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Any news yet waitlisters

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Congrats to those who got off the waitlist. It must be that much sweeter after thinking you might not make it this year. As for the rest of us…I’m not sure if this goes for everyone, but it really sucks being rejected twice in a matter of weeks. :o

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Yeah. I actually felt pretty hopefull when I got waitlisted and now I feel... a lot less so.

It seems like there are two conflicting stories here: one is that we will not hear anything again until July and the other is that they will let people know as those who've been given offers decline them.

I wish I knew for sure which one it was.

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I share the bleak sentiment. After this first wave of waitlist acceptance, how many spots will really open up? Why would someone stay on the waitlist if they had no intention of accepting? Why would someone hold onto two initial acceptances and pay the deposit to both schools? I don't think there will be any more "waves' coming our way. At best, I would say 1 or 2 spots opening up before we hear the bad news in late August.

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that's just too pessimistic...i know a few more people who gave up their spots at ubc after the 31st deadline because they were off the waitlist at other schools. and some people do hold on to more than one spot at different schools simply because they want more time to decide which school is better...a few hundred bux versus making the right choice? i'd pick option two! lastly, there are those people like me who are still on the waitlist but don't necessarily want to go to ubc...plus...i'm pretty sure i'll be giving up my waitlist spot too


just hang in there and hope for the best.:)



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ya it seems last year as many people posted getting off the waitlist over the rest of the summer as those that posted getting off the waitlist on the first 'wave' (i.e. yesterday). plus, as horlicks posted above, there are quite a few reasons why people would give up a spot after the deadline!


i feel like being naively optimistic today after being surprisingly so depressed about this yesterday. :)

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Am I really being too pessimistic or just being realistic? I don't know. When I saw how little people posted declining UBC spot over another spot this year compared to last year, I had a bad feeling that the waitlist would move slowly. I understand that this board represents only a small fraction of the applicants, but I was surprised (again) at how many people were placed on the waitlist. From last years thread, there were 7 accepted around this time, 2 for the rest of the summer afterwards. This year, only 3, and I can't see how it can start ballooning. Of course, I hope for the best for myself and for all of you. But I know when to call a spade a spade and accept the fact that most of us will not get the good news. It's not too good to be overly optimistic, or else the impending fall may be too great.


Masaki, you have to look back in the forums. Right now, its in page 8.

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i understand most people here are anxious. I was feeling that way until yesterday. who knows? if only 3 on this forum got off waitlist vs 7 last year in first round, we just might get more second rounders! (and you might be in it!) For the time being i'd say just relax and start filling out ur application again if you don't have anywhere else to go.



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thanks anxious boy.

I hear ya. I'm feeling a bit down too. i also have a bad hunch that there are much less acceptances off the waitlist this year...

well, now that I convinced myself that i'm not going to get in this year, I can concentrate on strengthening my app for next year. And who knows, while I'm busy winning gold medals at the olympics, finding the cure for cancer, and saving the world a couple of times, I may get pulled off the waitlist early july.


For now, I'm just going to keep my mind off of things. gl to the rest of you

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Just found out that I've been accepted. Ppl keep your fingers crossed!


Did you find out today? or did they send you the news yesterday?


Yeah, I agree with Masaki. I've been putting off seriously thinking about what my plans for next year are until this second round of offers came out. Now I'm trying to stay positive by thinking of those of you who got accepted after your third or fourth try (this was my second) and also thinking about all the cool stuff there is to do while working on getting in. Visiting Berlin was a good way for me to get excited about non-getting-into-medical school stuff.


It is really brutal to have come this close to something I want so badly.


Guess I'll try and do what the Germans do and eat insane amounts of ice cream.

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I can't afford US or UK schools unfortunately :(

..so if I don't get in, I'll have to consider seppuku/harakiri (those of you who've seen Last Samurai will know what it is.)


joking aside, I plan to write the DATs and the PCATs this year. I may even consider switching into nursing.


Dentistry is probably second on my list of "what I want to be when I grow up". Nursing would be third, and pharmacy is my backup-backup plan.


I'd hate to have to settle for any of those though. I'd rather get into medicine, however long it takes, but my GPA restricts me from most canadian schools, and what I can afford restricts me from anywhere outside of canada. In the worst-case-scenerio, I plan to start a nursing or pharmacy degree from scratch to fix my GPA.


getting into medicine may take longer than I expected, and my only hope seems to lie in UBC med. I plan to continue to brave the relentless NAQ-pounding from UBC admissions until the day I can no longer brandish a pen and paper. :mad:

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Congrats Apples! What program are you in?


Masaki - it took me four years of trying, I had a low GPA too (my pre-req was 68% my first app, overall was like 75%) - but I kept plugging away, bringing up my GPA, volunteering tons, and doing things I wanted too and eventually it worked out - keep on trying - we don't need any grumpy dentists :)

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Hi guys,

Sorry to post this so late but, I was with my preschooler and her whole class at Butterfly world today. just checked my emails now and at 10:43 am I was accepted to the VFMP. I'm very happy!!! It is sort of coincidental that my new ExamCrackers I ordered was also delivered by Puralator today. I thought I was going to have to redo the MCAT...but, I guess not. I will be sending that back, untouched!

I have to give my response by June 14th, and my answer will be YES!

hang in there guys...I'm sure there are more spots to come!

Now, I have to organize a big move to Vancouver, daycare/nannies, kindergarten....etc......oh....we also need a place to live.....



Congrats Doc! :cool: We have no place in Calgary yet either.:eek: Luckily we can use my brother-in-law's basement as a temporary asylum.

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Yeah, does anyone know of people that got into the NMP off the waitlist? Obviously there must be someone since drcave withdrew. Maybe there was just one person. Must have been one of those strange people that doesn't spend all their time on this website...

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