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*** The Saskatchewan Forum Quiz ***

Guest saskmedman

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Guest bearman14

The only thing I've been able to come up with is that Richard Whitcomb (developer of the Area Rule) was awarded the 1974 Wright brothers memorial trophy, and that he was presented with another award on the 100th anniversary of the Kitty Hawk flight. But I imagine the link is much more clever than that,


Perhaps I'll leave that part of the answer to someone else (I'll share the point with you :P )

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Guest UTMed07
But I imagine the link is much more clever than that,

Sort of... it is a personal detail not related to their work.


If no one finds it before 12:30 EDT today you're the next quiz master and I'll post the answer.

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Guest UTMed07



part 1:

Whitcomb's area-rule


part 2:

none of them ever married



Part 1:

For almost a century, it was well known by ballisticians that the speed of a supersonic bullet or artillery shell with a smooth variation of the cross-sectional area was higher than projectiles with abrupt or discontinuous area distributions. Whitcomb put this knowledge to work on the problem of transonic flight of airplanes. He reasoned that the variation of cross-sectional area for an airplane should be smooth, with no discontinuities. This meant that, in the region of the wings and tail, the fuselage cross-sectional area should decrease to compensate for the addition of the wing and tail cross-sectional area. This led to a 'coke bottle' fuselage shape -- this site has a nice picture.


Part 2:

Parallels between the personalities of the Wright brothers and Richard Whitcomb:

1. They were totally dedicated to their work (none of them ever married).

2. They did a great deal of their work themselves, trusting only their own results.


Source: 2nd Ed. of this book.


bearman14 you're up. :)

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Guest bearman14

Alright -- we'll go a bit "nerdish" with this question (though I suppose arguments could be presented that this whole exercise is a bit "nerdish" :P :


Name 5 characters from the Lord of the Rings books who were unforgivenly left out of the first two movies.


Bonus Question:


Name the character who slew the Lord of the Balrogs, allowing for the residents of Gondolin to excape in the Silmarilian, and who makes an appearance in LOTR (but it is unresolved as to whether this is the same person).


I suppose whoever answers the first question will become the "Quiz-master", while whoever answers the bonus question will become the "Nerd-Master" (a much loftier title ;) )




ps) I heard a rumor that the first edit of "The Return of the King" was 6 hours long!!!

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Guest Jerika81

Ooh you have opened up a whole can of nerdiness with that question.


Here are 5 characters that I think were relatively important that were left out:

1)Fatty Bolger

2)Tom Bombadil





And I think the answer to the bonus question is the same as #4- Glorfindel, although I'm pretty sure it's not the same person/elve as the original Glorfindel was slain when he was battling the lord of the Balrogs. There is actually a fair bit of reusing of names as there were some elves in the Silmarillion with names like Denethor and Boromir- sort of strange.


So it looks like I am the new quiz-master, fortunately I have known all along that I am the Nerd-Master.

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Guest bearman14

Nicely done, Jerika81!! I agree with each of your suggestions, and would add:


1) Fatty Lumpkin

2) Erkenbrand (brutal move in the movie to make that Eomer who comes down the hill)

3) THE HUORNS!! -- though I've heard they may show up in the extended DVD.

4) Many at the Council of Elrond, though they could have been there and and they eliminated their dialog (Gloin, Erestor, et al.)



I could go on and on with difficulties I found with "The Two Towers" (Aragorn falling off the cliff -- what's up with that?!?!; the bastardization of Faramir's character, ect), but I think I was most disappointed by the removal of Glorfindel to be replaced by Arwen in the FOTR! Glorfindel was one of the coolest characters, in my eyes (man -- nerd alert!). And there is some speculation that "Glorfindel's spirit returned to the Halls of Waiting, but was after a time re-embodied by the Valar. He then returned to Middle-earth (either in the mid-Second Age, or as a companion of the Istari in the Third). For the full story of his return, refer to The Peoples of Middle-earth."




You now have the conch!

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Guest Jerika81

Although I love the books I still loved the movies too, and I could understand why most of the changes were made. The one that I was most upset by was the change in Faramirs character. I really don't understand why they made him seem sort of evil and like Boromir when he was pretty much the opposite in the book. Maybe it will make sense in Return of the King? Maybe they'll also make sense of why Sam and Frodo were taken to Osgiliath? Although they do poke fun at that in the actual movie- Sam saying "By rights we shouldn't even be here right now".


OK, so I'm going to try something different with my question.


Who is my favourite science fiction writer?0]


Note: this question isn't as stupid as it seems, and it's not hard to figure out.

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Guest therealcrackers

Caesar, no I can't believe you edited a two word post. And it's STILL misspelt! :o :rollin


I'll try George R.R. Martin

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Guest Jerika81

Nope sorry, none of those 3 are right.

You can guess again now- but that might take a while.


Hint: You shouldn't have to look very far to find the answer.

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Guest saskmedman

J.R.R. Tolkein is my guess. I last looked at my beloved forum on Friday and I can't believe what I'm seeing today. You guys rock, we're #1!!!:rollin

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Guest Jerika81

Those are all good guesses, but none are right so far.


Hint: You should not have to look farther than these forums to find the answer...

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Guest Jerika81

Haha- yes, see it really wasn't meant to be a hard question, just not googleable.:)


Yeah, I'm quite sure it's Orson Scott Card and not William Shatner.


Once again you are quiz master bearman.

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Guest bearman14



What is the only animal known to actively hunt and eat humans?



(i.e. Humans can be considered a "normal" part of its diet, unlike cougars, for example, who have killed and eaten humans before, but usually only in cases of starvation or some other desparation)

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Guest saskmedman

How about cannibalistic humans? Sure, that doesn't apply to all members of the species, but I think it's a good answer!;)



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Guest Insomniac01

How about the mosquitos in saskatchewan during the months of June - August. These guys have to be most aggressive species of mosquitos out there. The way they team up on me makes me believe they want more than just my blood. :( .


Ok jokes aside ... I think the good ol African Lion is a human hunter.

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Guest bearman14

Hmmmm.... I have heard that Polar Bears have been recorded as tracking and hunting humans, but that wasn't the animal I was thinking of. I think the tigers and lions (and bears, oh my) will eat humans, but not naturally. As for the mosquitos, I spent a summer in Northern Ontario as a canoe guide, and I agree they are near man-eating as any species on earth. The cannibals are pretty clever, though.


Anyhoo, I think therealcrackers is close to the right track for the answer I had in mind. But if nobody gets it soon, we can go with the polar bears (I should have said "What TWO animals", but I didn't have confirmation about the Polar Bears...)

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