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How Do You Deal With Perfect People/pre-Meds?


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I did that (deactivated my account for a bit) and I think it actually helped. But then a couple of people asked what happened to me. One girl in particular said that she wanted to invite me to an event but couldn't find me on FB. It's almost as if people forget that they can contact each other by text, phone or email if they can't through FB. I hate that cutting off FB could potentially mean cutting off contact with certain peers. I don't want people to lose the convenient way to get in touch with me. So I've actually been trying to control how much I login (I deleted the app from my phone and don't allow my computer to save my FB password). Its definitely helped and I am getting better. Just have to keep working on this.

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I think you should have an attitude where you really don't care about others and only focus on what you can achieve. What exactly is stopping you from accomplishing the same things that these people have done? Aside from the age factor of having these sorts of accomplishments at a certain age, you can still accomplish anything you set your mind to, even for looks. You can make excellent choices in regards to nutrition and exercise and it will help you look your best. In terms of bone structure you could get plastic surgery if you really wanted to haha. Hey I had plastic surgery and it was a great decision because it was not excessive surgery and it looks great and now I feel even better about myself. That's a controversial little aside, but bottom line, I think you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Is it going to be hard? Definitely. But it is up to you if you really want it. I don't have perfect accomplishments but I aspire to get there everyday. To the people who said not to worry about accomplishments, I don't really agree with that because if not having accomplishments is bothering you like it is the OP, then I think those type of people are the type that are supposed to be out there chasing accomplishments and making the world and better place while enriching their own lives. Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team. Forget about the past and keep going on with the future. I think pursuing excellence is a worthwhile endeavor.

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I think you should have an attitude where you really don't care about others and only focus on what you can achieve. What exactly is stopping you from accomplishing the same things that these people have done? Aside from the age factor of having these sorts of accomplishments at a certain age, you can still accomplish anything you set your mind to, even for looks. You can make excellent choices in regards to nutrition and exercise and it will help you look your best. In terms of bone structure you could get plastic surgery if you really wanted to haha. Hey I had plastic surgery and it was a great decision because it was not excessive surgery and it looks great and now I feel even better about myself. That's a controversial little aside, but bottom line, I think you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Is it going to be hard? Definitely. But it is up to you if you really want it.


Thanks, I totally agree. 


I do my best to not care about what other people are doing. To be honest, I used to be someone who really didn't bother with the lives of other people (I'm not naturally a super nosy person or a gossiper). But over the past few years, social media has really really taken off and now I have way too much information (much of it unasked) from people I barely speak to. I've found that having access to other people's lives at all times is something that has really hurt my self-esteem (whereas before I used to be more focused on me and less focused on others). I suppose the first step to dealing with this is to recognize it and I'm glad that I have. As I mentioned, I'm taking steps to lessen my social media exposure so hopefully that'll really help me in the long term.


I'm happy with many of the things I've accomplished as well. I do think there are some cool things that I've done that speak to who I am as a person and make me a valuable individual. And I've also recently identified some of the things that I would like to change about myself and I'm working to make those aspects of my life better. I guess I'm just going through a bit of a quarter-life crisis for me right now so I appreciate the opportunity to vent :)

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This was one of the main reasons I went into engineering for my undergrad. All of my class mates and friends were satisfied with getting by with no medical aspirations, I helped them and they helped me. There was no one competing with me, making me feel inadequate and what not. Being away from people that had the same goals as me allowed me to focus on other things and do my thing and not worry about how I match up against them. Then when fourth year rolled around I focused on applications without comparing myself to others and I found it really helped me during the process. 

This was a huge change of how I did things in cegep, when I applied to the premed program at McGill. I was surrounded by pre-meds, that were much better candidates than I was and this reflected in my application.

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I've heard a few comments from people on campus not directed to me but definitely about me so I know there are people who don't think I belong there and I absolutely do not care about whether they think I do or not.


Wow, there's no place for comments like that! Sorry to hear this is happening from your colleagues :(


Who are they to say where you belong?

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This was one of the main reasons I went into engineering for my undergrad. All of my class mates and friends were satisfied with getting by with no medical aspirations, I helped them and they helped me. There was no one competing with me, making me feel inadequate and what not. Being away from people that had the same goals as me allowed me to focus on other things and do my thing and not worry about how I match up against them. Then when fourth year rolled around I focused on applications without comparing myself to others and I found it really helped me during the process. 

This was a huge change of how I did things in cegep, when I applied to the premed program at McGill. I was surrounded by pre-meds, that were much better candidates than I was and this reflected in my application.


I would have died in Engineering lol. I like what I studied but in my UG, there were definitely times when it felt like my peers were subconsciously sizing you up (and I was doing the same of course). Unfortunately, at least for me, many of the relationships didn't seem completely genuine.


Wow, there's no place for comments like that! Sorry to hear this is happening from your colleagues :(


Who are they to say where you belong?



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Wow, there's no place for comments like that! Sorry to hear this is happening from your colleagues :(


Who are they to say where you belong?

I just figure they are kids who have some growing up to do and probably not a lot of real world exposure yet. I've heard similar or worse comments from physicians and nurses said about patients (other than me) when I've been in hospital, and I wouldn't be surprised if others here had as well. Not everyone is a shining example of professionalism.

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I just figure they are kids who have some growing up to do and probably not a lot of real world exposure yet. I've heard similar or worse comments from physicians and nurses said about patients (other than me) when I've been in hospital, and I wouldn't be surprised if others here had as well. Not everyone is a shining example of professionalism.


Yep, lots of this among younger people who have been sheltered from the real world. One new student this year says to my friend in the first week of class, "I'm surprised you were accepted." Words travel insanely fast and the last thing you want to do is out yourself as 'that person.' Everyone knows who the terrible group members are. A lot resides on how pleasant you are to work with as opposed to the undergrad days of how much information you can cram into your head at the last minute.

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I have personally never met anyone like the OP's description. Out of the three aspects mentioned in the original post, which are social life, external beauty, and intelligence, the most I have ever seen any premed possessing (to an admirable amount) was two out of the three. On the other hand, I have met many people from other programs (i.e. business) who seem to be possessing all three but I had higher grades than them back in university and they spent a year of their salary on plastic surgery, so I'm cool with the perfect trifecta thing they got going on  :)

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I have personally never met anyone like the OP's description. Out of the three aspects mentioned in the original post, which are social life, external beauty, and intelligence, the most I have ever seen any premed possessing (to an admirable amount) was two out of the three. On the other hand, I have met many people from other programs (i.e. business) who seem to be possessing all three but I had higher grades than them back in university and they spent a year of their salary on plastic surgery, so I'm cool with the perfect trifecta thing they got going on  :)


I haven't met too many but there do seem to be the few premeds who excel in and out of the classroom, who carry themselves well, and who seem to have a fulfilling social/"fun" life outside of their academics. Then again, perhaps I've exaggerated some aspects of their life (e.g. they may be very intelligent but they are not as social as I believe them to be or I've "rated" them as more physically attractive than the average person would). Gonna try focusing on me from now on.

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I haven't met too many but there do seem to be the few premeds who excel in and out of the classroom, who carry themselves well, and who seem to have a fulfilling social/"fun" life outside of their academics. Then again, perhaps I've exaggerated some aspects of their life (e.g. they may be very intelligent but they are not as social as I believe them to be or I've "rated" them as more physically attractive than the average person would). Gonna try focusing on me from now on.


I think I was one of those "perfect people" to a friend of mine in UG. I realized when I had a mental breakdown in second year and this friend told me that for the first time I seemed human.  I guess I'll just tell you what everyone else has been telling you: there are no perfect people.  People only seem perfect because they hide their imperfections (really really well). Also, everybody's lives are different.  You may see perfect person X doing something that seemed so awesome and person X may in fact my envious of something you did.

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I once had a silly encounter where, essentially, a person who I thought was so "perfect" approached me and casually asked, "How do you do it?". I paused, and then realized that we both perceived the other as a superior! I post next to nothing on my social media, so they must have gathered this perception from in-person interactions.


Since then, I have acknowledged that it is incredibly misleading to compare yourself to other people (especially premeds, lol). Every now and then I still get a little discouraged from insanely "perfect" profiles - I think that comparison is simply human nature. However, every time that happens I try to think of all the other people who think of me in the same way. Then, the whole thing just becomes trivial.  :)

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Perhaps that's just due to an underwhelming self-perception which will get better with time. To start, I admire your humility which I'm sure carries on from these forums to the real-world. Albeit most aren't cocky a-holes, a fair share of those "perfect" premeds can be a little too over-confident or perhaps (unintentionally?) condescending at times which I find to be a turn-off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest, the type of person you described is very uncommon. Maybe you are looking at them through the lens of social media?


The folks on this forum represent some of most competitive applicants, and clearly, very few of us are as you described. We're all humans and we all have flaws.


One of the worst things you can do in life is compare yourself to someone else's highlight reel (I.e., someone else's Facebook). It's part of the reason I deactivated Facebook.


Be yourself and focus on your own interests. Most importantly, enjoy the journey of life. Don't kill yourself for an end goal (I.e., medicine) to realize you've given up everything important to you to get there. This is especially true if you're comparing yourself to others' achievements and trying to mimic them. Create a path to medicine which gives you the most out of life.

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You just don't know what goes on in another person's head. They could be very troubled and yet put up a good front. 


Just live your life with no regrets, set your own goals, create and execute a workable plan. All of us stumble along the way, this is normal for all humans. Be kind to others and get on with your life, not distracting yourself with your perception of others whom you think are better than you. We all come to the table of life with differing assets and liabilities.We each should be trying to improve, without focusing on how others are doing. Nobody is perfect.

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I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who posted on this thread, sharing personal experiences and offering advice. I was a bit bitter and quite negative (clearly lol) when I wrote the original post. But I greatly appreciate the supportive comments. It's really helped me focus on the good in me and strive to improve the not so good and I hope this thread helps others too :) Keep being awesome PM101

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