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Calgary Mmi Practice/seeking Mmi Coach

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Someone in the Medical school interviews forum posted about setting up some interview practise in Calgary and a few people replied (including myself) - so I think there is some interest


I think if we had a couple of participants we could run an MMI circuit where we each bring a made up MMI scenario or two, and then rotate through being an interviewer/interviewee. 

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Does anyone in Calgary want to start preparing for the MMI? If so please reply here or PM me and we can set up times to meet. 


Also if anyone who's a current medical student is willing to teach me MMI skills one-on-one, I am willing to pay for a MMI coach! Please message me your price. 


Hey, I'm a deferred applicant.  I can let you know how prepared etc.  The MMI felt pretty good to me. Just send me a private message. You certainly do not need to pay me!!

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