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UofT Interview discussion - 2012

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For those of you who got invites, did Leslie reply to you confirming the invite? I sent her my confirmation and heard nothing back...


This might be because I asked for a date change since I'm interviewing in McGill that week... Still worrisome that I was not contacted at all yet

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I can't say if dassy was being biased or not, but everyone I know who is not premed or med student would agree with the GPA vs. MCAT part of her post


How many people outside of premeds or med students even know how the current MCAT is structured and what the sections entail?


Mind you both my GPA and MCAT were great.


edit: regardless I think we can both agree that's it's disheartening how things are going for dassy so far this year

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edit: regardless I think we can both agree that's it's disheartening how things are going for dassy so far this year


Awww thanks :o It's really nice to have such a supportive group of people on these forums :) it really helps get me through all the rejections. And I'm so happy for everyone that got an interview. Hopefully I'll be an awesome comeback story with interview at both Western ad Uoft (**fingers crossed**)

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How many people outside of premeds or med students even know how the current MCAT is structured and what the sections entail?


Mind you both my GPA and MCAT were great.


edit: regardless I think we can both agree that's it's disheartening how things are going for dassy so far this year


Good point lol

But regardless, a lot of people know how GPA works and a lot of people also realize the difference between a 3.7 and 4.0 can be simply b/c of university attended, program, one bad course, subjective marking of a TA, other things going on life.... million cups of coffee/semester lol

I meant to say I know a lot of people who would like to see more emphasis on doctor empathy/communication and would careless if that doctor got a low 90 or low 80 on calc, chem, bio or whatever during undergrad

Btw I'm not discrediting a 4.0 GPA, it's definitely admirable, I'm just saying the difference between a high GPA (3.7 in my opinion) and an extremely high GPA (4.0) should not be as accentuated as things like communication skills

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.... For example, Calgary does their first cut based purely on GPAxVerbal...some people got in with a 4.0, but 7/8 on verbal...personally I would rather a doctor who has a 3.6 but 13+ on verbal (something that is actually correlated to being a great doctor later on).


I disagree. GPA says a lot about one's work ethic, but not so much the MCAT, especially the VR where you cannot improve much with hard work. I noticed you had a great VR score, congrats, but also reaffirms that this statement is clearly biased.


I would prefer a physician that works hard and continues to provide care all year round as oppose to solving one huge case every once in a while (like House M.D.).

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I disagree. GPA says a lot about one's work ethic, but not so much the MCAT, especially the VR where you cannot improve much with hard work. I noticed you had a great VR score, congrats, but also reaffirms that this statement is clearly biased.


I would prefer a physician that works hard and continues to provide care all year round as oppose to solving one huge case every once in a while (like House M.D.).


I never really meant 13+ on verbal, I just was always annoyed that people with really low verbals could still be accepted when people with stellar verbals were being rejected. I don't doubt that people with 4.0s have great work ethic...but some people don't do well in 1st or 2nd year and then get hurt by this process. I still stand by my point that verbal can actually correlate with a doctor's ability to critically think about a case, and that I wouldn't want a doctor who bombed this section, but can cram all night/memorize random facts without understanding.


"especially the VR where you cannot improve much with hard work." --> OF COURSE you can improve your verbal with hard work!


EDIT: can we stop discussing this or move it to another thread (I never meant for this to snowball, was just trying to vent a little :P). Anybody else all stressed when the next interviews/rejections will be sent out? Seems like no one has gotten anything for a while

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I never really meant 13+ on verbal, I just was always annoyed that people with really low verbals could still be accepted when people with stellar verbals were being rejected. I don't doubt that people with 4.0s have great work ethic...but some people don't do well in 1st or 2nd year and then get hurt by this process. I still stand by my point that verbal can actually correlate with a doctor's ability to critically think about a case, and that I wouldn't want a doctor who bombed this section, but can cram all night/memorize random facts without understanding.


I don't know any school that only considers your verbal score+GPA.

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I never really meant 13+ on verbal, I just was always annoyed that people with really low verbals could still be accepted when people with stellar verbals were being rejected. I don't doubt that people with 4.0s have great work ethic...but some people don't do well in 1st or 2nd year and then get hurt by this process. I still stand by my point that verbal can actually correlate with a doctor's ability to critically think about a case, and that I wouldn't want a doctor who bombed this section, but can cram all night/memorize random facts without understanding.



So basically you are saying that all 4.0 GPAs are just stupid and the only thing they can do is to cram all night and memorize random facts. Firs off, I didn't know studying, for instance, biology-related material is called random facts. At the end of the day, we are all going to become physicians and these random facts may help us. And I assure you some one who gets higher grades has a better understanding of those so-called random facts than someone with mediocre grades. I think it is very insulting to just state that physicians with low verbal grades will not make good doctors because through all the 4 years of their studying they screwed one part of MCAT that was only 60 minutes. And MCAT is only one single examination and many factors, such as stress or anxiety, can contribute to lower than usual performance. And I'm not underestimating your achievements in the verbal section. It's the toughest section and doing great in this section is really admirable, just as having a stellar GPA is admirable. I really do understand that Medical system in Canada is not fair sometimes and many people with exceptional abilities have to wait for years to get in. Anyway, I really hope anyone who truly loves this profession enters their school of choice and I'm sure at the end of the day we are all good physicians and laugh at these stressful times :)

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You guys really have to read the original posts because you're taking what I said out of context. I really admire people with 4.0 GPAs, for the past 2 semesters I've been part of that group. I'm just saying that if it's fair for someone who has a 4.0 and who blew the verbal to get into med school, it should also be fair for someone who blew first year and did great on verbal to have the same shot. (Also the thing with the MCAT is that you're able to redo it with no penalty...the same cannot be said for GPA, which is why I believe there should be slightly more lenience, which there is in some places that weight your grades like UofT)


I mean I agree with what someone posted earlier that the difference between getting a 3.8+ GPA and a 4.0 really isn't all that huge. And I'd rather a doctor who has a GPA in this range but ALSO has a good verbal score.


Look this whole posting started with just a little rant that some people on these forums with 4.0 GPAs believe it's their God-giving right to get an interview everywhere and that's what I was annoyed with. Can we please let this go?

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Chill everyone! Now isn't the time to be arguing among ourselves

Amen, Leon! Now's the time to band together and keep our Hope Box alive and well.


P.S. Given that after the first 600 refusals, they have at least another 1800-2000 to reject pre-interview (since 3050 applied), we can be assured of another bunch of tsunamis from Deb

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Your math makes me feel good. But i dont think its right bud :( lol. you know your stressed when you get picky with numbers that no one has any idea about to begin with :(


No he's pretty close. Deb announced the number of applicants on Twitter, and also said she sent out 600 refusals. Given that there are about 2400 applicants left in the "pool" and they interview about 550, so there are about 1800 or 1900 refusals left given that they've also sent out a few invitations

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Good point lol

But regardless, a lot of people know how GPA works and a lot of people also realize the difference between a 3.7 and 4.0 can be simply b/c of university attended, program, one bad course, subjective marking of a TA, other things going on life.... million cups of coffee/semester lol

I meant to say I know a lot of people who would like to see more emphasis on doctor empathy/communication and would careless if that doctor got a low 90 or low 80 on calc, chem, bio or whatever during undergrad

Btw I'm not discrediting a 4.0 GPA, it's definitely admirable, I'm just saying the difference between a high GPA (3.7 in my opinion) and an extremely high GPA (4.0) should not be as accentuated as things like communication skills


Canadian medical schools are way too competitive. They receive so many outstanding applications each year. The application pool is deep enough for admissioners to select students who have both high marks and excellent communication skills.

You can not blame anyone or any systems. Just blame the fact that life is unfair sometimes.

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GPA: 3.97 unweighted, 4.00 weighted

MCAT: 14 PS / 14 V / 14 BS / S writing

ECs: research heavy, leadership, mentoring, volunteering

Essay: Most of my interviewers thus far commented on it?

Graduating this year.


Having interviewed at many top American schools (and been accepted), I now know the true meaning of "holistic admissions" and how it goes both ways. Adios, U of T.


cGPA: 4.0

MCAT: 14/12/11/R

ECs: Things I wanted to do that reflect who I am

Essay: I felt it was great but I'm a bit biased

3rd Year Undergrad


WTF??? This process seems totally random. Was your essay full of spelling mistakes? How else to explain U of T cutting the candidates above? Do you need some pathetic sob story in your essay to make the cut?

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WTF??? This process seems totally random. Was your essay full of spelling mistakes? How else to explain U of T cutting the candidates above? Do you need some pathetic sob story in your essay to make the cut?

it's well known that uofT doesn't look at mcat above 9/9/9/n, so don't let the high mcat faze you. and stats (gpa) only tell one part of the story. ABS+essay is important too. It's my running theory that once you get to the 3.9s, especially the top 3.9s, it's not the extra 0.01s that get you in or out, but the other factors.

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