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wow, that's intense, sorry to hear that!


sex if i find the person attractive (mentally and physically), sea salt chocolate otherwise


do you watch house?


Yup, just finished watching an episode from season 2. The one where the girl can't sleep and ends up with a diagnosis of black plague :)


Are you excited to start school or sad summer is ending ( if both, which one more than the other)?

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Beef of course, its tasty and filling.


How do you think Apple will fare without Steve Jobs?


Apple has the momentum and many items in the works. They have lost their visionary, however, they have so many creative people, so I doubt they will drown or suffer - even if investors are in doubt due to this uncertainty.


Anybody knocked off a cancelled flight last night or today?

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I heard about it at like 8pm of the day of the sale and I was too late.



Q1: Would you take the keys from someone you cared about it they couldn't drive properly?


Eg. Your grandfather's Alzheimer was getting really bad and he would forget what he is doing while driving. Would you take his primary mode of transportation away from him (since your parents are gone, your all he has left).



I also have another question, hope you dont mind


Q2: If you were on the beach and someone came up to you and asked you to put sunscreen on your back would you?

-Situation 1: person's back has hairy back

-Situation 2: someone of the opposite sex and is attractive however you are with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

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I heard about it at like 8pm of the day of the sale and I was too late.



Q1: Would you take the keys from someone you cared about it they couldn't drive properly?


Eg. Your grandfather's Alzheimer was getting really bad and he would forget what he is doing while driving. Would you take his primary mode of transportation away from him (since your parents are gone, your all he has left).



I also have another question, hope you dont mind


Q2: If you were on the beach and someone came up to you and asked you to put sunscreen on your back would you?

-Situation 1: person's back has hairy back

-Situation 2: someone of the opposite sex and is attractive however you are with your boyfriend/girlfriend.



no no you can only ask one question. i am gonna be stingy and only answer one (just repost your question that goes unanswered later!)


Im answering the beach question:


I would put the lotion on the other person's back if they had no one else to do it and they asked nicely. Hopefully I'd have an extra pair of gloves with me (I don't like touching strangers and not a fan of having lotion grease on my hands!!!).


Hairy backs don't bother me at all. Maybe a little weird on a girl but it isn't like she can help it! In terms of the person of the opposite sex/significant other being there: so what if the person is attractive? there's attractive people all over that we deal with on a daily basis. If a SO is taking issue with you dealing with those people, then maybe it is time to reconsider who you are dating....



Are you part of Golden Key Society?

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No, I didn't get my invintation yet.


Q1: Would you take the keys from someone you cared about it they couldn't drive properly?


Eg. Your grandfather's Alzheimer was getting really bad and he would forget what he is doing while driving. Would you take his primary mode of transportation away from him (since your parents are gone, your all he has left).

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No, I didn't get my invintation yet.


Q1: Would you take the keys from someone you cared about it they couldn't drive properly?


Eg. Your grandfather's Alzheimer was getting really bad and he would forget what he is doing while driving. Would you take his primary mode of transportation away from him (since your parents are gone, your all he has left).




Favorite beer?

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Alexander Keith's



What would you say to someone you really care about who has lost all hope in living cause they are tired of going through all the pain of fighting cancer.

-Chemotherapy: losing their hair, feeling weak, muscle loss

-emotional trama of not feeling like a women or man anymore


What is with the:

- Hyphenated stuff

- All the time

- It's like asking

- Lots of questions


1) Empathy.

2) Offer supports.

3) Offer education.

4) Offer hope (not necessarily cure, but that there is ALWAYS something we can do to make them more comfortable, etc).

5) Make sure that your patients know you will never abandon them.


Do crest whitestrips work?

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My response: laptop of course. Laptop is pretty much a necessity tablet is a luxury and I missed that HP touchpad sale.


Renin the hyphenated stuff are points to spark your interests, I take it your not a fan of it. The semi colons are just a way to organize discussion topics, so it easier for the reader.


Question: What would you do if your mom was in a serious car accident and was put in a coma with little chance of regaining consciousness?

Background info: Her insurance is covering all the expenses for the life support.

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My response: laptop of course. Laptop is pretty much a necessity tablet is a luxury and I missed that HP touchpad sale.


Renin the hyphenated stuff are points to spark your interests, I take it your not a fan of it. The semi colons are just a way to organize discussion topics, so it easier for the reader.


Question: What would you do if your mom was in a serious car accident and was put in a coma with little chance of regaining consciousness?

Background info: Her insurance is covering all the expenses for the life support.


Well, this is a difficult situation. I would probably keep her on life support for a short period of time so that a full assessment of her situation can be taken. If there is little chance of regaining consciousness, I would respect her wishes and take her off life support. I would ensure she is surrounded by all the people she loved.



Will you be affected in any way by Hurricane Irene? (family, friends, flight cancellations, you live in the path of the storm?)

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Well' date=' this is a difficult situation. I would probably keep her on life support for a short period of time so that a full assessment of her situation can be taken. If there is little chance of regaining consciousness, I would respect her wishes and take her off life support. I would ensure she is surrounded by all the people she loved.



Will you be affected in any way by Hurricane Irene? (family, friends, flight cancellations, you live in the path of the storm?)[/quote']


I don't think so.


What was the last tv show you saw?

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homemade spaghetti and meatball sauce on broccoli and cauliflower (instead of pasta). yum!



How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (must be water only, other beverages don't count)


6-8L in water each day. Another 1L or so in crystal lite/diet coke.


Plans for this weekend?

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