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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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Congratulations to everyone accepted!! An update on the application: 

Applied + (PT or OT?): All PT - Dalhousie, Queen’s, UofT, Western & Mac (Ontario resident)

Accepted: Dalhousie, Queen's, UofT, Western (took Western)

Waitlisted: McMaster (top 100)


GPA c-gpa and s-gpa: c-gpa 3.65 & s-gpa 3.96

CASPer quartile: 4th quartile.

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:


-PT-ish experiences were 16 hours volunteering as a PTA. 1060 hours doing admin for a pelvic health physio clinic, 90 hours PTA for the same clinic. 21 hours as an exercise assistant for patients undergoing cancer treatment and 14 hours as a workout buddy for students who were referred to increase physical activity for their mental health. 

-Other experiences were 130 hours as a TA for anatomy, 90 hours completing cadaver dissections, 41 hours as a research assistant and 33 hours as a peer mentor for students. 

-References: one academic was my anatomy prof who I work with as a TA and who supervised a senior project. Dal needed a second prof, so I have the one I worked with as an RA. Professional was the owner of the clinic I did PTA & admin with. I think they all know me pretty well and should hopefully give strong references.

-Personal statements: I didn’t feel *super* confident in these. I think Western ended up being the best, Queens in the middle and Dal was not my favourite. I had a few people read them over and used university resources to also proofread. 

So apparently Kira didn't go fantastic, but I was SUPER nervous for it and had had my wisdom teeth removed about a week before so not an ideal time lol

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5 hours ago, ptpt22 said:

i guess i could give an update on this. i'm a first time applicant in my fourth year of undergrad 


Applied: (PT) UofT Mcmaster Queens Western

Accepted: </3

Rejected: Queens

Waitlisted: Uoft, Western, McMaster (greater than 100) 

sGPA: 3.89 

Casper: 4th quartile 

had volunteer experience of 400 hours at a physiotherapy clinic, also lots of athletic ECs and university academic committees, orientation etc. felt pretty good about my casper. i thought my kira was okay, but felt worse about the CAP. i personally thought my statements and answers for queens and western were well written. i felt really good about them, but i guess they thought otherwise LOL. 

going really rough right now, wont lie. good luck to everyone and congrats on acceptances!! not really sure about my waitlist chances with uoft and western, but mcmaster is def a long shot. didnt even know that a waitlist with that many people is a thing 



Thanks for sharing your experience! I was in your same position last year & I know how devistating the feeling is after working so hard. Just know that it does get better and you will figure things out. Everything always happens for a reason. Goodluck with your waitlist positions :)

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4 hours ago, PTPTPT said:

On a similar note I was wondering if waitlist offers expire and if provisional acceptances become firm at a certain point after June 7? i.e. When do people have to fully decide by to keep the waitlist moving? (Maybe this is in the waitlist email?

I was waitlisted for Western and UofT PT and they both said the waitlist offers expire after 24 hours. I'm not sure if other schools would be different. UofT said this in the email "If 24 hours have passed and we have not received a response, we will assume that you have declined our offer and we will move to the next candidate on our list." Western said this "If we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will move to the next person on the waiting list."

Hope this helps! :)

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Hey everyone! This forum and the forums from past years has definitely helped me out throughout my PT application process so I thought I would add to it :) This is my first time applying and I have recently finished my 4th year in Kin at the University of Calgary (AB applicant). 

Applied + (All PT): UofA, UofT, Queens, Western, McMaster, Dalhousie (OOP) 
Accepted: Queens, McMaster, Dalhousie 
Waitlisted: UofA, UofT, Western 
GPA: s-gpa 3.93 (In ontario according to ORPAS) 
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

I made sure to spend lots of time volunteering in various different settings with different populations. I also decided to do volunteering that was both PT and non-PT related in order to make my application more well-rounded. Spent 200+ hours volunteering in a rehab unit at a hospital and senior home, worked one-on-one doing cognitive activities with dementia patients (40 hours), 40 hours with GLAD Canada, 40 hours volunteering at a rehabilitation center at my uni, 60+ hours working as a coach with Special Olympics, and 40 hours with Peerify (online non-profit org). I also worked as a server/bartender during undergrad so decided to mention this in my personal statements.  For this reason I felt like my personal statements were strong as well as my references. Although, I started my personal statements super late (1 week before due date) so felt like they could've been written better. 

Honestly was not expecting my results to go as they did as I felt super great about my UofT CAP and UofA MMI and bad about the Mac kira talent lol.  I spent roughly 4-5 days prepping for the CAP and MMI and 1-2 days for the kira talent since I was super busy with midterms. 

CASPER quartile: 4th/top quartile 

My first choice was actually UofT but am not sure where to choose now! If anyone knows how the UofT waitlist moves let me know :) 


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5 hours ago, PFPT said:

Congratulations to everyone accepted!! An update on the application: 

Applied + (PT or OT?): All PT - Dalhousie, Queen’s, UofT, Western & Mac (Ontario resident)

Accepted: Dalhousie, Queen's, UofT, Western (took Western)

Waitlisted: McMaster (top 100)


GPA c-gpa and s-gpa: c-gpa 3.65 & s-gpa 3.96

CASPer quartile: 4th quartile.

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:


-PT-ish experiences were 16 hours volunteering as a PTA. 1060 hours doing admin for a pelvic health physio clinic, 90 hours PTA for the same clinic. 21 hours as an exercise assistant for patients undergoing cancer treatment and 14 hours as a workout buddy for students who were referred to increase physical activity for their mental health. 

-Other experiences were 130 hours as a TA for anatomy, 90 hours completing cadaver dissections, 41 hours as a research assistant and 33 hours as a peer mentor for students. 

-References: one academic was my anatomy prof who I work with as a TA and who supervised a senior project. Dal needed a second prof, so I have the one I worked with as an RA. Professional was the owner of the clinic I did PTA & admin with. I think they all know me pretty well and should hopefully give strong references.

-Personal statements: I didn’t feel *super* confident in these. I think Western ended up being the best, Queens in the middle and Dal was not my favourite. I had a few people read them over and used university resources to also proofread. 

So apparently Kira didn't go fantastic, but I was SUPER nervous for it and had had my wisdom teeth removed about a week before so not an ideal time lol

Congratz on all your offers! How did you decide that Western was the place for you? 

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6 hours ago, DfuturePT said:

I was waitlisted for Western and UofT PT and they both said the waitlist offers expire after 24 hours. I'm not sure if other schools would be different. UofT said this in the email "If 24 hours have passed and we have not received a response, we will assume that you have declined our offer and we will move to the next candidate on our list." Western said this "If we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will move to the next person on the waiting list."

Hope this helps! :)

Thank you!! I was waitlisted for Queen’s and Mac and they didn’t mention anything

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54 minutes ago, Boukenbc said:

For those on the waitlist for UofA OT. Has anyone inquired about the waitlist yet ? Or got in off it. Just wondering about this cycles movement

I got accepted into UofA, and they haven't updated my profile yet, so I can't accept or decline. I believe they will update it sometime this week - you'll probably hear of some movement once everyone's profiles have been updated, and people can accept or decline officially. I will most likely be declining, hopefully you are able to get a spot! :)

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1 hour ago, OTornotOT said:

Wondering if there's been any waitlist movement for UBC OT! I recall someone that was 2nd got off a few weeks ago, but haven't heard anything since

I emailed David and he let me know that 3 people have gotten off so far! What number are you on the waitlist?

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Hey everyone, just thought I'd share my stats and story! As a first time applicant reading everyone else's stats and experiences on here, I was so worried I wouldn't get in anywhere. But thankfully I did! 

Applied + (All OT): UofT, Queens, Western
Accepted: Western 
Rejected: UofT, Queens
GPA: s-gpa 3.74 , c-gpa: 3.71

Casper: 4th quartile
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

I did not have much experience in healthcare, so I thought this was my biggest weakness. I have been a residence advisor for two years and a sport convenor for the soccer programs for one year. I played soccer for all four years and was the team captain in my last year. I also won an award for being the 'RA of the year'. I talked a lot about the importance of leadership in health promotion and how I can transfer this to OT. As for healthcare/rehab, I only volunteered on a medical ship for 2 months where I was a dental assistant, worked in the lab, and did some health promotion. In my statement, I described how this is what helped me determine that I wanted to go into the field of public health, but now switching to clinical for the emphasis on one-on-one care rather than policy level because I learned that individual care is more my passion. I had one professor (who I had just met that fall in one course) and my RA supervisor as my references. I thought they were strong, but maybe not strong enough. My essays for UofT and Queens definitely could've been improved as well. I really tried my best to tailor each statement to the values of each school. I also think I did really well on CASPER since I am a fast typer, so I answered every question in depth and considered every perspective. 

So for everyone who is doubting themselves because their GPA isn't as high as everyone else's, or their experiences don't include hundreds of hours volunteering in rehab or shadowing OTs, there is definitely hope! Just try your best and really reflect on why you want to enter this profession and let that show in your statements/essays.

All the best to everyone!

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Hi Everyone, 

Western OT Co-Prezis here!

For those who have accepted please feel free to use this thread to connect with peers but be patient for the official Facebook group to be made - we have to wait until the official class list is available. Once we've hit a certain number of students who have accepted their offer (including the waitlist), the school will send us the list and you'll receive an email from us with a link to join - this will likely be by the end of June.

We will be monitoring this account every few days leading up to the Fall, so feel free to reach out if anyone has any questions wherever you're at in your process for Western OT! 


J and C

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19 hours ago, ptpt22 said:

i guess i could give an update on this. i'm a first time applicant in my fourth year of undergrad 


Applied: (PT) UofT Mcmaster Queens Western

Accepted: </3

Rejected: Queens

Waitlisted: Uoft, Western, McMaster (greater than 100) 

sGPA: 3.89 

Casper: 4th quartile 

had volunteer experience of 400 hours at a physiotherapy clinic, also lots of athletic ECs and university academic committees, orientation etc. felt pretty good about my casper. i thought my kira was okay, but felt worse about the CAP. i personally thought my statements and answers for queens and western were well written. i felt really good about them, but i guess they thought otherwise LOL. 

going really rough right now, wont lie. good luck to everyone and congrats on acceptances!! not really sure about my waitlist chances with uoft and western, but mcmaster is def a long shot. didnt even know that a waitlist with that many people is a thing 



Hey, my stats are very similar (3.85, 4th quartile, 450 hrs total in clinic) and I got an acceptance from Queen's. I've heard that Queen's really favours research experience, and that seems like the biggest difference between our CV's. If you haven't graduated already, try to apply for a thesis/independent study, or try to find opportunities to partake in research. It will really help!

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I was waitlisted for McMaster and just emailed to ask what position I am on the waitlist. I did not expect a reply but found out I'm number #32.

Does anyone have an idea if the waitlist moves much? I'm really hoping to get in but also have McGill and Western as options. 

Congrats to everyone who got a spot somewhere!! 

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47 minutes ago, imogenb25 said:

I was waitlisted for McMaster and just emailed to ask what position I am on the waitlist. I did not expect a reply but found out I'm number #32.

Does anyone have an idea if the waitlist moves much? I'm really hoping to get in but also have McGill and Western as options. 

Congrats to everyone who got a spot somewhere!! 

Did initially get the waitlist email that said your position is greater than 100? Or was it something else?

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8 minutes ago, zerochance said:

Anyone know what being in the third quadrant of a waitlist means?  This is for western pt.  I really hope it’s like Casper LOL in the sense that the higher the quadrant the better.

mhmmm I'm not sure, how was it used in the email? Did you just get the email now? :)

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4 hours ago, OTHOPEFUL22 said:

Just wondering if anyone has heard which third they are on for Western's OT Waitlist? I know they said we would be receiving an email in a few days (last Friday), but am curious if others have heard anything yet. 

Just got the email, got told middle third (not hoping for much with that).. but no idea how many people are on the waitlist. 

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