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Is a fellowship REQUIRED to perform associated procedure?


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Each specialty has it's fellowships, so let's use Orthopedic Surgery for the purposes of this example. There exist fellowships for the hand and the spine, my question is, are these required for an ortho to treat these areas or are these fellowships more or less to make you "the guy" in a particular area and thus more competitive for a position?

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So if I just planned to work in my town of 300,000 or so with one hospital (I'm guessing this would be considered "community") a fellowship probably isn't "required". Although work is fairly competitive everywhere so one could argue a fellowship will be necessary in most cases nowadays.


The main hosptial in an area of 300K is not a "town" - you are definitely going to get fellowship doctors working there and people will specialize. That would be a very likely a competitive place to work. For many speicalities significantly smaller centres are still looking for fellowships - because in a large part they simply can in the current job market.

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If you specialize in a very specific branch of medicine then you'll be seeing a lot of patients that get sent from nearby towns because there are no sub-specialists around. Even though you're the most qualified in town, You're still not quite qualified to do the procedure and someone in the big city next door can take care of the patient. Like in sick kids patients come in from as far away as Manitoba to see the experts

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The main hosptial in an area of 300K is not a "town" - you are definitely going to get fellowship doctors working there and people will specialize. That would be a very likely a competitive place to work. For many speicalities significantly smaller centres are still looking for fellowships - because in a large part they simply can in the current job market.


It's certainly not because you need to have a knee research fellowship and a sports fellowship to work a community Ortho job in Red Deer.


Over-fellowshiping is a major issue in healthcare right now.

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So for an orthopod, they are in fact already trained in these fellowship areas:


> Arthroplasty and/or Lower Extremity Reconstruction

> Arthroscopy

> Foot and Ankle

> Hand/Upper Extremity

> Lower extremity/Trauma

> Musculoskeletal Oncology

> Paediatrics

> Spine

> Upper Extremity/Trauma


and are rated to perform these procedures, the fellowship is simply to make yourself more marketable to employers and patients as well?

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