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U of T Interview Discussion 2014

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I'm also surprised at how many 3rd year applicants are getting interviews this time around! I applied out of 3rd year and was the bottom ranked applicant out of 587 interviewed, I know this because the other people on the 'interview waitlist' posted their rejections around an hour after I got my invite. My interview wasn't good enough to get me in I guess (or maybe my preinterview score made it hopeless even with a good interview) but I got in elsewhere in Ontario. Either way I think it's interesting that TO has changed their criteria and interviewing style - they wouldn't have done it if they didn't have some issues with the regular panel.


Not to pry, but do you mind sharing your stats? I am currently a third year applicant and I think I am on the bubble.

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Does anybody know when they are going to start sending invites out to those with really crappy GPAs? Seriously UofT, how many 3.95-4.0s do you need!? :P


Amen, brother. But then, I don't know if they're going by high GPAs first. It could be a self-selective bias where the people posting invites here are the ones with good GPAs.

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Not to mention the March 1 invites were only given out to MD PhD and those living OOP, so there are definitely lots more Feb 2 and March 1 invite spots available and coming out. Basically Feb 2, Mar 1, Mar 2, Mar 29, and Mar 30 dates are still wide open. LOTS of invites left coming out :)


I wonder if all MD/PhD invites have gone out already....

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LOL I'm with ya. Especially after being double-rejected by Mac ;)


So I'm not the only one who got that lovely email twice? Have to admit that a small part of thought it was a correction...haha...wishful thinking....


You guys got the rejection email twice?? That sucks so hard, sorry :( Rooting for you guys at the other universities!

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Good luck to those who have not yet received reply from U of T!


For those who have the interview tomorrow, good luck as well (ironically, I hope you are getting some much needed rest and not reading this post ;) ) I look forward to meeting you!


P.S. PLEASE consider tagging along for the MAM tour. Even if you haven't already signed up, there should be more space on the bus. You definitely won't be disappointed!

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I find it encouraging how many current med students from uoft have said that they got one of the last interview spots when they applied, and then also got accepted that year.


So we're just best for last guys ;):D


Doing file reviews this year, trust me it makes no difference when you are interviewed. If you're being interviewed later, it just means that they got to your file a bit later than others. As of now, they are still sending out files to be reviewed by medical students, so hang tight!

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Doing file reviews this year, trust me it makes no difference when you are interviewed. If you're being interviewed later, it just means that they got to your file a bit later than others. As of now, they are still sending out files to be reviewed by medical students, so hang tight!


Do you have any sort of sense of what percentage have yet to be fully reviewed? Also, do grad applicant reviews take longer?

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