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Why do some girls put so much effort into their physical appearances, for school?


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Whenever I get out of class and walk through the hallways, I would see girls standing there, looking like they just came out of a beauty/fashion magazine cover. They would have their hair very nicely done (which must have taken them well over an hour to do). They would have their makeup very nicely done as well (including foundations, bronzers), and the clothes they wear look way more appropriate to wear at a party, rather than for school.


I don't understand.... why do some girls put in so much time and effort to look good, just for school? As a university student, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to shower during the weekdays. Also, I value my sleep more, so as soon as I wake up in the morning, I brush my hair, and then I'm out the door.

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Whenever I get out of class and walk through the hallways, I would see girls standing there, looking like they just came out of a beauty/fashion magazine cover. They would have their hair very nicely done (which must have taken them well over an hour to do). They would have their makeup very nicely done as well (including foundations, bronzers), and the clothes they wear look way more appropriate to wear at a party, rather than for school.


I don't understand.... why do some girls put in so much time and effort to look good, just for school? As a university student, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to shower during the weekdays. Also, I value my sleep more, so as soon as I wake up in the morning, I brush my hair, and then I'm out the door.


wait - are you saying you go to university (so presumably you've figured out a way to pay ~10k/yr. hence, money is presumably not a *huge* issue), and shower, at most, twice/week (both on the weekends)?


my point about attending university refers to the fact that if you can somehow afford uni education, then you can also afford to shower more than twice/week. in any case, your cited reason is time, not money, so whatever.

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Whenever I get out of class and walk through the hallways, I would see girls standing there, looking like they just came out of a beauty/fashion magazine cover. They would have their hair very nicely done (which must have taken them well over an hour to do). They would have their makeup very nicely done as well (including foundations, bronzers), and the clothes they wear look way more appropriate to wear at a party, rather than for school.


I don't understand.... why do some girls put in so much time and effort to look good, just for school? As a university student, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to shower during the weekdays. Also, I value my sleep more, so as soon as I wake up in the morning, I brush my hair, and then I'm out the door.


It's kind of weird that you know what foundations and bronzers are.

Maybe you'd have time to shower if you didn't spend hours on pm101 being a ****

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wait - are you saying you go to university (so presumably you've figured out a way to pay ~10k/yr. hence, money is presumably not a *huge* issue), and shower, at most, twice/week (both on the weekends)?


my point about attending university refers to the fact that if you can somehow afford uni education, then you can also afford to shower more than twice/week. in any case, your cited reason is time, not money, so whatever.

I only shower during the weekends. But that's not the point.

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Of course people should still put in some effort into their physical appearances and taking care of themselves, (like showering, brushing their teeth/hair everyday, and keeping themselves clean). I shower once a week and I'm perfectly fine with that because it's good for my hair. As long as I don't stink, then that's all what matters. It's just that some people go to the extreme.

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Busy doing what? I get good grades and I still have plenty of time to take 1 hour showers and make myself presentable every single day.

It's not about being self-concious, rather we do it for ourselves. Too look and feel pretty. If you're walking around looking like crap, who is gonna take you seriously? Not to mention you'll probably have low confidence and that would affect how you interact with people.


Busy starting random non-sense threads.


Of course people should still put in some effort into their physical appearances and taking care of themselves, (like showering, brushing their teeth/hair everyday, and keeping themselves clean). I shower once a week and I'm perfectly fine with that because it's good for my hair. As long as I don't stink, then that's all what matters. It's just that some people go to the extreme.


If you cared about your own health, you would understand that just because you don't stink, doesn't mean that you don't need to take a shower.


You could've used the time you took to start this thread to take a shower. Just saying.

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you may not stink to yourself but you likely have an offensive smell to those more clean then yourself (everyone) ... dont fool yourself thinking that you smell good by Friday. Do your self a favor and those two showers you have a week, spread them out ... one on Wednesday and one on Sunday. Same number of showers but much better for the people around you because you only stink like a frat boy who doesnt shower much as opposed to a homeless bum ... even they shower at the local Salvation Army more than you.



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you may not stink to yourself but you likely have an offensive smell to those more clean then yourself (everyone) ... dont fool yourself thinking that you smell good by Friday. Do your self a favor and those two showers you have a week, spread them out ... one on Wednesday and one on Sunday. Same number of showers but much better for the people around you because you only stink like a frat boy who doesnt shower much as opposed to a homeless bum ... even they shower at the local Salvation Army more than you.




LMAO. That made my day.

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I don't understand.... why do some girls put in so much time and effort to look good, just for school? As a university student, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to shower during the weekdays. Also, I value my sleep more, so as soon as I wake up in the morning, I brush my hair, and then I'm out the door.


If you're too busy to shower during weekdays as a university student you got serious time management issues. Then again you're a troll so I'm assuming none of what you're saying about yourself here is actually true.

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I only shower during the weekends. But that's not the point.


You should take the time to be clean, not just for yourself but at least for the people around you. You may not think that you smell, but likely your friends may notice it and not tell you. I know that my pet peeve is b.o. it is just awful.


I think it is important to take care about yourself and present yourself to the best of your ability. If it takes half an hour in the morning than so be it. It shows to others that you care about yourself and that you value yourself.


It is true that the inside is more important, however like it or not the first thing someone knows about you is your appearance and how your carry yourself and it is incredibly important to present yourself in the best light: 1. to gain respect of your colleagues and superiors, 2. to feel better about yourself ( because when you look great you generally feel good too).

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Personally, i dress well don't get me wrong i don't go like a slob, however I'm not using the $30 hair product i have to do my hair the way i normally do for school. I'm not wasting it, it would be gone in a couple weeks. With that being said i do still put in effort, just not in my hair, as for girls it's easy to "put effort into hair" without using their $50 hair product.

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Looks matter. Once grades aren't important, which is for the rest of your life after university, looks are one of the prime determinants of success.


There are very few sexy janitors.

But not all medical students, doctors, or scientists look like movie stars. And those people still get far in life. So looks aren't all that important, unlike what some of you here think.

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Personally, i dress well don't get me wrong i don't go like a slob, however I'm not using the $30 hair product i have to do my hair the way i normally do for school. I'm not wasting it, it would be gone in a couple weeks. With that being said i do still put in effort, just not in my hair, as for girls it's easy to "put effort into hair" without using their $50 hair product.


Exactly. I'm not going to spend one hour doing my makeup/hair before I go to school, because I'd rather use that time to get extra sleep. Or spend my money on trendy clothes that will go out of style in the next few years.

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Exactly. I'm not going to spend one hour doing my makeup/hair before I go to school, because I'd rather use that time to get extra sleep. Or spend my money on trendy clothes that will go out of style in the next few years.


but... why can't you use 50 minutes to sleep and 10 minutes to shower? :(

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