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“Harvard isn’t just Harvard,” he said. “It’s Harvard University. But you don’t have to say university. How long will it take Western to get there, I don’t know. Our goal is to become such a recognized brand that just Western means us.” - Amit Chakma, President of "Western University"


Oh sorry, I mean Western :P

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Anything in the name of generating more revenues from an international student body.


Any body else long for the days when higher education was about.... Higher education? Professors that actually taught?




yeah there is that too - Western is really pushing for more international involvement. Some of that I am sure is revenue although I seems to be much more than that behind the scene. I am in a zillion meetings about global involvement/international stuff it seems - most of what has nothing to do with revenue but rather building an area of specialization at the school. Western wants to have core areas it stands out in - this is one of them.

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yeah there is that too - Western is really pushing for more international involvement. Some of that I am sure is revenue although I seems to be much more than that behind the scene. I am in a zillion meetings about global involvement/international stuff it seems - most of what has nothing to do with revenue but rather building an area of specialization at the school. Western wants to have core areas it stands out in - this is one of them.


If there wasn't a huge ass price tag attached for international students then i could accept it being something more than revenues but on face value the specialization factor seems to take a back seat given UWO has gone from 100 to 400 international students in recent years.


As a former UWO alum i don't like the rebranding efforts. They seem to think there's a negative sentiment with being tied to Ontario and maybe given the economic climate as of late there is one but they sure didnt mind riding the Ontario bandwagon with sentiment was high.

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If there wasn't a huge ass price tag attached for international students then i could accept it being something more than revenues but on face value the specialization factor seems to take a back seat given UWO has gone from 100 to 400 international students in recent years.


As a former UWO alum i don't like the rebranding efforts. They seem to think there's a negative sentiment with being tied to Ontario and maybe given the economic climate as of late there is one but they sure didnt mind riding the Ontario bandwagon with sentiment was high.


300 extra students times $20,000 etc is 6 million dollars a year. that is less than one percent of the operating budget of the school. Not peanuts but still not exactly earth shaking :)

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If there wasn't a huge ass price tag attached for international students then i could accept it being something more than revenues but on face value the specialization factor seems to take a back seat given UWO has gone from 100 to 400 international students in recent years.


As a former UWO alum i don't like the rebranding efforts. They seem to think there's a negative sentiment with being tied to Ontario and maybe given the economic climate as of late there is one but they sure didnt mind riding the Ontario bandwagon with sentiment was high.


International student tuition is around 11,000 for a year... you think that's expensive?


Try going to an American university where tuition is like 30,40,50 K a year.


American state schools are about 11K a year as well... so it's not that outrageous.

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300 extra students times $20,000 etc is 6 million dollars a year. that is less than one percent of the operating budget of the school. Not peanuts but still not exactly earth shaking :)


Not a boatload, you're right but lets see where its at in another 3 years. Trend shows a steep curve.


I'd be curious to know how many of these students are Ivey/MBA students? Wonder if there's a specific program focus they're looking to target with their international specialization?

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International student tuition is around 11,000 for a year... you think that's expensive?


Try going to an American university where tuition is like 30,40,50 K a year.


American state schools are about 11K a year as well... so it's not that outrageous.


Uhh tutition is around $23K for most UG programs with the lowest being about $18300 if i recall correctly but you're right that it's starkly cheaper than the US.


And who said that was expensive? Don't make assumptions or read more into what was written.

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Not a boatload, you're right but lets see where its at in another 3 years. Trend shows a steep curve.


I'd be curious to know how many of these students are Ivey/MBA students? Wonder if there's a specific program focus they're looking to target with their international specialization?


Yeah not sure(?) I have to wonder how far it could increase as well - there has got to be some logical limit to it after all. Western is a great school but you would have to spend an incredible amount of money to get the numbers up beyond a point. I wonder what fraction of the students at say Toronto are international.

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You're all focusing on the name change? The bigger story is obviously how they're changing their pantone purple to PMS268 from PMS266!




no it is brand new font they created :) That is where the 200K went.


hehehehe this marketing changes always look easy after the fact. During the process there is a long drawn out communication war between different groups that takes forever and costs a ton.

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I'm not a big fan - for one thing there is already a Western University in the US that has a medical school. For another thing, WTF are we supposed to be west of? We're not even west of our satellite campus!


BUT the legal name isn't changing and our diplomas are still going to say UWO. So that's some consolation.

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I'm not a big fan - for one thing there is already a Western University in the US that has a medical school. For another thing, WTF are we supposed to be west of? We're not even west of our satellite campus!


BUT the legal name isn't changing and our diplomas are still going to say UWO. So that's some consolation.


Perfect, I'm still going to call it the University of Western Ontario. :D


Yeah, there's that pesky Western U in Pomona, California... and they are actually West of something!

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I'm not a big fan - for one thing there is already a Western University in the US that has a medical school. For another thing, WTF are we supposed to be west of? We're not even west of our satellite campus!


BUT the legal name isn't changing and our diplomas are still going to say UWO. So that's some consolation.


yeah the legal name hasn't changed - the outcry from the alumni if that happened would be shattering! Can you imagine having a degree from a university that no longer seems to exist. Imagine some of the complications :)

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yeah the legal name hasn't changed - the outcry from the alumni if that happened would be shattering! Can you imagine having a degree from a university that no longer seems to exist. Imagine some of the complications :)


It's happened before... people go to a school that opened in the 60's and closed down in the 80's... it's like it never existed... eerie.

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It's happened before... people go to a school that opened in the 60's and closed down in the 80's... it's like it never existed... eerie.


Ouch! Was that in Canada or a US school. The idea of a university closing is pretty strange to me with a Canadian bias I guess. They seem to be almost eternal insititutions :)

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ha! when you need a website to track them that is not a good sign :)


Side note I am not sure what the actual acronym will be now (or if we will use one) - it isn't UWO, but WU and UW are taken multiple times if I recall.


No one really called it UWO... people just say Western.


UWO is lazy short form when you're talking about it on paper...

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