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Which position would you rather be in


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I'm asking a hypothetical question in order to get an idea of what you guys consider more valuable. These 2 choices are sort of "reasonable" extremes that may or may not apply to anyone.


Anyways, if you had the choice, would you rather be:


1. A student going into 3rd year with a 4.0 GPA, 36 MCAT (Assume 12/12/12), and NOT A SINGLE EC.


2. A student going into 3rd year with a 3.3 GPA, No MCAT, and an above average list of ECs compared to matriculants.


Who has the advantage? Please answer as seriously as possible, I'm genuinely curious.


EDIT: Added hypothetical MCAT breakdown

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of the very nature of the question assumes you can absolutely chose such things. The entire point of a lot of medical school admissions is to block you from completely focusing on one thing - from hyper specializing as it were. That is why you update to include 12/12/12 for the mcat is important - it is balanced.


I more realistic question perhaps(?) - what would you answer be if you upped that GPA to 3.9 with full ECs (or some other much higher GPA) vs 4.0 with nothing else. Will a well rounded but solid applicant beat a solely GPA focused applicant? In Ontario at least quite possibly so - likely not even get interviews at 3 schools, and 2 of the others the advantage in GPA is would not really be that high.

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I agree that well-rounded applicants definitely have the edge. However, it's worth noting that both of the hypothetical students have 2 years of university ahead of them to round-out the rest of their application.


Though they could both reach similar positions in another 2 years, the consensus so far seems to be that student 1 has a better shot at forming the a well-rounded application by that time.

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I think the first is better since you can retake the MCAT.


True - although most people find raising their VR by 3 points extremely difficult. It is a somewhat more "sticky" score on the MCAT.


I would say again it depends - how much more than 3.7 in the last two? If it is quite high then if you qualify for U of Ts policy then after one year of high GPA you may even be golden for all schools except maybe Mac and even there you have a high VR to balance things out. Ha so many rules, so many tricks :)

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