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I think its crap, I mean who decided its a bad thing to actually be human and use emotions in our daily lives...isn't that what separates us from the primitive animals? (oh and when i wrote this, I can assure you I wasn't fuming and I didnt need a pint of ben and jerry's to get me through it:rolleyes: ).


LOL... well said. :)

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There are soooo many points made in this discussion that I would like rebut, but I am not going to waste my time and energy. I'm just glad that in my dating life (mercifully short since my fiance and I met when we were 21) that I did not have the misfortune to come across a guy who was intimidated by or unattracted to intelligence and ambition. I have myself a wonderful fiance who will make less money than me but doesn't care. He may even be less intelligent than me, but I don't know because it's never been something I thought about. It's just not important to me.

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There are soooo many points made in this discussion that I would like rebut, but I am not going to waste my time and energy. I'm just glad that in my dating life (mercifully short since my fiance and I met when we were 21) that I did not have the misfortune to come across a guy who was intimidated by or unattracted to intelligence and ambition. I have myself a wonderful fiance who will make less money than me but doesn't care. He may even be less intelligent than me, but I don't know because it's never been something I thought about. It's just not important to me.


My thoughts exactly!:)

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In terms of whether a man or woman should stay at home with the kids, I don't think it matters that much. However, I do believe at least one of them should spend more time at home. Both parties have to be happy with the decision and that's the most important part.


My girlfriend and I have agreed that she'll be the one staying at home when the kids are born. I'm a bit traditional. I feel like I have to be the main breadwinner and my wife should spend more time in the home when the kids are born. And afterall, the milk won't be coming out of my nipples when the child is born ;)

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And afterall, the milk won't be coming out of my nipples when the child is born ;)
Fell out of my chair, laughing. Hahahaha.


I'm no endocrinology wizz, but I'm pretty sure MDs can fix that for you with a bit of TRH/prolactin. ;)

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Ooh I'm glad that I was able to generate a bit of controversy with my post. I'm no young 'un that's for sure, and neither is my bf - we are both over 25. Anyway, I'm not trying to say that either of us is more intelligent than the other, I just think it's important for 2 people in a relationship to learn from each other. Also, I was just trying to show that there are some men out there who don't think intelligent, successful women are "masculine."

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So what is the world is Sanrio stationary??? lol



Jelly I was just curious as to what your age is so I can peg what generation you and your hubby grew up in. If you are in your thirties or older...well secondary education then wasn't as good as it was now...although I don't think the secondary education given now is very good either...lol.


Zuckman the day milk comes outta your nipples, let me be there with my camera!





So spanish fly:


It would be incredibly odd, because I think that obesity is a sign of...well many things lets not get into that. Suffice to say that the majority of obese people are capable of changing it. For much, much less than half of the people who are overweight or obese is it actually physically impossible for them to lose the weight.


Part B) If i dated someone for the time it took to know I wanted to marry them (I promised myself to wait at least 3 years, so I don't do something dumb...and yes dumb things do happen at the early stages of a relationship sometimes), so I would have learned before even thinking of marriage that my girlfriend would want to be not be a stay at home mom. I wouldn't say that she is wrong for wanting that, but unless we (yes together) thought of some sort of compromise I could live with, I would say that we are not right for each other and break it off before marriage.


Actually the majority of marriages I have witnessed, many of which are not familial, where the tradition setup with the male as the breadwinner....mostly because this is the average way things are. Not all the relationships were good ones, not all of them succeeded, but the problems in these relationships never stemmed from who had to work more, or any such thing.


Lastly, that is awesome, your becoming more italian already. Say... you wanna go out for some pasta? We could dicuss the finer art of planning a hit and dumping the body. :cool:




On the other hand, perhaps I shouldn't get too close to someone "within the family" Aranndil, I take it your single. I like cats, you like cats. We're both crazy, Do you happen to like good food?

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Oh and I forgot to add that I personally do not have a problem with a woman who is intelligent for that matter. Money...well at one point in my life I thought it didn't matter, then my buddy dated a girl whose father actually counted his money in the high millions. So I now know that a family with less than a hundred mil I can handle, more than that and it's...just weird. But a woman can never be too intelligent, or athletic.

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Yes, I like cats. But not evil cats. Some cats are inherently evil. The same way some people are. And some dogs are. I like friendly cats. :) Have you ever heard of someone who liked bad food?





I used to be a friendly cat...

I was the Niagara, now Meridian Credit Union Mascot Fat Cat....


I was huge and striped.... I did that job for 3 years.... and was very friendly... in conclusion, we probably would get along if I were in my cat suit.

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Wolvenstar, neither of us are over 30, but you're right about the education thing, although it has nothing to do with generation. I went to a high school that offered Honours and AP courses and I was encouraged to challenge myself, whereas he went to a high school with nothing. The teachers hated teaching, the area was low-income, etc etc. Anyone with half a brain probably would have dropped out from sheer boredom or lack or motivation. Obviously he regrets it now but when I'm done my MD, he'll probably go back to school.


Arrandil I like Sanrio stationery too! But I have a bunny, no cats.

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So what is the world is Sanrio stationary??? lol

Part B) If i dated someone for the time it took to know I wanted to marry them (I promised myself to wait at least 3 years, so I don't do something dumb...and yes dumb things do happen at the early stages of a relationship sometimes), so I would have learned before even thinking of marriage that my girlfriend would want to be not be a stay at home mom.


you seem to have everything worked out about how your going to go about finding the 'right' relationship but life doesn't always work out so simply. What if you fall for someone and say even after your 3 year mark your still very much in love and can't see yourself ever letting go but that person is not at all what you had planned she would be? what then? would you end things just so you could find someone who fits your cookie cutter mold? anyways this question is more rhetorical to get you thinking, the answer is a personal choice for everyone anyways so it really doesnt matter how you choose to answer it.


And as for dinner, I love food and planning a hit, two of my favourite things, especially when done at once, but unfortunately pre-medders don't really do it for me :P

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you seem to have everything worked out about how your going to go about finding the 'right' relationship but life doesn't always work out so simply. What if you fall for someone and say even after your 3 year mark your still very much in love and can't see yourself ever letting go but that person is not at all what you had planned she would be? what then? would you end things just so you could find someone who fits your cookie cutter mold? anyways this question is more rhetorical to get you thinking, the answer is a personal choice for everyone anyways so it really doesnt matter how you choose to answer it.


And as for dinner, I love food and planning a hit, two of my favourite things, especially when done at once, but unfortunately pre-medders don't really do it for me :P



No it's not a cookie cutter mold. My girlfriends if you look back are rather different and distinct from one another. I just have a few things are a must for a serious relationship. However I doubt that the girl would be so hugely different than what I hope she is like. Girls that are not similar to the girls I enjoy hanging out with, (you know the ones with these 3 maybe 4 characteristics that I believe are a must) I tend to stay closed around. They probably can't tell it, because I am normally very nice (polite and kind) around strangers so they think I am their best friend.


I don't like being around people who I am not comfortable around. Now I have met woman who you can tell have dreams of running the world, and could never settle down. I easily converse with them, but I never spend time with them like I do my friends, I can't let my guard down around them. It's kinda what someone else said, they are more like men, and I have the same feeling of competitiveness with them as I do men. I can also befriend woman (or men but since we are talking about dating men dont count) who have single digit IQs. We can get along in public quite well, but they drive me nuts so again i don't hang out with them, or talk to them outside of a public setting.

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No it's not a cookie cutter mold. My girlfriends if you look back are rather different and distinct from one another. I just have a few things are a must for a serious relationship. However I doubt that the girl would be so hugely different than what I hope she is like. Girls that are not similar to the girls I enjoy hanging out with, (you know the ones with these 3 maybe 4 characteristics that I believe are a must) I tend to stay closed around. They probably can't tell it, because I am normally very nice (polite and kind) around strangers so they think I am their best friend.


I don't like being around people who I am not comfortable around. Now I have met woman who you can tell have dreams of running the world, and could never settle down. I easily converse with them, but I never spend time with them like I do my friends, I can't let my guard down around them. It's kinda what someone else said, they are more like men, and I have the same feeling of competitiveness with them as I do men. I can also befriend woman (or men but since we are talking about dating men dont count) who have single digit IQs. We can get along in public quite well, but they drive me nuts so again i don't hang out with them, or talk to them outside of a public setting.


u what?! :eek::P dont forget ur prepositions. hehe.

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Perhaps if I had more italian blood in me I would just do the good old intalian divorce involving a gun and a friend, and two shovels lol. (gotta love the ol'mafia)


Wow. Be sure to include that in your personal essay.............


One funny speculation, and an even funnier response. Perhaps we should include these two passages into a "Best of Premed101" compendium, send it to SAMS Publishing, and donate all proceeds of sales to victims of the Myanmar cyclone and Chinese earthquake.

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I realized something important has been amiss in this thread so far:


what about same-sex couples? ;) ;) ;)


Jokes aside, my plan for this summer is to read lots about same-sex couples and how they handle parenting, household chores, etc, compared to traditional couples. My women's studies prof (who's in a same-sex relationship) gave me a ton of resources, so I'm looking forward to learning more.

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I have no personal problem with homosexuals female or male until they break the regular rules of politeness (well I tend to be lenient on those), and then I get pissed. Or if a guy eye-F**ks me....I don't like being a piece of meat...at least in most cases. Although I must admit I never understood it at all. Not being able to pass on one's genetics. People can go down in history books for learing/discovering something but eventually they become old dead people and the only thing of importance is the theory. Having a successful lineage is one's true legacy....But without procreation one can't have that.




lol I have more female friends that guy friends, but I have to agree with you -generally guys will have your back more often than women. The one exception was a girlfriend(non-dating) I was soo close to that we called each other brother and sister. Wow you haven't seen ass-kicking until you have watched her beat some woman down in my defense.

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