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Sci-Fi Movie Reviews/ Favorites?


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Hey so since there are a good amount of people interested in science on this board I thought I'd ask here. I've been really interested in sci-fi movies lately and wanted to get opinions on some of people's favorites. I've found that the sci-fi movies I've watched over the years have been really hit or miss (although I haven't seen many of them!). Also I'm interested in a wide variety of sci-fi films, so if it crosses genres or different areas of science that's ok and I'd love to hear about some good sci fi movies in general! Thanks!

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This is more of a thriller tbh, but I never hear it come up in conversations. I saw it last year and it was one of the craziest movies I have ever seen. Trust me, the trailer does not do it any justice after having seen the entire thing.



Trained to get into the minds of sociopaths...sounds like CASPer, lol.

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Another recommendation for Contact. It's based on a novel by Carl Sagan himself. Gattaca, as Mononoke mentioned, is a must-see too. 


If you're going to watch Serenity, you have to watch Firefly first. There's only 14 episodes (sigh...) so it won't take you terribly long. But don't watch the movie as a standalone.


Two really fantastic films: District 9 and Chappie. By the same creator is Elysium, which is pretty decent. More action movie than sci-fi, but entertaining. 


There's the old classics, of course. Star Wars - Episode VII is out two months from today! - and the many Star Trek series and movies (I actually like most of the movies. Most don't.)


I really liked the reboots of Planet of the Apes. Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of Planet of the Apes. 


Titan AE remains probably one of my favourite sci-fi movies ever. It's animated, but fantastically so, and it's not really for kids. 

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Another recommendation for Contact. It's based on a novel by Carl Sagan himself. Gattaca, as Mononoke mentioned, is a must-see too. 


If you're going to watch Serenity, you have to watch Firefly first. There's only 14 episodes (sigh...) so it won't take you terribly long. But don't watch the movie as a standalone.


Two really fantastic films: District 9 and Chappie. By the same creator is Elysium, which is pretty decent. More action movie than sci-fi, but entertaining. 


There's the old classics, of course. Star Wars - Episode VII is out two months from today! - and the many Star Trek series and movies (I actually like most of the movies. Most don't.)


I really liked the reboots of Planet of the Apes. Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of Planet of the Apes. 


Titan AE remains probably one of my favourite sci-fi movies ever. It's animated, but fantastically so, and it's not really for kids. 


I watched Serenity first. Then I watched Firefly and subsequently Serenity angered me.  :P


I have to disagree about Elysium. I don't think it really worked very well. 


As for Star Trek, I'll have to go with Khan (*not* Into Darkness), Search for Spock (for completion), Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, and First Contact. Generations is okay. Insurrection isn't actually terrible. Nemesis is a mess. 


I don't really like the Abrahms reboots. 

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I watched Serenity first. Then I watched Firefly and subsequently Serenity angered me.  :P


I have to disagree about Elysium. I don't think it really worked very well. 


As for Star Trek, I'll have to go with Khan (*not* Into Darkness), Search for Spock (for completion), Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, and First Contact. Generations is okay. Insurrection isn't actually terrible. Nemesis is a mess. 


I don't really like the Abrahms reboots. 


The bolded is why I tell people to watch Firefly first. 


Elysium works more as an action movie than sci-fi. I'm not big on that sort (my husband is) but I liked it anyway, even if it wasn't to my usual taste. 


For all Into Darkness was an absolute mess, I still enjoyed Cumberbatch as a villain. Not that villain, specifically, but if they'd written him as anyone else, I think it'd have worked better. Still going to go see Beyond when it comes out. 


Otherwise, I agree with your assessment of the original movies. First Contact is by far my favourite. 


And I'm counting down the days to The Force Awakens. The trailers have left me hopeful that they might not have made a complete disaster of it this time around. 

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