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USASK Interview Invites/Regrets 2018

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Time Stamp: Feb. 5 2pm

Result: Invite

Interview Date: March 17 or 18th

GPA: 4.0

MCAT: 500

ECs: Lots including volunteering with many different things, research abroad, varsity sports, Canada Games etc. 

Year: 1st year masters

Geography: Aboriginal (OOP, but aboriginal candidates are considered IP)

Good luck to all!

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TIME STAMP: Feb 5th 3:02 pm 
Interview Date: March 17 or 18th
Result: Invite!
GPA: 86-87.5% (Depends on how they calculated it with multiple schools)
MCAT: 513
ECs: Lots related to sports (All aspects), little related to medicine
Year: 5th 
Geography : IP
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Interview Date: March 17 or 18th
Result: Invite!
GPA: I thought it was 84% but apparently, it is 88%. I would say mid 80s to high 80s
MCAT: 500 (Ouch)
ECs: Lots of experience volunteering with physicians, first author research paper etc. 
Year: Graduated in 2015 
Geography : IP
This is my third time applying! I got rejected post-interview. I don't know how to feel. I am happy, discouraged, little anxious and all the rainbow of emotions. I look forward to see all of you and really hope that this year is the acceptance year for me. 
Good luck!
P.S. if anyone wants to practice with me, please send me a message!!!
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4 hours ago, broclivity44 said:

TIME STAMP: February 5th 3:11 pm
Result: Waitlist
GPA: 83.15%
MCAT: 521 (128 CARS)
Geography: OOP

Here's to hoping things work out! 

Does anyone know what the waitlist movement is like?

It's worth noting that the U of A has interviews the same weekend, so there may be movement after their invites go out.

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