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Today, I Tried Tinder

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I haven't gotten far enough to swipe right on anyone but I don't think I would mention it in my bio or in conversation unless the other person asked. Funny you mention this though, I literally just came across someone who had "neurosurgery" as their bio haha (should I have swiped right?? Shit).

I dont think i ever took the time to read bio when swiping left or right

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I haven't gotten far enough to swipe right on anyone but I don't think I would mention it in my bio or in conversation unless the other person asked. Funny you mention this though, I literally just came across someone who had "neurosurgery" as their bio haha (should I have swiped right?? Shit).



The reason I said that is cause when I'm asked what I study, and I mention "something science-y," people automatically go "DAMNNN." And I'm just like, "I'm just a poor struggling premed. What would you do if I told you I was a medical student?" 

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The reason I said that is cause when I'm asked what I study, and I mention "something science-y," people automatically go "DAMNNN." And I'm just like, "I'm just a poor struggling premed. What would you do if I told you I was a medical student?"

Ugh this only works for guys. Unfortunately it's quite the opposite for women. The world sucks sometimes. :P

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I have definitely stumbled across an awkward number of male medical students/doctors on tinder during my 3 hour left swipe session (...don't judge me. I have nothing better to do with my time). Made evident by them wearing white coats, scrubs, a steth around their neck, standing beside signs that say "MEDICINE", or just bios screaming they're med students/docs hahahaha.


Looks like everyone's having a tough time these days.


... but seriously who still has time to go meet people the old fashioned way?



Haha true, but often guys (I don't mean on tinder) will automatically not be interested in a women medical student, in my experience.  Sure, you can lie (or omit) and not tell them till you get to know them better, but I personally have no interested in dating someone who is intimidated by the fact that I'm intelligent.  I just hate that our society is still like that. :/


Anyways, sorry for making this thread serious! Back to the funny tinder stories.  

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Exactly! You probably wouldn't want to be with a guy long term--or at all--who feels that way. I think the thing I appreciate most about my past SO was that he was able to admit I was "smarter" than him and had no problem doing so. They're out there! If anything, it's a nice filter ;) I'd rather find out sooner through this than later that we're incompatible. To be fair, guys don't have it so great either... females are more likely to be into them because of their profession rather than who they are. Sucks either way lol. Unless you're into this. But I think I'd rather not be liked at all than falsely liked?


Has anyone here actually gone on a tinder date!?


I haven't posted in a while... But I'm gonna go ahead and say one thing, since this made my chuckle...


I don't think too many stories to your children started with "we met on tinder". If you're up for one night stands and nothing serious, sure. But out of everyone I've ever known that uses tinder, none of them are in it for the long haul. 

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I haven't posted in a while... But I'm gonna go ahead and say one thing, since this made my chuckle...


I don't think too many stories to your children started with "we met on tinder". If you're up for one night stands and nothing serious, sure. But out of everyone I've ever known that uses tinder, none of them are in it for the long haul.

I know at least one semi serious couple who met on tinder. It happens.

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I know at least one semi serious couple who met on tinder. It happens.



I know two pretty serious couples who met from tinder! They like to say they "met at work" etc, though to keep it above grade for the parents etc.



Same here. I know at least 2 long term couples who met on tinder and are basically soulmates. Probably gonna get married and have each other's babies.


They're ashamed and have a fake story of how they met. I think it's actually more common than people realize!


Hot damn! Well look at that. I guess it's possible then haha. 

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Okay so I'm pretty sure I just came across someone impersonating a doctor...


This guy's MAIN tinder pic was of his hospital badge with a pic, name, specialty, and barcode. Plus a bio that indicates he's a physician. I lolled and was curious so decided to search him up on the college website. Nothing. Thought maybe he used a different first name so left it blank. Nothing. Found his facebook and instagram... Nothing indicates he's a doctor; just some dude with a lot of free time who likes drake and has nice cars.



Started from the bottom, still there

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Wouldn't the advantage of having a high earning and high achieving female partner outweigh the downside? Not only the socioeconomic synergy but also increased likelihood to have similar attitudes towards career, education, values, etc.


I remember an essay a while back (may have been in the New Yorker) professing that in this age of stagnating lower class (ie. widening income gap and decreased social mobility), the invisible incentives and catalysts for stable relationships (eg. stable work, housing, preferred schooling) have become more rare, resulting in a demand for tools (such as apps) that act in place of traditional filters (eg. exclusivity of balls, social clubs; matchmakers, etc). To me Tinder seems to cater to people of lower socioeconomic status (eg. students), I wonder if there's a differentiated version that caters to people of higher socioeconomic status?


btw the research basis for CaRMS matching is very interesting. There's a YT video outlining the basic math ideas worth watching.

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Wouldn't the advantage of having a high earning and high achieving female partner outweigh the downside? Not only the socioeconomic synergy but also increased likelihood to have similar attitudes towards career, education, values, etc.


People are emotional, not rational, beings.

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