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Negative Comments - Gucio and Carloyn

Guest flora

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Guest flora

Both of you said that it is never good to put/ focus on negative comments on in your app...can you explain what you mean by negative comments?


For me, I used examples how I did something, but regretted it and how I learned from it....does that meet the definition of negative?


Also, does every answer have state to "how" it relates to medicine? (i.e. Provide evidence to cope with conflict, time management mean to you, benifit of the doubt to others...and so forth?


Thanks a bunch!



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Guest gucio93

Hi there!

When I wrote about not putting negative comments, I meant it in terms of, for instance, putting down other schools, criticizing other approaches, etc. This would be ecquivalent with disrespectful and non-professional behaviour, and would not be viewed positively. I think you can safely highlight a "less than shining" moment in your life and how you learned from it. With regard to your next question. I don't think that anyone expects you to relate every single experience to medicine. It would be good if you could try to choose experiences that taught you skills, which could be transferred/ applied in medicine, but they don't necessarily have to have a medical context. Does that make sense?

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