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What are some good Survey Programs for collecting data?


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Does anyone know if there is a Survey Design company out there that will score your responses for you? I was using Survey Monkey but they only allow you to export your data to SPSS (which is what I will be using) or Excel if you have a professional account. They also don't have the option for scoring.


I then attempted to create my survey (this is for a psychology study, btw) using Fluid Surveys, and they do have scoring as an option, but their Basic (free) plan doesn't even allow me to have more than one page - I kind of need the consent form to be the first page because I do not want them to start without giving me their consent first.


Any other programs out there? This has been a bit of a headache as I've been trying to call/email support for Survey Monkey/Fluid Design but I'm not getting anywhere with them.


(I know I can do it by hand, but since I have 61 questions, it is going to be quite time consuming that way)


Thanks in advance.

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i would use common questions, try and find demographic data...if yould find a long line on each person, run a monte carlo simulation, and crystalize variables that predict answeers... oh my, mental masturbation


Does anyone know if there is a Survey Design company out there that will score your responses for you? I was using Survey Monkey but they only allow you to export your data to SPSS (which is what I will be using) or Excel if you have a professional account. They also don't have the option for scoring.


I then attempted to create my survey (this is for a psychology study, btw) using Fluid Surveys, and they do have scoring as an option, but their Basic (free) plan doesn't even allow me to have more than one page - I kind of need the consent form to be the first page because I do not want them to start without giving me their consent first.


Any other programs out there? This has been a bit of a headache as I've been trying to call/email support for Survey Monkey/Fluid Design but I'm not getting anywhere with them.


(I know I can do it by hand, but since I have 61 questions, it is going to be quite time consuming that way)


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just want to make sure I am clear by what you mean by scoring? I can see scenarios where bonce the data through excel brief first prior to SPSS to compute composite data.


Hey rmorelan,


What I mean by "scoring" is that the scales I am using have a numerical value associated with each answer. So if someone responds to the question with "Not true at all" that answer gets a 1. If someone chooses "Completely true" that answer gets a 4. Some are reverse scored (so "Completely true" gets a value of 1 instead of 4, if the question has been worded in the opposite manner). I then add up all the answers, take the mean, and get the avg score for that person for that particular subscale. This is a bit time consuming to do by hand so I have been searching for a free survey program that would allow me to do that (or at least export my data to Excel or SPSS) but I can't do that with a basic plan unfortunately.

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Hey rmorelan,


What I mean by "scoring" is that the scales I am using have a numerical value associated with each answer. So if someone responds to the question with "Not true at all" that answer gets a 1. If someone chooses "Completely true" that answer gets a 4. Some are reverse scored (so "Completely true" gets a value of 1 instead of 4, if the question has been worded in the opposite manner). I then add up all the answers, take the mean, and get the avg score for that person for that particular subscale. This is a bit time consuming to do by hand so I have been searching for a free survey program that would allow me to do that (or at least export my data to Excel or SPSS) but I can't do that with a basic plan unfortunately.


oh I see - with the data in excel you can do that pretty quick though if you had to (if command for binary, or vlookup for more extensive data). Just putting that out there as an option - do not under any circumstances do this by hand :)


I cannot remember any free ones that do that which you don't have to install on your own server but will think about it.

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