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Hope Box for people with no e-mails yet

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I didn't know anything was happening till half an hour ago (you'd think a massive premed scare like this would physically reverberate)...and since I saw this thread, I've been refreshing both this and my gmail every goddamn minute (and this is why students probably did better before laptops and smartphones). Even though I'm in my motor phys class. Even though I should be listening, cuz god only knows, if nobody takes me this year, I'll gave to re-apply...and 4th will matter :(

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I didn't know anything was happening till half an hour ago (you'd think a massive premed scare like this would physically reverberate)...and since I saw this thread, I've been refreshing both this and my gmail every goddamn minute (and this is why students probably did better before laptops and smartphones). Even though I'm in my motor phys class. Even though I should be listening, cuz god only knows, if nobody takes me this year, I'll gave to re-apply...and 4th will matter :(


ditto. might have to head to the apple store tonight to have the "command" and "R" keys replaced on my macbook. this afternoon is now a write-off in terms of productivity

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my whole week has been a write-off in anticipation of this!! Insanity...I can't believe admissions would cause this much distress...I wish there was an external site to check like for the MCAT. I hate getting e-mails...makes me hate my BlackBerry (unless it's a + e-mail LOL)


ditto. might have to head to the apple store tonight to have the "command" and "R" keys replaced on my macbook. this afternoon is now a write-off in terms of productivity
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OMG!...ARE WE SAFE?...I have been refreshing my outlook for the past 2 hours. Everytime my iphone beeps I lose a heart beat.


I am a graduate student, and I didn't get an email. I don't know if this means I was not assessed or not, graduate students are always likely to be shafted later on :(


I'm a grad too, patho...I can't say for certain but we may have been spared today. You're right though, grad students are left to mill about a bit longer so this doesn't really mean anything. I've turned my phone on silent and off vibrate, I can't take this anymore :P


It is interesting how we've only got a few posts from those turned down today considering there were 1100...

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I'm also a grad student with no e-mail in my inbox or spam folder. Let's look at this with a glass-half-full attitude and be happy that we made it past the first round of refusals. Not getting one of those 1000+ refusals is something worth celebrating! :)


Oh, and my application was rejected at Queen's about an hour ago. With VR 9, I'm really hoping for good news from U of T and Ottawa U!

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I'm a grad too, patho...I can't say for certain but we may have been spared today. You're right though, grad students are left to mill about a bit longer so this doesn't really mean anything. I've turned my phone on silent and off vibrate, I can't take this anymore :P


It is interesting how we've only got a few posts from those turned down today considering there were 1100...


haha mine has been on silent/off vibrate all day now


Someone in another thread pointed out that a lot of high-standing applicants were rejected. While this may seem true, say there are 20 who have posted with high mcats and gpas + lots of ECs and research - this certainly can't be a general representation. Also, once mcat is above or equal to 9/9/9 N it does not matter what the score is. People need to only be concerned whether or not cutoffs were met. Don't get anxiety when you see a 14/14/14 T rejected!! Also - is there a greater likelihood for people with high GPAs and mcats to post in this forum? Just trying to relieve some anxiety for people...

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haha mine has been on silent/off vibrate all day now


Someone in another thread pointed out that a lot of high-standing applicants were rejected. While this may seem true, say there are 20 who have posted with high mcats and gpas + lots of ECs and research - this certainly can't be a general representation. Also, once mcat is above or equal to 9/9/9 N it does not matter what the score is. People need to only be concerned whether or not cutoffs were met. Don't get anxiety when you see a 14/14/14 T rejected!! Also - is there a greater likelihood for people with high GPAs and mcats to post in this forum? Just trying to relieve some anxiety for people...

Totally true about the MCAT, but the high wGPAs being rejected bit can be worrisome. I think what's most unnerving though is seeing the combination of high GPAs and great ECs being rejected. Makes you wonder if those poor 1100 souls were rejected due to other things (essay, references) or because UofT likes to play eenie-meenie-miney mo (and hearing about UofT's near-random selection process, the latter seems v. likely)

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