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Robin Hood

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Donation is a great idea. I think I will make someone very happy as I am just tired of some of my clothes.


I am trying to be as paperless as possible. For example, I just ripped up the medical school acceptance letters to the ones I didn't accept! Never ever before have I felt like I'm committing sacrilege, until this fateful day of moving!

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Parrot removed from Montreal Biodome after learning too much English

Written by David Rudin Friday, 12 July 2013 16:03


Avez vous entendu une bêtise pareille ?????


MONTREAL - The Montreal Biodome’s Scarlet macaw will be deported to the Toronto Zoo next Friday after she only spoke English during a government inspection.


The parrot - known as “Bouton” - was the star attraction at the Tropical Ecosystem exhibit and very popular with tourists.


Chief of Animal Compliance at the Office Québecoise de la Langue Française Florence Laplante conducted two surprise visits to the Montreal attraction last week.


“On both occasions, Bouton only spoke to visitors in English,” said Lachance. “She asked for crackers, not craquelins.” Lachance continued: “Bouton also violated OQLF rules about French being the official language of the workplace. The presence of unilingual animals excludes many québecois birds from pursuing jobs in this sector.”


Polly’s trainer, Jacques Delorme tried to take matters into his own hands by creating a French immersion course in a bid to stave off her deportation. “Every night, we made Bouton listen to ‘Star Académie’ and audiobooks about Lucien Bouchard,” Delorme explained. “However, these efforts were in vain.”


Bouton’s replacement, Marie-Eve, a Francophone Spectacled parrotlet arrives from Fossambault-sur-le-Lac next week.


UPDATE: A petition has been created to save Bouton from being deported to the Toronto Zoo.

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Parrot removed from Montreal Biodome after learning too much English

Written by David Rudin Friday, 12 July 2013 16:03


Avez vous entendu une bêtise pareille ?????


MONTREAL - The Montreal Biodome’s Scarlet macaw will be deported to the Toronto Zoo next Friday after she only spoke English during a government inspection.


The parrot - known as “Bouton” - was the star attraction at the Tropical Ecosystem exhibit and very popular with tourists.


Chief of Animal Compliance at the Office Québecoise de la Langue Française Florence Laplante conducted two surprise visits to the Montreal attraction last week.


“On both occasions, Bouton only spoke to visitors in English,” said Lachance. “She asked for crackers, not craquelins.” Lachance continued: “Bouton also violated OQLF rules about French being the official language of the workplace. The presence of unilingual animals excludes many québecois birds from pursuing jobs in this sector.”


Polly’s trainer, Jacques Delorme tried to take matters into his own hands by creating a French immersion course in a bid to stave off her deportation. “Every night, we made Bouton listen to ‘Star Académie’ and audiobooks about Lucien Bouchard,” Delorme explained. “However, these efforts were in vain.”


Bouton’s replacement, Marie-Eve, a Francophone Spectacled parrotlet arrives from Fossambault-sur-le-Lac next week.


UPDATE: A petition has been created to save Bouton from being deported to the Toronto Zoo.


HAHAHA. Seriously. Also, Bouton is a great name for a parrot.

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I'm packing. How the F*** did I manage to accumulate so much crap?
I had a ton of stuff. Donated most of it to shelters and stuff, managed to pack 2 suitcases to like 49.9 pounds and overpacked my carry-ons.


It's usually thought processes like this:


"Maybe I'll need these biology notes again someday"

"Maybe I'll need to re-write my MCAT, better keep these books"

"Dang, I feel bad throwing away old birthday cards, they put a lot of time into this"

"I hate carrying pennies around, but maybe I'll have the motivation to roll these one day"

"What if someone has a grey t-shirt themed party and I need to wear this grey t-shirt"


Or is that stuff hoarders* say?


*Probably not** actually a hoarder.


**I think. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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I had a ton of stuff. Donated most of it to shelters and stuff, managed to pack 2 suitcases to like 49.9 pounds and overpacked my carry-ons.


It's usually thought processes like this:


"Maybe I'll need these biology notes again someday"

"Maybe I'll need to re-write my MCAT, better keep these books"

"Dang, I feel bad throwing away old birthday cards, they put a lot of time into this"

"I hate carrying pennies around, but maybe I'll have the motivation to roll these one day"

"What if someone has a grey t-shirt themed party and I need to wear this grey t-shirt"


Or is that stuff hoarders* say?


*Probably not** actually a hoarder.


**I think. :eek: :eek: :eek:


Yes, I was all set on throwing out this warm winter jacket because I'm just so tired of it. And now I wore it again, and now I am reconsidering haha. But it's heavy and kind of outdated. Still, the sentimental value...

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I was able to donate SO much stuff by thinking about how it could give someone else pleasure.


I moved by plane, so I really had to figure out what was important in life. I had 2 rules:


1/Have I used it in the past year? If yes, then I may keep it. If no, then move to rule no. 2.


2/Is it easily replaceable? If no (ie. sentimental stuff) then I may keep it. If it IS easily replaceable, then I can get another one if need be.


I'm helping my ex-partner move right now. It's a HUGE project because we're also closng the business we started together, and there are used auto parts. Everywhere.

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Really amazing how basic medicine can help so much.


I've had a stomach bug for the last week and instead of getting better, I was getting worse. Couldn't keep fluid down and I was in a lot of pain, shaking, hadn't eaten in days.


Went to the ER yesterday because I'd actually passed out a couple times. They got three bags of fluids into me faster than I'd ever been given fluids before and some IV gravol. Went home after that, slept until this morning, and I'm mostly better, if a bit weak.



Quick, simple, effective. Great ER staff too, though I'd rather avoid being back there until I'm there as a student.

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Malpractice suits often centre on missed diagnoses

Drug errors 2nd most common source of malpractice claims

CBC News Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013 6:26 PM ET


Most malpractice claims involving family doctors stem from missed or delayed diagnoses of serious conditions, a new review out of Ireland suggests.


Researchers at the Ireland Medical School in Dublin wanted to look at the origins of malpractice claims in primary care in an effort to identify risks in a field of medicine that is becoming more complex as doctors care for patients with multiple illnesses while facing pressure to shorten consultation times.


The researchers analyzed 19 studies on malpractice claims based in the U.S., in the U.K., Australia, France and Canada.


"The medical misadventure most frequently cited related to failure to or delay in diagnosis, which accounted for 26 to 63 per cent of all malpractice claims across included studies," Dr. Emma Wallace of Ireland Medical School in Dublin and her co-authors said in this week’s issue of the journal BMJ Open.


The most common consequence of the malpractice was death, ranging across the 19 studies from 15 per cent to 48 per cent of claims.


In one study, the most frequent factors in the missed diagnoses were failures in judgment, vigilance or memory and knowledge. The study also highlighted the number of factors that contribute to the errors in that in 43 per cent of errors studied, two or more clinicians were involved.


The diagnoses that were missed or delayed most often were:

Cancer, most commonly of the breast, colon, melanoma, lung and female genital tract.

Circulatory system problems, most commonly heart attack.

Appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy and fractures also came up frequently as missed diagnoses.


Among children, the most frequent claims were for meningitis and cancers.


The second-most common source of malpractice claims was drug errors, which accounted for between 5.6 per cent to 20 per cent of claims.


The study's authors acknowledged it may be difficult to generalize their findings since the term "primary care" does not mean the same thing in all the countries studied, and health care systems differ.


The majority of malpractice claims were successfully defended in the U.S. and U.K. The review also suggested that in the U.K. and Australia, malpractice claims against general practitioners are on the rise.


Ireland's Health Research Board funded the work.

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Ugh. I called Apple today about my battery life on my phone, and they want me to do a complete system restore to see if that changes everything. Easy enough, except that it would delete all SMS messages in order to do so (only iMessages saved in iCloud will remain). A very close friend of mine passed away a few months ago, and our SMS conversations are still very dear to me so I've been spending the afternoon screwing around with my phone trying to find the right software to upload and save the conversation.


I think I may have finally found the right program. Here's to hoping!

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7 months, 250 hours of practice, 50 hours of game time with another 100 hours of game prep and football season is done.


We didn't get as far as we'd like but saw some kids make great leaps from beginning of season and ended up with 3 all Ontario ream selections so not too bad.


3 months off then prep starts again lol

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Ugh. I called Apple today about my battery life on my phone, and they want me to do a complete system restore to see if that changes everything. Easy enough, except that it would delete all SMS messages in order to do so (only iMessages saved in iCloud will remain). A very close friend of mine passed away a few months ago, and our SMS conversations are still very dear to me so I've been spending the afternoon screwing around with my phone trying to find the right software to upload and save the conversation.


I think I may have finally found the right program. Here's to hoping!


Chances are the system restore won't change anything... I've been looking everywhere on the web and it seems that the battery just sucks and also varies from one phone to the other.


I'm in love with dragon boat.. It's completely replaced swimming for me now!

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i did my first mcat practice today (i found the free aamc one online and i was curious so i did the verbal section) and i scored a 10! :) i know this isn't that good or anything but i was scared to scored a 6 or something. (english being my 2nd language) i'm not taking it before next summer so i have plenty of time to get better but at least, i know that i'm not screwed and that i don't have to start studying 6 months early for this section haha

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i did my first mcat practice today (i found the free aamc one online and i was curious so i did the verbal section) and i scored a 10! :) i know this isn't that good or anything but i was scared to scored a 6 or something. (english being my 2nd language) i'm not taking it before next summer so i have plenty of time to get better but at least, i know that i'm not screwed and that i don't have to start studying 6 months early for this section haha


Not a bad start - good luck on the further studying!

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Ugh. I called Apple today about my battery life on my phone, and they want me to do a complete system restore to see if that changes everything. Easy enough, except that it would delete all SMS messages in order to do so (only iMessages saved in iCloud will remain). A very close friend of mine passed away a few months ago, and our SMS conversations are still very dear to me so I've been spending the afternoon screwing around with my phone trying to find the right software to upload and save the conversation.


I think I may have finally found the right program. Here's to hoping!


Sorry about your friend.


How bad is bad? Mine varies heavily depending on usage. I make sure to trim down the number of open apps to only necessary ones. If I'm not in an area with wifi I turn off wifi so that my phone isn't always searching for networks - this is very taxing on battery. Either way I get probably 1.5 to 2 days on a full charge.

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Sorry about your friend.


How bad is bad? Mine varies heavily depending on usage. I make sure to trim down the number of open apps to only necessary ones. If I'm not in an area with wifi I turn off wifi so that my phone isn't always searching for networks - this is very taxing on battery. Either way I get probably 1.5 to 2 days on a full charge.


With regular usage, battery life is probably around 6-7 hours. When I'm not even using it (ie. unplug it when I wake up in the morning and do my regular routine) it will dwindle - usually down to about 89-91% when I leave my house! System restore seems to have... Sort of... Helped. Mostly it's a checkbox I need to fill before they gimme a new phone under warranty.

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