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Osap No Longer Counts Cars As Assets...

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Wow what a massive change. Though I'm more impressed by summer income no longer counting against your eligible assistance.

really?? when did this happen?

I was contemplating about not taking this job because I would make too much and OSAP would give me less


unless these changes only apply to medical students

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really?? when did this happen?

I was contemplating about not taking this job because I would make too much and OSAP would give me less


unless these changes only apply to medical students


thought it was part time income - what ever that means.


Finally the car thing was added - the idea that a car that you LEASE and have to pay for each month somehow could be counted as an asset was incredibly stupid. Less so the actual car you own.

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So if you're working full-time in the summer to save money for school, it's still counted? Or is it only if your employer counts you as full-time? Because usually they hire you as a temp worker if you're just there for the summer...


thought it was part time income - what ever that means.


Finally the car thing was added - the idea that a car that you LEASE and have to pay for each month somehow could be counted as an asset was incredibly stupid. Less so the actual car you own.

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So if you're working full-time in the summer to save money for school, it's still counted? Or is it only if your employer counts you as full-time? Because usually they hire you as a temp worker if you're just there for the summer...


the province will no longer deduct the value of a student’s car from their loan, nor will it limit how much students can earn during the school year without triggering a loan reduction.


that doesn't say anything about earning anything in the summer though, each following convention I suppose isn't in the school year.

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...better remember to funnel my savings elsewhere then....


this adds a new wrinkle to the entire RESP (paid for with after tax income) vs paying for your children's education out of your corporation as employees (which is pretax). I am trying to find out how they define partime, and what that means as income per hour as well.

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Is there a good site anywhere that actually explains how osap works? I'm trying to juggle full time work, savings/rrsp/tfsa...

Does anyone know how often they audit or ask for receipts? How do I deal with a free room in a relative's house?

Well the osap site itself and its calculator are the best way to,start


The check for sure with to you tax returns - that is easy to confirm. They actually don't have particularly good ways to track things otherwise.


Free room? Doesn't impact the amount other than the fact you are not on a campus residency.

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