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*** The Saskatchewan Forum Quiz ***

Guest saskmedman

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dont apologize! it was fun realizing that i managed to memorize at least one out of the many antipsychotics, antideps, mood stabilizers, stimulant drugs we need to know.....and thats only psych.


yeay pharm! :rolleyes

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Guest medicator007

I'll take a stab at this one...


There are six categories in the Jeopardy round, each with five questions ($100-500$; though i heard this might have been increased as of late) & one daily double.


In order to maximize the first round winnings you would want to hit the daily double as your last clue and have the daily double be in the spot of a $100 question.


So assume our player starts first and gets ALL questions right in the first 5 columns: $1500 per column x 5 columns= $7500


Add to this, all the clues in the final column except the $100 dollar one: $7500 + $1400= $8900


Now the last $100 clue is the Daily Double, you wager it all and get it right thereby doubling your winnings: $8900 x 2=$17,800


Did i get it?



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Guest cptn med

That only counts for the first session in the game and therefore is missing round two (where all the money is doubled). Also, about a year ago they doubled the amount of the origional $> therefore you would have to double your first amount right?

Then you would have to use the same tactic in deciding the amount in the second session and then lets not forget final j.

But wait...can't you wager more on a daily double than you actually have?

I've gotta look this up...8o

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Guest swedeboy

Here goes:


($200*5) + ($400*6) + ($600*6) + etc. = $17800


Then hit the double Jeopardy at the $200 value and double to $35600...enter round two


$35600 + ($400*4) + ($800*6) + ($1200*6) + etc. = $70800


Then hit the 2 double Jeopardies at the $400 value and double twice to $283200...enter final jeopardy


$283200*2 = $566400 in total



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Guest therealcrackers

Nope, nope and nope. Let me clarify.


The Jeopardy! round only, so the first round... and with the current amounts available per question, so AFTER the raise was instituted.


Happy guessing!

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Guest swedeboy

In a tiny town in the US, a boy in his late teens asked his parents if he could go to a party at his friends house. His parents agreed as long as he came back before sunrise. He left the house clean-shaven that evening. However, when he returned just before the following sunrise his parents couldn't believe that he had a fully grown beard. What happened?

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Guest rodschubert

Bicycle is a popular brand of playing card, and since there were 53 there was one too many. Like the previous post said, the fellow likely had an ace up his sleeve. I'll let the poster before me post the next question, since the questions I ask are clearly not suited to the thread which I created. Sorry about that realcrackers. Here's an idea for questions in the future: no medical content questions. Seems some people in here are just trying to impress us, but we're all learning the same stuff so who's really impressed. Save it for someone who cares.

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Guest cptn med

hey rodschubert,

You put way more thought into that than I did...I just looked up a few key words on google. Honestly I didn't even know that 53 bicycles popular playing card.8o

You can ask the next one if you want. You've earned it.

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Guest UWOMED2005

Sorry rodschubert, as I tried to make clear, the med content questions weren't intended as proper "Saskatchewan Forum Quiz" questions but rather trying to help a colleague study. No attempt to impress anyone was intended!

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Guest therealcrackers

rodschubert has the conch...


and the intent of my previous exposition was to prevent the week-long breaks between questions when a "guess my trivia" question comes up and no one has the same brainwave as the poster... and keep this fun thread going!

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Guest All Good Names are Used

No trivia left??


I just recently stumbled on to this "forum quiz" and have to say that some of the previous questions have been very interesting and hope they keep on coming!

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Guest saskmedman

That rodschubert guy was actually me. Sorry for the mix-up. My next question is: How many toilets are there in the white house? Good luck on this one guys. I'll check back in a few weeks to see if someone has it right. Just joking. I know how you guys like to keep this thing moving at an incredible rate, so I'll try my darnedest to check back regularily. But please for the love of me, let's try to stop trying to sound so smart around here. I'm going out of my mind with all the people using big words just for the hell of it, when a much shorter alternative would be much easier. And so what if you're on your way to doing a peds emerg. rotation. La-dee-frickin-da. We're all med students here, no one's impressed. I know I sound like a complete jackass but I have no patience for show boating. Save it for someone who's impressed.



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Guest All Good Names are Used

Well i'm not a med student yet but hope to be soon and am impressed with all the technical things the people in this forum are discussing! ( but also dreading the fact that I will eventually have to learn them as well):x


As for the question I'm not sure if there is a no google rule or not but if so I cheated! 31 :smokin

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Guest therealcrackers

Good answer. I hope it's right.


I feel sorry for even sticking my neck out and trying to keep this thread going. I've edited my responses to keep the collateral content to a minimum.

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