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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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Hey! I'm hella late to joining the forum; didnt realize it was a thing till recent lmao. But I wanted to say I got accepted a couple of places!

Applied: Western (OT), Queens (OT), UofT (PT and OT), and Mac (PT and PT)

Accepted: queens and UofT ssauga (OT)

Sgpa: 3.85

Perceived strengths:

I think my essays were fairly good and I have a fair amount of volunteer experience at my local hospital and worked as part of the recreational team at LTC homes last summer


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Second time applying for OT at each of the schools below (first time was a long shot):

Rejected from UBC, McMaster, Queens, UofT, and Western :'(

Waitlisted at UofA (middle). 

I did my undergrad at UofA (BKin; specialized in adapted physical activity) but am a BC resident. 

Can't recall my exact ORPAS sgpa but I know it was around 3.6. I did a semester abroad so those grades were calculated in afterwards by the schools that accepted them. Not sure what my exact GPA ended up being. 3rd quartile casper. My UofA GPA was a bit higher than ORPAS because they count both A and A+ as 4.0. Hoped that my personal submissions and experience (long-term care [6 years], Paralympic sports employee [1 year], and autism work [3 years]) would have helped me out a bit more. Still waiting to hear from UofA so I am trying to not get discouraged! I heard that in the past they have accepted large amounts of people from the waitlist...fingers crossed. I would love to not have to upgrade courses again!

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2 minutes ago, OTletsgo said:

Applied OT: U of T, Western, Queens, McMaster
Accepted: U of T, Queens
Waitlisted: none
Rejected: McMaster, Western
GPA: 3.79 
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: Since I thought I had a low gpa, I needed to give my best shot at my essay. This is my third round applying and I was waitlisted to all the schools but didn’t get in. I didn’t go back to school to upgrade my gpa. Primarily, I wrote about why I wanted to perceive my career and didn’t really focus on my strengths. This time, I changed my writing style completely, to give something special about my self, and why I am an adequate applicant. I focused on my experiences and outlined how I made those experiences mine; the strengths I performed. I also volunteered at Sunnybrook Cancer Centre during Covid which I think boosted my application. I got my academic reference letter from a professor that I knew for 4 years during my undergrad who knew me very well. My professional letter was from my volunteer coordinator who worked with me for 2 years. I think this was a plus since I tried to work with patients in therapy clinic.


Overall, don’t let your hopes down! I thought this was my last chance and gave everything I got. 

I will be accepting U of T- st.george campus. Hope it gives someone a spot at Queens! 

So happy for you! I am probably on my way to try for a third time next year if I don't get off the waitlist at UofA. Your post gave me some comfort in that so thank you. I hope everything goes well for you. Toronto will a fun and new experience!

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31 minutes ago, ot53ot53 said:

So happy for you! I am probably on my way to try for a third time next year if I don't get off the waitlist at UofA. Your post gave me some comfort in that so thank you. I hope everything goes well for you. Toronto will a fun and new experience!

Thank you! 

You can do this too! Don’t let your hopes down. 

I also mentioned one or two sentences  about my gpa because I screwed up for my second year due to personal reason.  However, I managed my gpa 4.0 during my third and fourth year, receiving two scholarships along the way. I wrote about how I could overcome hardships and eventually find my way proving that I could do my best at each schools. 

My tip is to bring your qualities and strengths, how you can make your experiences solely yours and your strengths into those experiences. 

For my research about current trends, I bought OT related books, textbooks, and read current articles from the CAOT. For 1 topic I wrote about ongoing trend that could grow in the future, how it could help patients and how I can help patients as an OT. For the second topic, I wrote about possibility of growing trend (something not current) that might benefit our society in health care system. I based on my research and focused on analyzing, not retelling about a health trend. 

I hope this could help someone in some way!! Best of luck to you too!! 

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Applied OT: U of T, Western, Queens, McMaster
Accepted: U of T Mississauga Campus, Queens
Waitlisted: none
Rejected: McMaster (I rejected the interview as I knew I didn't want to go here), Western (figured, did not do well on Casper)
GPA: cGPA 3.76, sGPA 3.90

Casper: 3rd quartile 

Will accept Queen's offer. I love the city of Kingston and their curriculum seems more my style over UofT. I had 2 excellent references. One from a professor with whom I did research, and one from a work supervisor in which I have over 4500 hrs of working with kids. I currently work in a Hospice to expand my experience with older adults (Currently over 800 hrs). I have a degree in Sociology with double minor in Gerontology and Labour Studies. 

I am 26, will be 27 at start of class. Looking forward to meeting classmates! :)

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Anyone else’s Mac portal say awaiting payment for PT?!?! Last night it just said pending or something!!! No email or ORPAS yet.


Edit: haha clicked around more and it actually it still says under review, too :wacko:

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1 hour ago, DreamPT said:

Congrats everyone!!

My ORPAS is showing me there's an offer for UofT PT, but I still haven't received an email!! Has anyone gotten an email yet? Are we able to tell through ORPAS if it's an acceptance or a waitlist?

I haven't got an email either! 

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Just thought I'd post to give people on waitlists some hope! I'll be declining all my offers because I got into another program I wanted :)

Applied OT: U of T, Western, Queens, McMaster
Accepted: U of T (Mississauga campus), Queens, McMaster (will be declining all)
Waitlisted: Western
Rejected: N/A
GPA: cGPA 3.88, sGPA 3.98

CASPer: 3rd quartile
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: I think fairly strong essays - I mainly just wrote about what I'm passionate about and my personal experiences. I didn't really have any experience shadowing an OT or anything like that but I had some hospital volunteering hours and volunteering at a therapeutic riding centre. I felt like my McMaster interview went really well and that I connected with all the interviewers!! I know my references were really good because they helped me get into other programs too :) 

Congrats to everyone who got in!! Best of luck to those on the waitlist!! To those who were rejected - your time is coming soon!!

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Applied (PT): McMaster, Queens, Western, U of T

Accepted: McMaster, Queens

Waitlisted: Western (Top third)

Rejected: U of T (did not get a CAP invite)

GPA: cGPA 3.91, sGPA: 3.94

CASPer: 4th quartile

After getting rejected from UofT pre-CAP I was not expecting to get anything but I am so EXCITED! I will be accepting McMaster so there will be some movement for Queens (and less people on Western's waitlist).

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Hi everyone, I’ve found the stats in previous years really helpful so decided to share my own: 

Applied + (PT): Western, Queen’s, U of T, McMaster
Accepted: Western, U of T
Rejected: Queen’s, McMaster 

CASPer score: 4th quartile
sGPA: 3.85

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: 1200+ hours as a therapy coordinator in a long term care home, 800+ hours working at 2 different clinics as a PTA, volunteer patient for PT students and shadowed Team Canada physiotherapists. 3000+ volunteer hours as a statistician for a varsity team & Volleyball Canada, youth volleyball coaching, and was a varsity athlete myself. I know my references were both strong: the physiotherapist/owner of the clinic I currently work at, and two professors that I’m collaborating on a sport psychology project with. Felt I did very well on the Western statement of intent and the CAP, really wrote from the heart and tied it to my experiences. 

Went to Queen’s for my undergrad so a bit disappointed there, but absolutely THRILLED to receive 2 offers after being rejected last year (applied to Queen’s & Western only, sGPA 3.80). I took the extra year to boost my GPA, get more experience, and really reflect on why I want this career - honestly, it made me a significantly better applicant and future physiotherapist!

I’ll be accepting my offer at Western, so there will be some movement on the U of T waitlist :)

Congratulations to all of the applicants, it’s a long journey to get to today! To everyone who didn’t get the news they wanted this year - if this career is what you want to pursue in life, don’t ever give up on it! 

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