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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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First time applicant from Ontario. This forum has helped me so much throughout the application period, thank you everyone and best of luck with everything!

Applied (All OT): Uof T, Queens, McMaster, Western 
Accepted: Uof T, Queens, McMaster
Rejected: Western
GPA: c-gpa 3.87; s-gpA 3.92 according to OPRAS
- Work experience: Community Service Worker at a non-profit organization, Physiotherapy Assistant at a physio clinic for over a year, Research Assistant at a developmental lab for over a year , Research Assistant at CAMH for over year working with clients with mental health issues. 

- Volunteer experience: teleconnect caller for individuals with alzheimer's, occupational therapy volunteer, hospice volunteer, mentor for youth with disability, accessability services note taker, camp counselor

- References: one from an occupational therapist who owns a private practice, one from the PI of my co-op placement at CAMH who is a prof at Uoft

- Strength: Diverse experience working with different populations in both community and clinical settings, decent references, GPA, MMI went okay(?) I did not think I'd get an offer from McMaster. I started praciting for the MMI about 2-3 weeks before, nothing crazy just spending one to two hours every other day and really reflected on my experiences and skills.

- Weakness: 2nd Quartile Casper, I would say I put in the same amount of effort as I did for prepping the MMI but for some reason did terrible on it LOL 


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2 hours ago, Vvvvvvvv said:

First time applicant from Ontario. This forum has helped me so much throughout the application period, thank you everyone and best of luck with everything!

Applied (All OT): Uof T, Queens, McMaster, Western 
Accepted: Uof T, Queens, McMaster
Rejected: Western
GPA: c-gpa 3.87; s-gpA 3.92 according to OPRAS
- Work experience: Community Service Worker at a non-profit organization, Physiotherapy Assistant at a physio clinic for over a year, Research Assistant at a developmental lab for over a year , Research Assistant at CAMH for over year working with clients with mental health issues. 

- Volunteer experience: teleconnect caller for individuals with alzheimer's, occupational therapy volunteer, hospice volunteer, mentor for youth with disability, accessability services note taker, camp counselor

- References: one from an occupational therapist who owns a private practice, one from the PI of my co-op placement at CAMH who is a prof at Uoft

- Strength: Diverse experience working with different populations in both community and clinical settings, decent references, GPA, MMI went okay(?) I did not think I'd get an offer from McMaster. I started praciting for the MMI about 2-3 weeks before, nothing crazy just spending one to two hours every other day and really reflected on my experiences and skills.

- Weakness: 2nd Quartile Casper, I would say I put in the same amount of effort as I did for prepping the MMI but for some reason did terrible on it LOL 


Congrats on your acceptances! Do you know what program you will be choosing?

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52 minutes ago, Queens2021 said:

I was wondering if anyone had any insight on OT at McMaster vs Western. I'm really struggling to pick between the two programs, so any insight would be super helpful!

Hi there! I am picking between McMaster and another school as well and here is what I have been able to find/been told about MAC's OT program!

 From a current OT student at Mac: " I'm a current Year 2 OT student at McMaster and have really enjoyed my experiences at Mac! We follow a problem based learning style of learning, though this mostly applies to our Problem Based Tutorials that are an integral part of each of our five academic terms.You are placed in a group with 5-6 other students as well as a tutor, who is either a community clinician or a member of faculty. Together as a group (with the tutor available for assistance), you work through a variety of case problems that align with the material that is being covered in the term. PBT groups meet 2x/week in Year 1 and 1x/week in Year 2. Every session you leave with learning goals and things you need to research and come back ready to contribute to the group. Personally, I really like this style of learning, as it allows you research areas that are of particular interest to you, but also work to fill your own gaps in knowledge depending on the case. I think having to engage that way in a small group helps me work on my communication, research and time management skills. It can be stressful at times to balance the demands of the program with the responsibilities of bringing back good research to the group, but honestly, I can't imagine having gone through OT school without PBT at this point! 

Also, McMaster also requires each student to complete at least one placement in mental health so that's something to keep in mind if you're interest in that field" :)

Either way you can't go wrong! Best of luck and I hope this helps. :)

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First Year Applicant in my fourth year of undergrad.  

Applied (PT): UBC, Western, McMaster, UofT, Dal 

Accepted: Western, McMaster, Dal 

Waitlisted: UBC (Accepted May 17th) 

Rejected: UofT (did not receive an interview)

cGPA: 8.32 (on a 9 point scale since I did my undergraduate in Athletic and Exercise Therapy at Camosun. I'm not sure how to convert properly)

sGPA: unknown 

CASPer: 4th quartile 

Volunteer: Kids Physio Group (60 hours) and Neuromotion Physiotherapy (105 hours)

PT Experience: Student Athletic Therapist for Rugby Canada, various post secondary schools and hockey teams

Non PT Experience: work as a lifeguard, swim instructor, team leader (aquatic supervisor), camp leader and inclusion instructor 

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34 minutes ago, PTStudent2022 said:

First Year Applicant in my fourth year of undergrad.  

Applied (PT): UBC, Western, McMaster, UofT, Dal 

Accepted: Western, McMaster, Dal 

Waitlisted: UBC (Accepted May 17th) 

Rejected: UofT (did not receive an interview)

cGPA: 8.32 (on a 9 point scale since I did my undergraduate in Athletic and Exercise Therapy at Camosun. I'm not sure how to convert properly)

sGPA: unknown 

CASPer: 4th quartile 

Volunteer: Kids Physio Group (60 hours) and Neuromotion Physiotherapy (105 hours)

PT Experience: Student Athletic Therapist for Rugby Canada, various post secondary schools and hockey teams

Non PT Experience: work as a lifeguard, swim instructor, team leader (aquatic supervisor), camp leader and inclusion instructor 

Congrats! :)Do you know where you are going to accept?

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2 hours ago, PlsOT said:

Sorry if this has already been asked but is there a Facebook page for U of T OT incoming class yet? Hoping to connect with classmates before I move from BC to Toronto!

Hey! I’m going to U of T as well! I attended the virtual open house last night and they let us know that some of the current students there will be creating a Facebook group for the class of 2024 in the next couple weeks once they have an official list of  names for the program :) 

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4 hours ago, OTssss2022 said:

Anyone hear of movement from UofA OT off the waitlist yet? Or has anyone inquired about it?

I haven’t heard anything yet about movement. I’ll probably inquire sometime next week. Feel pretty anxious about it, I’m hoping there’s some movement this year. 

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Hi everyone! Starting this topic for those who plan to be attending UofT OT (since the official Facebook group isn't out yet) so that we can get to know each other and our classmates! Message me if you want to connect and I'm super excited for September to meet everyone and to begin my journey in OT!! :)

A little bit about myself: I'm from Vancouver, BC and I did my undergrad in kinesiology! I absolutely love dogs and trying new food around the city (and taking photos of food!). 

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9 hours ago, samsylee96 said:

Same, got an email saying my position is "Greater than 100". So how many spots do they keep on the waitlist then? If you are over 150 will they say "greater than 150"?? 

Does the waitlist move that much to allow for a list of 100+  Applicants on it? 

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1 hour ago, JoshJ said:

Does the waitlist move that much to allow for a list of 100+  Applicants on it? 

I think this was last year but someome who was number #42 got in, in july. But, the waitlist movement had really started to go down by then. So to be honest also being someone in the > 100 I don't think it will reach that... But who knows maybe this year there are changing things up which is why there is so many of us on the waitlist..

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2 hours ago, MMPT said:

I think this was last year but someome who was number #42 got in, in july. But, the waitlist movement had really started to go down by then. So to be honest also being someone in the > 100 I don't think it will reach that... But who knows maybe this year there are changing things up which is why there is so many of us on the waitlist..

Ah okay, I see. Thank you for replying! 

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On 5/18/2022 at 11:37 AM, OTssss2022 said:

Anyone hear of movement from UofA OT off the waitlist yet? Or has anyone inquired about it?

Hello from the other side! :P  I'm just finishing up my first year of OT at U of A. 
Just FYI, my understanding is that the 'second wave' of U of A OT offers was given on May 26th last year.  I believe there were quite a few offers given at that time.  Good luck!

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On 5/17/2022 at 12:29 PM, LETSGOPT2022 said:

Hey, my stats are very similar (3.85, 4th quartile, 450 hrs total in clinic) and I got an acceptance from Queen's. I've heard that Queen's really favours research experience, and that seems like the biggest difference between our CV's. If you haven't graduated already, try to apply for a thesis/independent study, or try to find opportunities to partake in research. It will really help!

Just curious, from where did you hear that Queen's PT really favours research experience?

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