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Dog Owners?

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Yeah, support is definitely necessary, with a non-physician partner being ideal. If you're getting a puppy, try hard to time it so that you pick them up right when you start a more relaxed period (summers in pre-clerkship are ideal), because house breaking a new puppy can get pretty exhausting... it gets a lot easier after the first couple months.

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I've been struggling with this for years; it's not possible by yourself, especially when you're on call and when Fido needs to potty. I've decided on putting off getting a dog until I'm staff. It's not fair to the dog.



We waited until my husband started his fellowship to get our pup. It's a long, painful wait, but totally worth it when it finally happens!! :D

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We had a dog prior to med school that came with us for med school and residency. He's gone a few years now but trying to do residency with a dog is very hard. If you lived in the same place as your family it might work, but if you end up somewhere away from your supports it would be extremely hard.

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But they're the worst...


ha spot the non cat person :)


It isn't just the call - it is also all the other stuff - for instance many programs have you do away electives that can be weeks long, similarly there are training courses that can last weeks as well, and there are conferences, another round of interviews.....


and well it is of course still also the call ha. You need some form of support when you start at weird hours and can have shifts that are 30 hours long followed by a complete crash.

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Why do people have such a weird hate on for cats? I love dogs too, but that doesn't mean I automatically hate cats, haha.


Besides, my cat fetches.



I owned 2 cats for 4 months ~10 years ago. Never again. They destroyed my furniture, interfered with my sleep. I would get home from work and find them sitting in my kitchen sink. So disgusting. Never again.

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seems to be the usual issue - people have some early bad experience and then bang don't like one or the other type of pet.


Personally my parents raised litters of corgis - which meant I spent a ton of time walking dozens and dozens of hyperactive ankle biting dogs that would destroy anything less than two feet from the ground. Not to meant mention cleaning up after them all and the shear overwhelming smell.


Compared to that cats which clean themselves, don't need walking, and can be left alone for relatively long periods are quite refreshing :)


I owned 2 cats for 4 months ~10 years ago. Never again. They destroyed my furniture, interfered with my sleep. I would get home from work and find them sitting in my kitchen sink. So disgusting. Never again.

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I owned 2 cats for 4 months ~10 years ago. Never again. They destroyed my furniture, interfered with my sleep. I would get home from work and find them sitting in my kitchen sink. So disgusting. Never again.

Yah, see that's what I don't get. When we talk about aggressive dogs, we say "it's the owner, not the dog". But for some reason with cats it's all the cats fault.


I love my dog but it certainly took more than 4 months to teach him to stop pooping in the house, destroying furniture, biting, etc.


But yah, cats do sit in sinks. They like to lick the water off. Not sure why it's disgusting though. Cats are pretty clean and I always rinse out the sink before I use it. They can be taught not to do it though, just like dogs.

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Yeah I've found my cat in my sink.  Can't say it bothered me too much.  I probably took a photo of it and texted it to everybody I know, though :P


I'd love a dog, but my cat is just much more compatible with my lifestyle right now.  And she's never destroyed furniture - I just cut her nails from time to time and no problems.  She does tend to bother me at night but I don't really care.  It's nice to have the company, since I live alone.

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heheheh plus there are rumours of teaching your cat to use the toilet. Which is just hilarious to me.


I have friends who've successfully trained their cats to use the toilet.  It involves putting the litter on the toilet, and the progressively introduce larger holes in the middle of the litter till the cat learns to stand on the seat and poop/pee in to the toilet.  The training process can be a bit disgusting with the litter on the toilet. Though it'd be nice to not have to but litter, I don't mind doing the litter box.  


My cat has also sat in the sink and drank from the toilet - it doesn't bother me, though I try to keep the toilet cover down now because with the lysol cleaner in the toilet bowl, drink that water can be dangerous.  He only really bothers me at night when I forget to leave out enough food for him.  Luckily, my cat is declawed and can't scratch furniture or me when I bath him. Before flaming me for declawing, that was just the way he was when I got him from a dead lady's apartment.  Cats can be trained to not do certain things with a spray bottle or aggressive hissing. 

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it's gross to find a cat on your countertops/table/sink because they also walk through their litter boxes. nothing like finding cat litter on your counters. barf.


sure, my dog doesn't know how to aim when he pees, but at least he's not walking on my countertops or table :)


no they are just licking you and everything with the tongue they use to clean their own rear end.


hehehe really when you are looking at almost any type of pet you can find something that makes them out to be quite disgusting :)


I don't have a cat right now but if I do get one I am going to see if I can get one of those self cleaning letter boxes connected to the water supply. That sounds pretty amazing.

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no they are just licking you and everything with the tongue they use to clean their own rear end.


hehehe really when you are looking at almost any type of pet you can find something that makes them out to be quite disgusting :)


I don't have a cat right now but if I do get one I am going to see if I can get one of those self cleaning letter boxes connected to the water supply. That sounds pretty amazing.

I hear they don't work that well. At least in their current iteration. If anyone wants to invent one that does work though, I'm sold.

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