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Err just earlier I forced a wad full of cash onto my little brother so he wouldn't have to go to a bank machine. Hope that counts, because there's no one around at the moment, haha.


Did you ever enjoy watching Survivor? If so, who was your all-time favourite contestant?


I'm a very dedicated fan of the show. I've seen every season, and I'm currently watching the latest one :)


My favorite contestant is probably Boston Rob, although Russell Hantz gets an honorable mention. Edit: Parvati Shallow is also in my top 3



Who was your childhood hero?

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I'm a very dedicated fan of the show. I've seen every season, and I'm currently watching the latest one :)


My favorite contestant is probably Boston Rob, although Russell Hantz gets an honorable mention. Edit: Parvati Shallow is also in my top 3



Who was your childhood hero?


Don't laugh and I wish I could give you an answer like the blue power ranger but I used to be obsessed with Mozart


Did you laugh at me?

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Wut. Just try to get https://twitter.com/HathawayNipple to follow you instead.


How do you feel about UN Human Rights Council and in particular its appointment of Mauritania to be a vice-chair? Or, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, best book you've ever read?


LOL they should make saudi arabia the international enforcer and iran the country after which to model human rights

that would be more consistent than the current arangement actually lolol


Why does megusta always leave his lab reports until the last minute?

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Pretty sure that's pretty inappropriate for this forum.


Eh, if you're talking about the Twitter account, click on it and you'll see that it's hardly inappropriate. If you're talking about my question, I don't feel that it's inappropriate at all, but I left an alternate question just in case it made someone feel uncomfortable. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write on every single thread now, regardless of whether or not I have anything to contribute.


LOL they should make saudi arabia the international enforcer and iran the country after which to model human rights

that would be more consistent than the current arangement actually lolol


Why does megusta always leave his lab reports until the last minute?


It's human nature's fault. At least, that's what I'm blaming for the fact that I left my interview prep till the very last minute and now I can't study for my exam tomorrow, yayayay.


When there's no one around and you're annoyed/upset about something, do you curse out loud or in your head?

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Due to the trajectory of the moon and the sun.


If you were the King of Earth, what random item would you ban that most would not?


Did you just call me a lunatic? LOL


This little gem that 'merikuh seems to have a huge issue with




Do you like getting your exams out of the way quickly or having lots of time to study?

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It's not trolling. I need responses for my psychology research. I will let you know that I am studying the mentality and mood students that self-identify as "high achieving". So far you guys seem to be pretty cranky and get angry easily (read: highly anxious, on the edge). I won't go too far into detail before you guys confound my experiment by all pretending to be happy for the next 2 weeks.


Oy. *Super duper face palm*. But on a side note, sorry if I was rude before. This isn't me being sarcastic/snarky, I'm sincerely sorry. I just get a bit touchy when it comes to censorship. Another thing that annoys me is when PEOPLE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS ON HEREEEE


Did you just call me a lunatic? LOL


This little gem that 'merikuh seems to have a huge issue with




Do you like getting your exams out of the way quickly or having lots of time to study?


Getting them out of the way quickly, and if it seems like there's not enough time to study... well, there always is.


If you were Minister of Education and you could add more of one subject to the high school curriculum and remove some of a different subject, which subjects would you choose?

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Oy. *Super duper face palm*. But on a side note, sorry if I was rude before. This isn't me being sarcastic/snarky, I'm sincerely sorry. I just get a bit touchy when it comes to censorship. Another thing that annoys me is when PEOPLE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS ON HEREEEE




Getting them out of the way quickly, and if it seems like there's not enough time to study... well, there always is.


If you were Minister of Education and you could add more of one subject to the high school curriculum and remove some of a different subject, which subjects would you choose?


emegehhrdd thank you for asking that

analytical philosophy, namely the teaching of pure logic to combat the inherent irrationality in people


Do you neurotically fantasize (in the bad way) of being in an ethically awkward situation as a future doctor?

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I would want to change so many things (way students are being taught, how teachers are being evaluated, subjects).


I think we should teach in schools, financial planning (saving for retirement, budgeting, paying bills, filing tax returns etc), career planning, importance of happiness and how to achieve it. I would call this course lifeskills101


I would remove Shakespeare from the curriculum. I didn't find it useful.



do u agree with what i wrote above

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It's not trolling. I need responses for my psychology research. I will let you know that I am studying the mentality and mood students that self-identify as "high achieving". So far you guys seem to be pretty cranky and get angry easily (read: highly anxious, on the edge). I won't go too far into detail before you guys confound my experiment by all pretending to be happy for the next 2 weeks.


mm it would actually be in your best interest to not deny being troll considering how many dumb f*** things you say

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I would want to change so many things (way students are being taught, how teachers are being evaluated, subjects).


I think we should teach in schools, financial planning (saving for retirement, budgeting, paying bills, filing tax returns etc), career planning, importance of happiness and how to achieve it. I would call this course lifeskills101


I would remove Shakespeare from the curriculum. I didn't find it useful.



do u agree with what i wrote above


I'd remove shakespere only on the basis that the language used is incompatible and if the purpose of it is to get you to interpret the poetically written stories it's kinda useless if you don't know what the words mean to begin with

Financial planning is taught in lots of buisiness courses and career planning is actually a mandatory course, in Toronto anyways.

Importance of happiness and how to achieve it: generic, way too much variation and it's not something you can teach to someone because there's no answer to what happiness is or how to achieve it, trying to standardize that sounds like a horrible idea that would leave kids confused and in existential crisis


Mashed potatoes?

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I'd remove shakespere only on the basis that the language used is incompatible and if the purpose of it is to get you to interpret the poetically written stories it's kinda useless if you don't know what the words mean to begin with

Financial planning is taught in lots of buisiness courses and career planning is actually a mandatory course, in Toronto anyways.

Importance of happiness and how to achieve it: generic, way too much variation and it's not something you can teach to someone because there's no answer to what happiness is or how to achieve it, trying to standardize that sounds like a horrible idea that would leave kids confused and in existential crisis


Mashed potatoes?


Om nom yes.


Do you have any weird nicknames for your parents?

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I call my mom Mrs. Mom sometimes just for s*** and giggles


Do you look down at people that swear too much?


Only on people who swear excessively in public where there are people around who are likely to be offended - wee children, old people, etc. Nice video btw.. I loled.


Do you try to keep your language politically correct (e.g. not saying "retarded", etc.), or are you generally not too concerned?

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Cat. I hate cats.


Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?


Haven't we all? My bestie REM.


On first thought it sounds kinda gross so I wouldn't go seeking it out but curiosity would get the best of me and I would try it if it were presented to me


What's the longest lab report you've ever written?


28 pages


Go fold over the top halves of your ears. Predominant sensation felt = ____ ?

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