergrad?

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For some reason I really liked my introductory physics text.. the choice of font, colour, illustrations, and formatting made the text leap off the page. I haven't touched any of the undergrad books I've kept in years though.


How would you describe the quality of your voice and speech?


I'm an alto, with a decent "chorus" singing voice, but not a soloist's voice. Guys tell me I have a sexy voice, but I wouldn't know. ;) My speech tends to be clear. I like to speak "properly" and clearly, so that I am easily understood. I never used to sweat until I joined the army - then I learned to swear up a storm. ;) Still, I don't use a lot of expletives now that I'm out.


I can be loud when I choose to be - I am able to project quite well, either when talking or singing, without straining my voice. That serves me well when the mic breaks down and I'm teaching a fitness class.


Favourite sandwich?

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I'm an alto, with a decent "chorus" singing voice, but not a soloist's voice. Guys tell me I have a sexy voice, but I wouldn't know. ;) My speech tends to be clear. I like to speak "properly" and clearly, so that I am easily understood. I never used to sweat until I joined the army - then I learned to swear up a storm. ;) Still, I don't use a lot of expletives now that I'm out.


I can be loud when I choose to be - I am able to project quite well, either when talking or singing, without straining my voice. That serves me well when the mic breaks down and I'm teaching a fitness class.


Favourite sandwich?


veal baloney...but it has to be the good stuff from a proper German butcher shop. none of that maple leaf prepackaged crap! :D


and to respond to F_D's question: YES!!!!!! ALREADY STARTED AND 3 WEEKS IN!


That question makes me want to ask: favorite protein source? (i was going to ask meat but a) it sounds a little disgusting, and B) this question might be answered by a vegetarian or vegan!)

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No idea.


"It is in the nature of medicine that you are gonna screw up. You are gonna kill someone. If you can't handle that reality, pick another profession."


Agree or disagree?


Disagree. To screw up is human, not something unique to being a doctor. While some medical professions deal with life and death situations there are many that don't ex: the wrist specialized orthopod who operated on my sister. I don't think anyone knows how they would handle killing someone because of their mistake, so how would anyone know if they could handle a career in medicine according to this quote? Also, I just don't like it... So pessimistic... It doesn't mention the good that you are trying to do while said mistakes occur. Mistakes or not you are giving of yourself to attempt to better someones situation.


How many pieces of pizza do you eat if you order pizza for dinner?

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Ps. I wouldn't want a doctor who was okay with the "fact" that he will kill someone at some point. To be at peace with that is to be at peace with imperfection in his practice. Not being abl to handle the death of a patient would drive a doctor to do everything he could to save the patient.

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