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Hi everyone


So I really need an advice on my chance for U of T as a 3th year applicant as I'm trying to decide whether I should write MCAT or cancel it,I did tpr tests and I usually got 11/7/11,I also did aamc 11 and got 11/9/10 but I am really not sure about getting at least a 9 in verbal as it is fluctuating so much for me.I was working full time this summer too and I lost all of my concentration which I feel will effect my performance in the school too.That's why I wanna know is applying to U of T really worth it or not.The other school that i'm planning to apply is U of O.I studied so much but I am really not sure about getting 9 on verbal and I don't want to write MCAT more than once.:(



EC's:VP of uni clubs for 1 year,Nserc,abstract submitted for a conference,volunteered in a day care clinic abroad for 90 hours,private tutoring,uni scholarship,some high school awards,part of high school soccer team


Thanks a lot

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Agree with above ^^. Why not write it and then make a decision based on your score instead of trying to guess how you are going to do and speculate based on that.


I didn't want to write it more than once either, but thanks to verbal I wrote it 3 times. If medicine is something you want to do bad enough, then re-writing until you get what you want is just part of the process.


If writing it more than once is a barrier to medicine, then I suggest reevaluating before you invest another 5-10 years in school.

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Likely as well with respect to this test you are a bit burned out - and the very though of enduring more studying for a second time is quite unsettling. That is completely natural of course.


Anyone - anyone at all - that writes that tests has to accept there is always a chance it must be done again. For the very reasons you mention test scores can fluctuate, and the difference of a single point in a single section is often significant.


Still writing the test again is often quite a bit less work actually and studying becomes more focused.


In the end your choice is hard but simple - you cannot apply this year without writing the test of course, and while the odds for anyone applying in third year are quite small people do get in. The practise you get from an attempt is often invaluable so I usually suggest people try - and I always say in the med app game if you have a chance you take it.

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Hi everyone


So I really need an advice on my chance for U of T as a 3th year applicant as I'm trying to decide whether I should write MCAT or cancel it,I did tpr tests and I usually got 11/7/11,I also did aamc 11 and got 11/9/10 but I am really not sure about getting at least a 9 in verbal as it is fluctuating so much for me.I was working full time this summer too and I lost all of my concentration which I feel will effect my performance in the school too.That's why I wanna know is applying to U of T really worth it or not.The other school that i'm planning to apply is U of O.I studied so much but I am really not sure about getting 9 on verbal and I don't want to write MCAT more than once.:(



EC's:VP of uni clubs for 1 year,Nserc,abstract submitted for a conference,volunteered in a day care clinic abroad for 90 hours,private tutoring,uni scholarship,some high school awards,part of high school soccer team


Thanks a lot


I don't really get your situation. Are you asking if you should write the MCAT? When else would you write? Next year? Why wouldn't you write it if you spent the summer studying for it? Even though you had a job, and you feel you might not do as well as you could, there is absolutely no downside to writing the MCAT now unless you apply to the US (which doesn't like multiple attempts). If you do poorly, it's not a big deal, because then you just write it again next year.


No one wants to do the MCAT multiple times. A girl in my class wrote the MCAT SEVEN times before she got an acceptable score. It's a weird test and some people just aren't good standardized test takers. I know it was a struggle for me and I wrote it once myself. If I had to do it multiple times, I would be sad and frustrated but it's just a hoop you need to jump through. Everyone has to.

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Hi everyone


So I really need an advice on my chance for U of T as a 3th year applicant as I'm trying to decide whether I should write MCAT or cancel it,I did tpr tests and I usually got 11/7/11,I also did aamc 11 and got 11/9/10 but I am really not sure about getting at least a 9 in verbal as it is fluctuating so much for me.I was working full time this summer too and I lost all of my concentration which I feel will effect my performance in the school too.That's why I wanna know is applying to U of T really worth it or not.The other school that i'm planning to apply is U of O.I studied so much but I am really not sure about getting 9 on verbal and I don't want to write MCAT more than once.:(



EC's:VP of uni clubs for 1 year,Nserc,abstract submitted for a conference,volunteered in a day care clinic abroad for 90 hours,private tutoring,uni scholarship,some high school awards,part of high school soccer team


Thanks a lot


Your Hx displays a strong academic background. You clearly are above average in regards to your GPA. If I were you, I would be a bit more confident when studying for the MCAT. I would really get a solid 4-6 month period dedicated to the MCAT. You'll be surprised.

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Hi everyone


So I really need an advice on my chance for U of T as a 3th year applicant as I'm trying to decide whether I should write MCAT or cancel it,I did tpr tests and I usually got 11/7/11,I also did aamc 11 and got 11/9/10 but I am really not sure about getting at least a 9 in verbal as it is fluctuating so much for me.I was working full time this summer too and I lost all of my concentration which I feel will effect my performance in the school too.That's why I wanna know is applying to U of T really worth it or not.The other school that i'm planning to apply is U of O.I studied so much but I am really not sure about getting 9 on verbal and I don't want to write MCAT more than once.:(



EC's:VP of uni clubs for 1 year,Nserc,abstract submitted for a conference,volunteered in a day care clinic abroad for 90 hours,private tutoring,uni scholarship,some high school awards,part of high school soccer team


Thanks a lot


Honestly it is what you make of it. Due to some unfortunate circumstances I was only able to study for 4 weeks and was scoring 7-9 on VR on the AAMC practice exams. I went on to score a 13 in VR. Kepp working and you should be fine.

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