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Schulich Interview

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I'm trying not to think about it because I know I will be dwelling on certain answers, but my interviewers were laid back. I think preparing just allowed me to show my personality more.


Any current UWO students able to comment on how important showing personality/confidence is during the interview based on their interview experience?

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I felt I was pretty confident too, but my interviewers were not very laid back and my experience was less conversational and more formal. I don't know if that is by chance that I got those specific interviewers or because of the way I presented myself. I also found the questions very random and odd :P

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Not a Schulich Dent student, but a fellow interviewee :) In the past, UWO interviews have focused more on your answers (hitting certain points - regardless of the manner delivered). I have heard that the current "holistic" approach puts much more weight on character/personality and less weight into your actual answers. They're just looking for genuine people. This is what I've heard....


EDIT: I also found some of the questions kind of "wonky" :P

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Not a Schulich Dent student, but a fellow interviewee :) In the past, UWO interviews have focused more on your answers (hitting certain points - regardless of the manner delivered). I have heard that the current "holistic" approach puts much more weight on character/personality and less weight into your actual answers. They're just looking for genuine people. This is what I've heard....


EDIT: I also found some of the questions kind of "wonky" :P



My interviewers were not taking any notes. Same with you guys? I think that supports your character/personality hypothesis, perhaps they score our whole interview out of 10? I felt good about it & confident walking out but felt bad about my content and how I presented it the next day. 

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Not a Schulich Dent student, but a fellow interviewee :) In the past, UWO interviews have focused more on your answers (hitting certain points - regardless of the manner delivered). I have heard that the current "holistic" approach puts much more weight on character/personality and less weight into your actual answers. They're just looking for genuine people. This is what I've heard....


EDIT: I also found some of the questions kind of "wonky" :P


I enjoyed the wonky questions! The typical interview questions would have been boring, but I guess less stressful lol

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I enjoyed them as well, but they definitely made me feel less confident in my answers haha. My interviewers were taking notes like their lives depended on it. Probably were writin' smack :( 


I enjoyed the wonky questions! The typical interview questions would have been boring, but I guess less stressful lol

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I enjoyed them as well, but they definitely made me feel less confident in my answers haha. My interviewers were taking notes like their lives depended on it. Probably were writin' smack :(


Mine were exact opposite ! They never wrote anything, none, not a single letter !! Kept looking at me and listening ! My interview started at 1:12, until 1:58 ! We kept talking and talking after the Qs were done and in the end, someone knocked on the door to finish it ! I don't know if I screwed so much or they liked me lol 

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Mine were exact opposite ! They never wrote anything, none, not a single letter !! Kept looking at me and listening ! My interview started at 1:12, until 1:58 ! We kept talking and talking after the Qs were done and in the end, someone knocked on the door to finish it ! I don't know if I screwed so much or they liked me lol 



Sounds to me that you did really well and they liked you! Congrats :) 

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I thought the interview really gave us a chance to showcase our personality and let them see who we genuinely are, as opposed to other interview styles that can be "memorized" and can come off as robotic. So to me this is a great approach. I think you can clearly see this in the first year dental students who helped out too since they all seemed to be genuinely friendly and helpful. 

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I thought the interview really gave us a chance to showcase our personality and let them see who we genuinely are, as opposed to other interview styles that can be "memorized" and can come off as robotic. So to me this is a great approach. I think you can clearly see this in the first year dental students who helped out too since they all seemed to be genuinely friendly and helpful. 


Only thing is that evaluating someone's personality is subjective (to an extent) and they do have to provide an objective score at the end of the day. Whether that is an overall impression or whether we hit certain points, we'll never know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hm.. I feel  like it should be both the content of the answer + manner in which it's presented (interpersonal/communication/personality). Basing entirely on the latter is not only subjective, but it pretty much stomps on those who may be more socially inept (who by the way, could become excellent dentists down the road). Some people are naturally more outgoing, have better communication/interpersonal skills, and this shouldn't entirely override the ability to think/speak in a logical, conscientious manner  

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hm.. I feel  like it should be both the content of the answer + manner in which it's presented (interpersonal/communication/personality). Basing entirely on the latter is not only subjective, but it pretty much stomps on those who may be more socially inept (who by the way, could become excellent dentists down the road). Some people are naturally more outgoing, have better communication/interpersonal skills, and this shouldn't entirely override the ability to think/speak in a logical, conscientious manner  


The score is definitely a mix of both the content and the manner it was presented but more so the former. That being said, typically extroverted dentists do find the field a better fit (the reason is because it is very exhausting to be happy/conversational/outgoing for every one of your patients and so more introverted individuals may find this to be tougher to accomplish) and this may lead to greater enjoyment of such a public-facing career. That being said, both introverted and extroverted dentists do enjoy and excel in this career.


Actually communication skills are pretty important since when you are describing treatment plans to a patient, you have to accomplish this in a way so that you actually have a two-way, informed conversation. Same idea with working with co-workers, staff, etc.

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The score is definitely a mix of both the content and the manner it was presented but more so the former. That being said, typically extroverted dentists do find the field a better fit (the reason is because it is very exhausting to be happy/conversational/outgoing for every one of your patients and so more introverted individuals may find this to be tougher to accomplish) and this may lead to greater enjoyment of such a public-facing career. That being said, both introverted and extroverted dentists do enjoy and excel in this career.


Actually communication skills are pretty important since when you are describing treatment plans to a patient, you have to accomplish this in a way so that you actually have a two-way, informed conversation. Same idea with working with co-workers, staff, etc.

agreed :)

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I'd guess no more than 80 are waitlisted (complete guess)


In the past when they interviewed 250 applicants the waitlist included around 90 people according to past threads, so maybe 70-80 this year? Although if I'm at position 50 or above I'd rather get rejected than just hopelessly wait... If only they gave out rankings.


A friend of mine has called yesterday and it turns out the admissions committee is meeting next week once or twice and will do the rankings. The lady has told her she can't give out a specific date due to confidentiality policies, but it could very well be the end of next week. Fingers crossed lol


That's good to know! Any idea what the committee discusses? Don't they just have to compile all the numbers together and rank everyone on some Excel sheet? 

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In the past when they interviewed 250 applicants the waitlist included around 90 people according to past threads, so maybe 70-80 this year? Although if I'm at position 50 or above I'd rather get rejected than just hopelessly wait... If only they gave out rankings.




That's good to know! Any idea what the committee discusses? Don't they just have to compile all the numbers together and rank everyone on some Excel sheet?


They consider academic trends , graduate degree bonus points and possibly other factors we may not know about. Not exactly sure how they rank applicants but I agree, being waitlisted is the worst feeling for UWO. Basically puts your life on hold while you wait

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