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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Can't sleep, starting to stress, need some reassurance, posted this in a different thread (U of T):


I'm a graduate student (MSc), aiming to defend by June 2012

My GPA for my grad courses is 3.8

My undergrad WGPA (if this was U of T) is 3.83

My MCAT is VR8 PS12 BS11 WSR

MY ECs are pretty standard (4 years as a counselor at a summer camp, heart and stroke volunteer for 1/2 a year, hospital volunteer for 2 years, high school science and math tutor for 2 years)

Also got $10 000 studentship, $3000 studentship, $500 travel award, poster competition award

Reference letters: what can be said about them

I have a bunch of abstracts to conferences, and even more posters

I am expecting a paper to come out soon which I have authorship on, plus another one expected by the time I defend which I'm first author

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Can't sleep, starting to stress, need some reassurance, posted this in a different thread (U of T):


I'm a graduate student (MSc), aiming to defend by June 2012

My GPA for my grad courses is 3.8

My undergrad WGPA (if this was U of T) is 3.83

My MCAT is VR8 PS12 BS11 WSR

MY ECs are pretty standard (4 years as a counselor at a summer camp, heart and stroke volunteer for 1/2 a year, hospital volunteer for 2 years, high school science and math tutor for 2 years)

Also got $10 000 studentship, $3000 studentship, $500 travel award, poster competition award

Reference letters: what can be said about them

I have a bunch of abstracts to conferences, and even more posters

I am expecting a paper to come out soon which I have authorship on, plus another one expected by the time I defend which I'm first author


Apart from the VR8, all schools should give you a decent shot. Can't see why they wouldn't want you!

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5th year

cgpa - 2.96

last 2 years - 3.96

MCAT - 36R (8 PS, 14 BS, 14 VR)


some EC's...mentoring a group of girls, volunteered with disabled kids, volunteered in a research lab, worked throughout undergrad (minimal tho...8-12 hours a week), few other minor things


Im scared my cgpa is going to ruin my chances at quite a few schools and my EC's aren't the greatest...what do you guys think?

any advice on boosting my app?

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I am from Quebec and doing a phd in the US. I am applying to Qc medschools (did not take the MCAT). From what I understand, having a phd doesn't help much in Qc. I know my stats are pretty good but what do you think?


cegep r-score: ~35 (>90 in all prereqs)

ugrad gpa (Qc university): >3.9/4

grad gpa (major US university): >3.9/4

no mcat



cegep: varsity sport, student council, various awards and scholarships

ugrad: math contest winner, dean's list, in course award

grad: sailing instructor, club exec, first aid/cpr instructor, hospital volunteer



cegep: one non-refereed publication

ugrad: research thesis (brain imaging), some technical manuals

grad: medical imaging research, ~5 publications, ~10 conference talks/posters, ~$150,000 in scholarship/assistanship


I know this isn't bad already but the competition seems to be pretty high for applicants with phds. Ex: a freaking astronaut (!): http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/astronauts/biosaintjacques.asp

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Guest JustAnotherStudent
I know my stats are pretty good but what do you think?


cegep r-score: ~35 (>90 in all prereqs)

ugrad gpa (Qc university): >3.9/4

grad gpa (major US university): >3.9/4

no mcat



cegep: varsity sport, student council, various awards and scholarships

ugrad: math contest winner, dean's list, in course award

grad: sailing instructor, club exec, first aid/cpr instructor, hospital volunteer



cegep: one non-refereed publication

ugrad: research thesis (brain imaging), some technical manuals

grad: medical imaging research, ~5 publications, ~10 conference talks/posters, ~$150,000 in scholarship/assistanship



I think your chance is pretty low consider all the Olympic medal winners, movie celebrities, Nobel price winners ..etc with 4.0/4.0 GPA in this forum also aiming for the same spot with you. But it gonna be ok, don't worry too much.

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5th year

cgpa - 2.96

last 2 years - 3.96

MCAT - 36R (8 PS, 14 BS, 14 VR)


some EC's...mentoring a group of girls, volunteered with disabled kids, volunteered in a research lab, worked throughout undergrad (minimal tho...8-12 hours a week), few other minor things


Im scared my cgpa is going to ruin my chances at quite a few schools and my EC's aren't the greatest...what do you guys think?

any advice on boosting my app?


Where are you from? That will change things. UBC has a 'drop the lowest year' policy, as does U of A & U of C.


For Ontario, that 8 PS will hold you back from Queen's and Western, which are the 2 year schools. Ottawa weights your GPA based on recentness. You should look at their website.


UBC, U of A, U of C and Ottawa all have some sort of residency preference.


Hope that helps, good luck!

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5th year

cgpa - 2.96

last 2 years - 3.96

MCAT - 36R (8 PS, 14 BS, 14 VR)


some EC's...mentoring a group of girls, volunteered with disabled kids, volunteered in a research lab, worked throughout undergrad (minimal tho...8-12 hours a week), few other minor things


Im scared my cgpa is going to ruin my chances at quite a few schools and my EC's aren't the greatest...what do you guys think?

any advice on boosting my app?


Are you SWOMEN and is your last 2 years full courseload? If yes you are pretty much guaranteed interview at UWO if cutoffs don't change (and give you a good chance at acceptance). If not then the 8 PS will very likely preclude you from interviewing at UWO.

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If you qualify for weighting at U of T, calculate what your cGPA is. If you've got an 3.8 or higher, then you might be okay for there, they'll overlook your 8 in PS.


I was about to say that you have a great shot at Mac, then I realized your cGPA is 2.96 which is below their hard cut-off of 3.0. It's too bad really, cause your 14 would help your chances.


Also what's your GPA after the removal of your lowest year? If it's high enough then you might have a shot at Calgary :)


You could apply to Ottawa as well depending on your 3-year GPA (hard cut off of 3.85), however your EC's are on the weak side, and Ottawa is an EC school...but there is no harm in trying!


I am from Alberta...with the removal of my lowest year my GPA would be 3.3 with a 3.96 in my last 2 years. I was really banking on calgary as they took your 2 best years before but now that they changed their whole application cycle, my gpa is gonna hurt me there too.

Mac looks at all years when calculating gpa right? like they wouldn't delete my lowest year?


thanks for the advice! :)

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She/he would qualify for weighing, right?


Yeah looks like it.


OP, u of a and u of c only count full time academic year courses in GPA, that's made a big difference for me. Does it for you?


Also, U of C didnt really ever admit based on best 2 years - that was just to make file review cut off. The new system of evaluation actually works better for you. And it makes your VR count for more. As an IP student with an adjusted GPA over 3.2, you should make file review cut off.

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I would like to apply to the Mcgill biomed/premed programme.


I am an IB student living abroad but a Canadian citizen. I have been predicted a 44 in IB points. It seems unlikely that I will achieve a 44 in the final IB scores. My cumulative GPA is something like 3.97 but I don't know if I can maintain or augment this. In the summer I observed ward rounds, plastic surgery, coronary bypass, general practitioner, hand clinic. I will embark on a journey with a charity organisation to another country to help people deprived of resources. I did drama and theatre consistently in the past.


Would I get in to Mcgill for Premed (AKA for biomedical sciences or life sciences)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in my fourth year of UG at UofT. My stats are as below:

UG cGPA ~ 3.56

EC = 1st/2nd year tutoring, volunteering at hospital, course union rep and treasurer

Research = 3 labs , one nserc funded over summer

Publications = 3rd author on a journal with impact factor 7 and possibly a 2nd author status on another one (not sure about this one since the prof was from my 1st lab and haven't got any updates on it...best to treat this as a goner:( )

Conference = one poster at international conference


I'm planning to apply to a master's program at UofT. I would like some feedback on how strong my gpa is and what my chances are for applying to UTM and other canadian medical schools after finishing a masters. I'm hoping to get at least 1 or 2 papers out in my master's (I'm aware of how hard publishing is, getting scooped and other things) but I'm prepared to work for it. Any feedback on how to improve my application is highly appreciated.


I'm interested in particular areas of research so doing research would be fine. But I'm aware of the hassles graduates face after completing their degrees and I'm 100% sure that this path of life is not for me.


There are reasons for my mediocre gpa. I had only been in Canada for ~2.5 years before start of university and spent most of my years in asia. I also entered university when I was 17( a year ahead of other people). I've done much better in my last 2 years (~3.5-3.6 GPA). It was my first year which killed me (~3.4). I also commute around 1.5hr (3hr both ways) every day since I can't really afford residence so it's been pretty taxing.

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I'm in my fourth year of UG at UofT. My stats are as below:

UG cGPA ~ 3.56

EC = 1st/2nd year tutoring, volunteering at hospital, course union rep and treasurer

Research = 3 labs , one nserc funded over summer

Publications = 3rd author on a journal with impact factor 7 and possibly a 2nd author status on another one (not sure about this one since the prof was from my 1st lab and haven't got any updates on it...best to treat this as a goner:( )

Conference = one poster at international conference


I'm planning to apply to a master's program at UofT. I would like some feedback on how strong my gpa is and what my chances are for applying to UTM and other canadian medical schools after finishing a masters. I'm hoping to get at least 1 or 2 papers out in my master's (I'm aware of how hard publishing is, getting scooped and other things) but I'm prepared to work for it. Any feedback on how to improve my application is highly appreciated.


I'm interested in particular areas of research so doing research would be fine. But I'm aware of the hassles graduates face after completing their degrees and I'm 100% sure that this path of life is not for me.


There are reasons for my mediocre gpa. I had only been in Canada for ~2.5 years before start of university and spent most of my years in asia. I also entered university when I was 17( a year ahead of other people). I've done much better in my last 2 years (~3.5-3.6 GPA). It was my first year which killed me (~3.4). I also commute around 1.5hr (3hr both ways) every day since I can't really afford residence so it's been pretty taxing.


I agree with the previous posters that doing a masters is probably not going to help you a lot in terms of applications. I think a better plan would be to do do a 5th year, and assuming both your 4th year and 5th year have >3.7, full courseload and with a great MCAT you should have a chance at few schools that look at the 2 years (i.e. western, queens, etc).

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What about at the lower-tier schools? I think their 3.56 would be OK for Wayne State and Rosalind Franklin, especially if they have publications. Depends on the AMCAS conversion I suppose.


Yeah, I'm guessing their AMCAS gpa would be around 3.6, which is okay. I'd still say that the odds are against them, unless they pull of a great MCAT score (which to be honest, isn't something that should be necessarily expected).

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