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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Why must graduation pictures be soooo expensive? T_T


To all those who had/will have interviews, congrats on making it this far - you all will do great!


Because they gotta make the money back for the 3 other years you weren't getting your pictures done (vice in elementary and high school you took them every year)! :P

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Why must graduation pictures be soooo expensive? T_T


To all those who had/will have interviews, congrats on making it this far - you all will do great!


I have no official pictures from either my UG or masters haha. And my diplomas are still stored somewhere at my parents' place in their envelopes.

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Kind of random, but what do you guys think about the Canada Goose and Moose Knuckle jackets? (priced from $500-$800 and maybe upwards) Does anyone have them?

I think they're overpriced for what they are, and I rarely say that about clothing brands


Canada Goose is like, the uniform in Whitehorse. Also, Skookum brand coats are big up here. WARNING- there are lots of knock-offs online.


I really like the ethically sourced parts of the Canada Goose brand. I really used to like the coyote ruffs (sourced from local hunters), except that I had a lovely encounter with a mom and her 2 pups last Saturday night and now I'm a little conflicted. I'm not against hunting, I am against keeping animals in cages, but I really, really don't like the idea of hunting wolves or octopuses.

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Not worth it unless you like in the Arctic! Pea coats are sufficient for 'winter' in Toronto.


Lol first year bio labs sucked. However, I noticed that you can put in like zero effort and still get 90. Also, you can just read the Wiki article and then cite the info as being from where the article cited it, so long as it's a peer-reviewed journal. Saves you from having to read a whole bunch of articles!


Yeah, plus this winter has beeen awesome! (Well, unless you like cold winters :P )


Wooh! Thanks I'm gonna do that, I honestly love Wikipedia lol

Bio labs do suck, I don't knwo if you remember this lab, but we recently did one with fly populations, pretty much just endlessly pressing buttons on a computer program that kept crashing ol


Canada Goose is like, the uniform in Whitehorse. Also, Skookum brand coats are big up here. WARNING- there are lots of knock-offs online.


I really like the ethically sourced parts of the Canada Goose brand. I really used to like the coyote ruffs (sourced from local hunters), except that I had a lovely encounter with a mom and her 2 pups last Saturday night and now I'm a little conflicted. I'm not against hunting, I am against keeping animals in cages, but I really, really don't like the idea of hunting wolves or octopuses.


Lol wierd, I've never heard of Skookums... yeah there were some pictures circulating about Canada Goose jackets on FB about hunting that were pretty sad

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