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For the med school students: Things you wish you could've done differently?


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I was talking to two 4th years today who were applying to med school and both of them were talking about how they would've chosen easier majors and tried to get involved more in their first year.


How about you guys?


EDIT: I now realize this is kind of a weird thread because you guys obviously did awesome to get into med school. :P

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I honestly wish I hung out and did more fun stuff in undergrad. Made better use of my free time to enjoy life.


For school:

I wish I had chosen to study for a chem test instead of eating right before. Yes, that did make a difference in my overall mark and consequently my GPA.

I wish I had actually focused on a summer class I took instead of playing video games all day and watching Colbert at 1 in the morning.

I wish I had studied anatomy more thoroughly in undergrad so life would be easier in med.


Other than that, I wish I had skipped more in high school to hang out with friends.

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two, thousand word posts i made got deleted, thanks god... too much self disclosure for a professional. applying right after undergrad was my mistake, it's ok though... i can always go back when i'm a bit older, there's always an original means to an ends, at least to severe, inattentive-add's, creativity is our middle name, and managing the weaknesses leaves you with such strengths i wouldn't trade it away for anything in the world... so i guess maybe starting first year next year instead of right after undergrad.

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I would have chosen a slightly different major (more in line with my interests) if I had known that I would wait until my final year of undergrad to apply to medical school. But the route I took made it easy to fit in all the prerequisites.



Different major such as?

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Is it everyone's belief that easier majors are better than harder, more prestigious majors when your goal is med school? What are the benefits of selecting harder prestigious majors?

I don't think there's really such a thing as a prestigious major in undergrad. The only benefit I can really see in taking a harder program would be if that program were to lead you to job opportunities right out of university. I don't know if you count pharmacy as an undergrad major but you don't need a full degree to get in (it would also be pretty useful to have that knowledge in med school).

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I have a B.A. in Economics and Psychology, minor management studies concurrent with a Joint Honours Biomedical science, minor biology


lol am i also correct in thinking i've read you did a masters, too? so... are you gonna end up signing your name "rmorelan, ba, bsc, msc, md"? LOL.

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lol am i also correct in thinking i've read you did a masters, too? so... are you gonna end up signing your name "rmorelan, ba, bsc, msc, md"? LOL.


Yeah I also did masters work and have a degree in computer science (BComp). It is going to get silly really fast - particularly when I do whatever other research in my residency - probably a Phd I guess or at least a M Ed.


That is just the nature of the game - you just pick things up over time.

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Is it everyone's belief that easier majors are better than harder, more prestigious majors when your goal is med school? What are the benefits of selecting harder prestigious majors?


not for prestige, that's for sure.


easier majors are better if your *only* goal is med school. For me, I really wanted to come out of my undergrad having learned a lot about what I was interested in, and some of that happened to be in a "harder" major. It's satisfaction, I guess, at something that's worth your time.

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I wouldn't change much. My uni didn't have tons of degree options... physiology or pharm would both be sweet backgrounds to have.

I am wondering if it will bite me in the tush when CaRMS comes around that I only did three years of uni before meds... would they take someone with a bachelor's over someone without given all else equal? maybe! so that might be something I would rethink.... but I got out of taking to really dumb classes so at the moment I don't regret doing what I did there

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not for prestige, that's for sure.


easier majors are better if your *only* goal is med school. For me, I really wanted to come out of my undergrad having learned a lot about what I was interested in, and some of that happened to be in a "harder" major. It's satisfaction, I guess, at something that's worth your time.


yeah often people are not interested in whatever they think is "easy". It is a balance - it is hard to do well over 4 years in something that bores you to tears.

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I am wondering if it will bite me in the tush when CaRMS comes around that I only did three years of uni before meds... would they take someone with a bachelor's over someone without given all else equal?


Nope. If anything, people will think you were better qualified in order to have gotten in early to med school.

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