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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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also, sort of tired reading bs

same stereotypes etc., same small problems

same whining and compaining, like why?

no one forced you to care

why self-deceive yourself, what a waste

i'm tired, and becoming very elitist

no in life, only some things

inverse curve relationships are paradoxically desirable

you can actually be to good

how ****ed, feels like the union

except well, people die this time

carryover work, cost of slacking then

moreso, i make professionals look back

im not talking students, frcpsc certified

of course, only in my interests

even so, thats quite pathetic, imo

it's also, well, ironic, incompetancy pays

too competant, then you're a threat

like, your speech sucked, ontario lady

i commend you, but, please stop

i can't half ass things tbh

either slack, or aim for best

i couldn't represent a group nationally

unless well, i expect to win

life isn't a game, enjoying simplicites

is great, we need to take

a moment, to embrace the present

but well, please think long, hard

before you decide to carry others


people think i enjoy looking smart

honestly, i prefer watching soccer, playing

you want influence, forget the clinic

forget patient centred care, come prepared


i find doctors arent often suited

to be influential in politics... sigh

they're too polite, unprepared, can't debate

in summary: they lack killer instinct


but, what do you expect really

advancing in medicine means being passive

often not mentioning preceptors mistakes, brownosing


im not being critical, but seriously

im not someone you enjoy debating

as in, i know every fact

i can pick apart rhetoric, easily

i can manipulate tone, body language

i'm argumentative and passionate, yet polite

but reprieve, is more impression management


politicians careers, meh, do i care

a lot need to be removed

and too many remain utterly complacent

obsessed with getting big flashy residencies


many pretend to give a ****

it's annoying if you do care


i am, seriously, very very good

know many others where doing med

means a pay cut for them

usually psychiatry>clinical psych, b/c more money

add stability, non-contingent on skill

why should i work, countless hours

and make less than pill pushers


why would i, go to parliament

my room mate did that already

well, they didn't care much... seriously

but i'm, well, oppurtunistic, and scary

scary, as in, debating me... well

i hope there are no cameras


because i draw a crowd quick

because well, i hate half-assing things


seems as if students are delusional

no one cares you're a gp

tv wants a news story, controversy

so when you arive, please remember

you have 2 min, that's it

if you're well, in muse mode

essentially, i think politicians are nobodies

very few impress me, jack layton

linda duncan is another, however... doctors

seem to think they're repeating med

no one care's you're a gp

you have 2 minutes, do something

2 minutes is enough time to

well enough time to emplore something

if you are anything but perfect

politicians will easily have you removed


if in 2 minutes, embarassment occurs

as in, utter humiliation, media notices

all of a sudden, controversy arises

you have a story, public perception

is now different, im not heckling

the minister is now incompetent, uninformed

and well, i like using emotion


no longer am i a heckler

disturbing a public event, social perception

has completely shifted, kick me out

and well, try blaming me, seriously

i grilled you in just moments

you now look incompetant, social psychology

right from the beging, social scripts

i just manipulated the social script

i'm not self entitled, you're incompetant

in addition, you're arrogant, be careful

you think your party cares, really

you're a pawn, in one day

one public embarassment, under the bus

and well, **** it, im arrogant

but only because im very good


i'm not sure about you, but

it seems people want to care

they want to make a difference

but 2 minutes is your time

50 hours min preperation, imo

then well, you're not interupting

he's skipping out on his duties

by being unable to answer questions


questions he's probably never rehearsed, ever

i'm a real nut, obscure minutia

that's not something i consider extra

that's a core expectation, arrogance again


people don't get it though... one-dimensional lens

do you think i care... prestige

all this bull**** people need, why?

you think writing a book's fun


well, if you're interested, it is

but like, i want influence, power


i want to change our paradigms

i teach refugees, guessing more experience

than mr policy maker, law, sob-stories

i've sat for 50 hours before

reading legal problems, lol, lose... no

not worth fighting, even for corporations

i'm sure there are international violations

and we all have this reverance

for the un, i dont personally

but like i said, who cares

i play to win, and care


pulling **** like that is risky

i don't like risk on occasions

when i really care, life changes

my risk taking nature suddenly shifts


when i start speaking, watch out

phd's, md's provincial health ceos.. more

they get freaked when words emerge

i'm joe bloe, did he what

what are his credentials, for real


i guess 50 hours, that's weird

even for ceo's making six figures

then again, who reads two patents

to try and have prov coverage

for adhd meds ammended, finds forms

and sets it out for doctor


personal opinion sucks, patent evidence, ****

no one goes that deep, lol

maybe it's the adhd, who know's

but i honestly feel like, well

people put in mediocre work often


everyone has a perogative in life

what they want to do, achieve

but please don't discuss huge issues

or ***** and complain, do something


i laughed when people applauded before

that doc that spoke out, wow

he spoke out, in plain sight

that's very safe, lol, no biggie

try shutting people up, and more

and by more, i mean well

i ****ed you corrupt mother ****ers

wow, people suddently become friends quick

i would to if a kid, lol

just well ****ed my whole team

lot more balls than dr whiner


i guess i just find medicine

the whole culture, just too complacent

i guess that's why i'm intimidating

200 hours of legal work, happens


what do you think ms gp...

put into preparing her complaint, hours?

i would guess 5, oh my

no wonder docs thing meds safe

put 200 hours into legal work

you're just, well scary, and nuts


sounds arrogant, but im critical still

people joing stupid global health clubs

mental health groups, to do what

i did more with my group

in undergrad... 5 years of funding

and that's just the tip, others

just run bs groups, don't care

why schizphrenia, people would often ask

i care, they get no recognition

and honestly, they're heros for trying

i qualify for rediculous grants yearly

people with schizophrenia, inspire me

imagine going to school, hearing voices

thoughts implanted in your head, wow


ironically, it's not a treatment interest

more a human interest, for inspiration

2.0, and a short essay, easy

adhd makes life annoying sometimes, keys

especially 300 dollar car keys, lol

not fun to lose, but honestly

i feel guilty sometimes, i deal

and honestly i deal very well


if i wre schizpphrenic, frankly speaking

there's a good chance i'd snap

i doubt id live to 30

only thing that really scares me


bipolar, i'd deal, watching my mom though

i'm inspired by her courage, positivity


and well, these people... have lobbies?

of course not, cancer, heart disease...

these are the sexy illnesses. funding!

i guess the schizophrenics don't lobby

1500 a month is tight afterall

and thats a lot, it's alberta!


but well, in terms of budgeting

how economical is it... to ignore

8 percent of beds, all beds

are filled with schizophrenics, some respond:

it's an inevitability: no, it's not

that's why i know everything... seriously

why do i care... intelligent, dumb

i'm smarter than 99 percent, whatever

does it really matter... showing off

that's not my style at all

i know this minutia, for change

politicians, doctors, planners, have fun, seriously

i know everything in and out

because i care so so much

i am denser informationally than premeds

interdisciplinarily is where i get scary

within mental health, no bull****, seriously

i've met one psychiatrist... more knowledgeable

and i love the experience response

idunno, 500 hours, plus mental hospital

try dealing with refugees, not dealing

earning trust, and advancing their skills

do mental health professionals ever get...

well, 6 hour discussions of trauma

as in witnessing fiances murder, abroad

withing 20 min of meeting someone

i'll answer, it doesnt happen, ever


what about cultural interaction, usually silence

wow, contra, i get kids working

not only that, they're excited, empowered

wonder how many visited drug house

got coke dealer to open up

explain everything, and this: small fries

rape, sexual assault, ptsd, did, schizphrenia

borderline is fun too, like seriously

theyre not hard to deal with

they're a struggle, understand their experience

and you change your view, everytthing

blame and frustration turns to understanding


i wonder how many other docs

ask them questions, like, ethics.. lalala

lol, wonder if it's unethical, well

to say im a resident, watch

and let me do therapy, my-god

i don't have a license, sacrilage

but well, im better than residents

minus one i found very impressive

so why not... success rate.. hmm?

couselling attempted murder, 36 hours post.

ughhh, obviously good, doc did assesment

for cognitive abilities in elderly woman

let me do it alone... yeah

why am i that surprised, i've interviewed over 20 murders, sex offenders etc.

i will admit though, kids... tough

i have lots of trouble there

communicating with people under 7, barrier...

something i've never really excelled at

adolescents... no problem, but kids... shoot

but we all have diff skills

that's why we have children's psychs


i guess my frustration is evident

lol, i almost feel punished, why?

i'm too good, care too much

my presentations are paradigm shattering... and

they're all peer review, very tight


sometimes i feel disdain towards others

what makes you worthy, like seriously

go into something more chill, seriously


like, why is self handicapping, gone

after only a year of therapy

casual, of course, nothing to serious

person had seen psych five years

idiot prescrived dexedrine to counter drowsiness

from escitalopram, it just not enough

to know, prescribe this, for this

explain geodon, versus risperedone, pharmacology, tradeoffs

and no descriptions, i want receptors

i also want side effects, fully

no list, explanations as to why

pharmacokinetics, comliance variability, when to check...

for eps... what about abilify, when?

what seperates it , gives compliance advantage

my fave: concerta,dexedrine spanules, adderall sr

adderall xr, altertec, dextromethylphenidate, ethylmethylphenidate (bonus)

in fact, what's half life difference it ethylmethylphenidate... lysdextroafetamine... single peak, double, average half life

why avoid dexedrine spanules in patients

especially when there's no abuse history

from concerta, to adderall xr, to lysdextroamfetamine

exlplain variations in levodextroamphetamine composition, additionally:

why are methylphenidate formulations less cerebral

phenomenelogically speaking, a greater bodily awareness

what are max doses... you're wrong

especially if you read it somewhere

adult doses are extrapolated from childrens

which formulation should you use when...

you have somatic anxiety, explain why

what about racing thoughts... how come

what is adderall xr's main advantage

hint: think levoamphetamine and directed goals

remember better steady state pharmacokinetics... seriously

vyvanse markets that, but in patent

language defined includeds non essential AA"S

as conjugates, meaning legal deception, essentially

is this fair? shire baught out

generic adderall xr from teva, barr

raised prices 500 percent, patient assistance

no way, patents almost expired now

raise prices from 50-250, freedom

that's a nice euphomism, vyvanse... free

temporarily i suppose, gotta keep patented

right on front lines, corruptly, fraudulantlys

most docs are lazy, exlain vyvanse

please don't bother, im the expert

notice breakdown products from daily dosing

these have no cns side effects

but pns, oh my, patents done

12 years before release, avoid cardio

****ed eh, we know already, profit

that's what comes first, yeah, anger

why wouldn't i be, im god

seriously, you think docs can compete

LOL, maybe phd psychopharmachologists, who knows

maybe it's all my philosophy, arts

comparing cmax amphetamine in adderall xr, vyvanse

deceptive, levo-amp, 1/15th potency of dextro


docs may know ****, but law

honestly, the whole gamut, pathetic


imagine seeing 5 neuros, empirical treatment

you're research of course, anything less

you then find your meds, gabaergic

as your idiot neuro described repeatedly

known to modulate medial rephne, 5ht-receptors

the downregulated ones on v5 interneurons

happen to synapse to gabaerigic, sensicle

expains alapralozam and clonazepams differential efficacy

as well, explains being cold, poor-smell

but well, that regulatory area... lol

it has 15 tracks... but some

very ellucidated... finally, i found neuro

and i found mechanisms allowing noise-to-signal-ratio

to stay higher than normal, laymans:

excess activity... 5ht2b downregulation, gaba-a

lack of stimulation, promotion gaba-b

funny, this links to an area

known to be affected by psychodelics

5ht2b... lol, which is modulated by

5htc receptors, explaining why antipsychotics, ssri's

tend to worsen condition, also well

why lorazepam is useless... 2 years

that's a long time, life sucked

and i had it from begining


why do you think i'm arrogant

i'm sorry, i cured myself, finally

and well, solidified the etiology, yeah

there were boards for this condition

many people wanted to kill themselves

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don't worry though, amka full antagonists

reboxatine as well (straterra eessntially... european)

in addition to a5Ia/benzo combinations... no individual sales, patents out for concerta like delivery system to tie together

but i take benzos for vision,

you don't understand, use is anxiety

well, language does that, antidepressents... ditto

much more effective anxiolytics, not good

at least in terms of marketing

benzos had a bad rap, hence

market them as anti-depressents of course

personally, i'm a dopamine guy, buproprion

going back to the benzos, metaltonin

the AD derivative anyway, plus pt-141

sex aphrodesiac of future, but wait

ED drugs need off parent first

these are much better, melatonin derivatives

increases perforance and dive, well exponetially


wow, how do i know this

just sit and listen, be thankful

if i didn't care so much, well

i'd be on top here, but...

im becoming more ambitious, kinda a narcissist

well, not really, im just honest

and come on, your listening intently

other students here... you tell them

vice verca here, not even bookwise

the cultural program they discussed earlier

i've done that, honestly, dont everything

like cbt and psychopharm, objective, simple

but well, stick to simple anxiety

quitting smoking, standardization loses effectiveness, obviously

people ask me, how'd you learn

talking down a homeless man, lol

about to jump the bridge, schambhala

talking to everyone, homesless, wealthy, farmer

it's easy, never forced, knowledge, well

when someone can initiate a conversation

and they know foucault, agrigulture, social-stratification

and not esoterically, applications to people

i get a line up... stand?

well, i'm anything, to anyone, ya?

you like fantasy rape, are racist

severe self esteem problems youre overcompensation

fear you'll die alone, recently cheated

i ca get this... 15 minutes

people boundary test, slowly, talking is bliss

at least for most, but well

most people interpolate inner experience... behaviourally

it's more a guessing game, kinda

ive had 300 convos, strangers, most

intimate secrets, i didn't ask, so well

i'm not guessing, or interpolating, shock...

nah, and people sense that quickly

it's like, wow, can't tell anyone

and finally somoeone who will listen

and it's a positive feedback loop


when i talk to people, guessing

no need, we're all ****ed, seriously

internally, 99.9 percent hide hide everything

paradoixically, my knowledge of others.. idiosyncracies

leads me to complete openness, unsamefully

lol, try and be socially dominant

and i know you're freaky too


to not playing the game, projecting

imagery that is completely fake, knowing

at the very least, everyone, everyone...

if they were honest, would well

freak average person out to 8/10

often only because people feel pressure

they want to act freaked... it's...

well what they expect, others expect

others are weird too, complete openess

and well people learn they're normal

or at least no different, really


so yeah, back to adhd, lol

what do u expect, im adhd

totally random... what's desoxyn by chance

was it legalized before mixed amphetamie (2 d salts, 2 1/2 l,1/2 d-salts)

no idea... ironically yes, before adderall

weird with the less potent levodex

in addition to long t max...

low cmax for d amp, mesolimbic/prefrontal concentration

to bad doesnt have n-epi effect

means you need psycoeducation/metacognitive-regulatory training, levo...

will just induce goal oriented behavior

minimal pns breakdown products as well

no heart problems, thats always nice!

in addition, bid dosing, 6-8 hrs...

good half life... provides lotsa flexibility

if you sleep in, afternoon dose

kinda counter vyvanses 14 hour length

but they sold that med, well...

as advantageous to dexdrine tabs, NEVER

wen't head to head with adderall

except to claim less nasal abuse

but unless apriori abuse is suspected

it's nothing more than patent extension

shire's business is adhd, blockbuster necessary

so vyvanse is now it, lol



not like worrying about free adderall

he give's it, or well... what

i expose vyvanses inferiority for oral abuse

deceptive pharmacokinetic presentation, higher propensity for...

wait, rebound vasodilation because drastic peak

well, in cebral blood flow, 3

3 as in 3 peaks... non-abusers

then abuse, to avoid withdrawal, lol

ironically, d-enatiomers cause more appetite suppression...

meaning research pharmacokinetics are deceptive, lol

as well, organic synthesis, yeah, seriously

this is point where resident... listens

anyways, non-linguistic presentation of data

but i know some organic synth

basically, they admit that using low ph

you can cleave lysine right off

and get 60mg of pure dex,

equive to 18 tabs of straight dex

i was prescribed... 1, in morn

until my adderall kicked in, non-abuseable

well, like anti-depressent studies, narrow inclusions

generalizable common language when promoting clinically...

essentially, we may prescribe to 100000

who meet common linguistic symptom interpretation

however, doctors, well, too trusting... again

poor research methods, even licensed docs

the jargon is pre-defined, normativity

wowd's are never objective, they're well...

predefined for 20 pages, and honestly

o-chem,biochem, physiology, english, law, inorganic-chemisry-delivery-systems

patenting multiple conjugates... giving impressions "invention" well... repersents what you bring to market (lysdextroamfetamine, only one of med's named in the patent, superior in abuse potential, period, to vyvanse... paradoxically vyvanse main selling point, yet only compared to adderall or 70 year old dex tabs... while carefully noting, that used to instruction, oral abuse isnt possible... well that's a contingncy that notifies futility, if we're prenting snorting, i'm these sorts of patients are open to dose overloading orrally... to claim a ubiuitous advantage (claiming l-ornithine-dextroamphetamine has smoother pharmacokinetics than concerta, while using umbrlla terms, which give impression were talking bout lysdextroamfetamine, is borderline... borerline fraud... it does, and is named under an umbrella term, even thought it's not being braught to market till 2025, to fix the problems in vyvanse, which we'll have know about for 12 years by solution time, deceptively, and barely legally... in addition, increasing risk potential for insidious, innocious abuse habits to develop over adderall, it's all in the pharmacokinetics charts

but the over-generalization of abuse proof means psychs will use it more often, what can i say, do you're psychs read 150 page patents on each new drug... doubt it, so i'm tired of bs'ing and joking in superior, i am... i can even do semi somatic cs-laison... oh antipsych one is matabolized in kindye, and we have a kidney transplant... seriously, this is challenging, iuno, let the idiot reductionists with bio backgrounds handle psychosis and dementia... bi-polar people often have trauma, i've well, helped quite a few rape victims... so they shouldn't keep comorbities... they could even keep axis a types, theyd ruin them, but i cant handle them goods handle the bread and butter, schizophrenia is simple, management wise... on second thought, community integration is imporant in relapse, give me a license now and let met handle that

innocious, responsinsive abuse in non abusers



wow, 6 words broke down... but ****, adhd meds are my fave, but well, i can go this deep with everything... wanna stay awake, adrafanily... 45 min to modafinil and legal, not more than twice a week though, could strain liver... yeah, no you see why i'm frustrated... frankly most gp's i meet, older ones, can't tie my shoes, why are we paying you, i would feel ashamed taking money... like throw in some melatonin to cleave apoptosis,, some same e, b6, maybe huperzin a... galantamine is avail from britain... only delivery system is proprietary, helps with time perception... glutamate antognists to stop feedback loop, calcium signalling and down reg of DAT vesicles is good too... it is 200 a month tho... gues the guys approving that havent read enough lit. you save money by avoiding increasing high priced amphtamine therapy... lol, also, like.. back to the clonazepam... and denial of seronin modying effects, myonclonic seizures... done, you're a neurologist, i'm sorry, give me a year, and 18 hrs a day, you'll be scared of me, knowledge wise anyways, clinically, that'd take longer, more arrogance, but well, i think i deserve to be, i put nail in coffin on 1 in 100000 disorder with one man on crusade... henry abraham... shoot, harvard rite... yeah, so not only did i help lazy ass neuro, but i ellucidated mechanism of suspected effecacy... because come on... call me whatever... but being adhd, well, you can't compete, i hate disproportionate power dynamics... and the names a misnomer, marketing ploy, it's attention regulatory disorder... i cant pay attention to boring stuff, but i can study stuff like this 14 hours a day without effort, hence well, why docs do what i say... and i walk into the psych and choose my meds, because well, i explain everything to her (minutia... but i still respect her immensely for her extremely broad scope... shes a stud psych, above average internist... for real, i don't trust gneralists for checkups... shes superior... to bad most people aren't that good... that dialogue was 2ith a 2nd yr res by the way who was like.... omg, wow, why are you not like a professor here... i guess i'm to open minded, and not stupid, so when i speak my mind, discounting me is hard, because well, you cant call me a liberal ideologue with 20 peer reviewd papers in support... even if well, my idea's dont match you ethical views... it's called no one cares, i care about patient outcomes, not rediculous religious views that blind from seeing that im gods gift to this upper-class title chasing bunch of bums... yeah, inner city shaddowing, no one... lol, and well, im good too, sometimes i think of dropping out and applying to stanford or something... people talk about how life history is so imporant... well, i have a worse history than a dude from the ghetto... plus thatbwhole 2 weeks of blood, disociative identity disorder... attmpted murder... yeah, clinicians at the insitution giving it their all, wonder how many have cured intractable schizo, or dissociative identiy, the big expert, who was a moron, pretended my questions were irrelevant as i wasn't a guardian, a pleasant excuse for you're womans mental health gig is bs, do you think learning neuroendocrinology and mood consequences is innovative or hard... and take away power of authorney, well the other 2 docs she saw were so scared of lawsuits they destroyed records... we didnt ask, they just did... so yeah... doctors, working hard, but half assing and memorizing depth of knowedge for years (not all, mostly hacks... who ironically pretend to be better than the good ones... lol)

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i'm not bs'ing, i'm tird of it, people think im joking when i say psychs are incompetant... not all, but honestly... if i learned basic things to look for in general medicine... have fun competing withme... i even helped disociative personality recover... 4 of them, with a dead girl in a closet... tell me if you see that in your life... doc... no, you prob wont... and treatment protocol, not in the dsm... b/c i 1/50 g clinicians see it... shoot eh, this is supposed to be easy... well no, it's not, no why people say psych is bull****, because you have a license and am incompetant, and im a piece of paper from billing a six figure salary you idiot... we need to get clin psychs handling the dirty stuff. and leave the psychosis, demntia to psychiatry... especially residents from psychoharm cowboy programs... i know psychopharm better than you, plus 10 therapeutic modalities... how many rape victims have you seen... or is that well, not medical enough, or should i say too nebulous and disturbing for your sheltred soul... o well, have fun causing diabetes, it's easy work, rape is much harder, but i have a hope of helping this person recover, you do to, but psychosocial interventions in schizo undermine your biological paradigm for your bread and butter bio disorder... so forget it


muse has outdone himself once again! :P
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this should be in front... oops... shoot, 80,000 characters and just to scratch the surface... wow, maybe i should do clin psych... lol, cause well, im not a probability, im one of those well, top 4-5 student in canada types, iuno, u of t said thngs like well, u have potential to be top doc i canada (top echelon of course... well yeah, i grew up with drug addicts, gamblers, suicide, yet i'm not like that... you think peter chow who has never been to a crack house in his life has a chance


and i should feel doctors, lol

have any right to paternalize me

i'm sorry, i'm not a neurologist

i know neuroscience... brain to biochem

all i need is 30 hours, period

i don't lose, experts don't exist

in my mind, they're just ahead

give me thirty hours, shut up

and really... do what i say

i don't take orders any more


i walk in, i dont ask

i tell, try and stop me

i will explain full physiology, pharmacology

believe me, your a medicintre gp

if i wasn't so patient centred

and if i didnt get sick

i'd have gone to uofc

been top resident at uoft now

i love when ppl believe rules


you know why they said apply

i outperform their 5th year residents

how can a third year... struggle

simple abuse cases... seriously, murder/rape... awkward

if you're uncomfortable with this... why

like why pay you, lol, did

doesn't exist right, well, **** residents

try two weeks of that, seriously

with success... also, well... resident 2

you said you're bio oriented... so

why is bio interventional knowledge poor

explain the neurophysiology of adhd ptsd

how is learned ubiquitous fear linked

to depersonalization, im not asking schizo

unless you know something, anything, please

why is patient x bipolar... history

long term depression, feelings of worthlessness

exposed to violence at age 5

do you know any meth users

that's a serious question, i do

what do you think depression, adjusment-originative

followed medicated with crystal meth binge

what does that look like, think...

atypical depression following mania... d2 and d3

they're totally fried, please d1, d4

please be ok, no acute psychosis

these linear thinkers, believe in dsm

hell, i do to, rough guide

but the 1 page on adhd

i read a 500 page text

1500 page book on anxiolytics, sorry


ironically, meth abuse might respond... guess

amphetamine, no joke, with adjunct skills

we're so scared of stimulants, why?

we just hear ssri's are safe

you're a resident, 5 pages, right

ive read thousands, venflaxazine... snri properties

not at low doses, but high

this can cause mania, rebound seizures

why am i a student, and well

tbh, far more competant, seriously

you claim to be biologically focussed

explain the new melatonin modulatings AD's

what about g-coupled glutamate full antagnoists

nice way to patent ketamine, money!


also, why no memantine with stimulants

there's a feedback loop, which well

increases intracellular calcium, effects DAT transport

also, add melatonin, cleaves dinitro-oxidase

prevents overheating, which makes apoptotic phenomena

well much worse... also whats NIMS

if you do hospital psych, know!

you don't patients losing tempregulation

it causes death you know, lol

also, bipolar with psychotic feaures... first?

do we go 2nd-gen-antipsych, or anticonvulsant

well, it depends, in europe, priorities

they're different, first line AS's mean...

30 percent of schizphrenics, psychotic from pcp

even high dose amps over period

labeled schizophrenic, lose power of authorney

psych confirms, because he's stupid, d1/d4

they just spike...that causes round well.

2 weeks psychosis, before rna expression

get's to normal, having fun yet

i'm never wrong, quetioning your competancy

i definitely would, im better, seriously

not by a bit, a lot

i'm better than old psych too

i suck at adolescent, but ****

how would she feel, if well

i explained biochem of 15 nutrients

exquisite detail, all linked to pathology

heterogeneous of course, syndromes and aeteologies

sometimes don't match, but you know (no he doesn't, but i'll pretend he does... he's nice... he didn't know what selgeline was, but well, rare subtype is mutation in maob, or overproduction)

what about sleep... antipsychotics, interesting choice

why not clonidine, cenral imidazole/a2 agonist

basically shuts down sympathetic, wut better?

for stimulant induced insomnia... no zoiclone, please

if you say that, you'll explain

subunit receptor specificity of zopiclone... why?

because people often use zopiclone, very carelessly

zopiclone is not zopiledem, half lifes?

potential for habituation, tolernace, your patient?

problems falling asleep, or staying asleep?

i stopped refering to adhd, btw.

if you kept answering, well, wow

clonidine was the right answer, 99%


have you heard of ssre's... lol, ssri's, no

these are much older, safer, effective

tianeptine, predates prozac, by 20 years

servier didn't want to blow 10,000,000,000

clinical trials are expensive, great fda

clinical trials for a stage 4, lol

20 years after release, adverse events

have any been reported, course not

but if you're french, 11 euro

sell abroad for about 40 euro

remember, it's not considered a drug

protecting ssri's and lily have costs

but those french make a killing





MAN, I EVEN HAVE TRAINING IS NEUROPSYCH ASSESMENT ETC, FOR DEMENTIA PATIENTS... you know whre you learn crises intervention, for real, a traumatized 12 year old victim of assault, or participathing in therapy with sex offenders... plus well, butritionall... the **** people call pseudoscience... i'd stop, because i know the biochem to mechanisms... so seriously, people r_h, you're wrong, i'm not being an ass... but like, yeah, i have around 65 uni courses, 22 psych, and thats a fraction of what i actually know... residents annoy me to, their stupid, i can build rapport, gain insight in 10 minuts, find out barriers to communication, understand variables, substance abuse... etc... incompetant ****ing resident is like a deer in headlights... likfe for real, you learn this stuff, but well, i was employed with drug addicts, dementia, alzheimers, substance abuse, had fun with homless heroin addicts at 15, i've been a guinea pig for every psych/neuro drug, been to well, parties you don't know exist... think you're white coat is stupid and honestly... power relationshions with systemically oppressed people isn't a good medium to earn truth... yeah, that was a samolian guy i just got to open up in 3 min, scary eh... and i'm ****ing white... how can i talk to child molesters and attemptd murderes... idunno, why cant you, you get paid for this and i'm vastly superior to you... maybe because i went to anti-psychiatry conferences so i understand patients criticisms at the paternalistic nature of taking their rights... i can resonate, one gp said i was bipolar until i said read the dsm, anything less than a 3day assesment if a false positive, i'm always hpomanic, and at my age, with fam history and my fathers old birth age... comined with my exorbinant stimulant dose... i'd psychotically manic if i was bipolar... please stop speaking, you're just boring and stupid... and i'm sorry i couldnt be someone you were able to exert your authority over today, but don't ever extend your cope of practice around me so incompetantly again... or i'll report you... (sorry gp, calling an ex bp after high dose of the ssri 9snri at high doses, which she should know, caused mania... diagnosed bipolar, antipsychs... 2 years of psychotic fun... so well, if i come of mean... i have to say, incompetance has serious consequences, very serious, and well... don't be paternalistic with me, specialists better hope i like them, because i'll call them on their mistakes... use a dsm on me, and you'' hear a 50 year history lesson and methodolic dissection the likes of with you couldn't handle in underad... can you even answer whether patients were retroactively classified by score, after diagnoses... or whether a predictive approach matching to highest ir-reliability both methods suck, since well, ir-reliability goes out the door, and generational effects come into play, and thats just one thing, i could well, go for hours... ever heard of sisi syndrome... lol, o god, they just need to give me a phd in clinical psych already. i dont need the phd, if i see 1000 patients and i have a dramatically higher success rates than those with phd's, and licensing exams use to proxy success, aren't I by virtue, ept... of course with ethical observation, and all that jazz, i can go new mexico and get prescribing rights, why not... ****, just let me teach psychopharm, breadyth, deoth... most attending's can't compare... hmm dr. joe blow, name all benzo's half lifes, indications, introduction dose, pharmacological activity... conversions in doses... why valium is preferential for detox and seriously... the min psych knowledge base is pathetic... don't even venture into it, before i humiliate you (gp's... psych are ok, until i get in real detail, or ask about the 70 percentof meds not used in nother america, or the peer reviewed supplements, or illegal drugs which well, i've known forever have therapeutic value, but they've never investigated because gov sais their bad, even though clinical investigation not only discounts this, but even lays the foundation for fraud... my goal is to go to the states, get desoxyn, and bring it over the boarder, wonder if that would change some docs paradogms, including the 80 percent of psychs who havent heard... imagine like people in endo... lol... or the idiot in neuro who gave me to a psych for psychosomatic reasons (i.e. he's incompetant, and well, i work harder than him valproate and lamotrigine... hmmm, check your metabolic breakdown enzymes... i smell overdose... oh yeah, yeah it's ok, you diagnosed me with a checklist, let's go through it, break words down, and invetigate what they mean to you... because seriously, synromes which list complex emergent, cortical behaviour are nebulous, visceral morot problems... well, more aggreeable... than i told the bum he wasn't doctor in traditional sense... really offended him... but he's not, even the adhd docs have mor objective bio evidence... 10 minut diagnosis, o my, it offended him worse when the statement turned into a dissection, lke i said, philosophy and research methods to a strucutral psych... poor boy, 30 years of practice and chronic patients... maybe if you used the dsm asa guide instead of a bible, youd have helped people recover from suicide attempts and severe mental disordes... sort of embarassing that i've well, done lot more and im a bum with a bsc... but yeah, unlike you, i'm at a skill level, where i don't need the md... if i wanted t target adhd, lol, o man... i suppose that's fake because adult gen psychs don't spend time on it, lack of confirmation bias... peds psychs gppd, no appointments on it tho... wonder if he still thought it was fake after a 15 page neuropsych report and a 50 page eval with 20 hours of nterviews... plus an explanation of how weinterpole predictgive power and correlate with ends... skills, etc. because i know psychiatrists learn biology and remember neurotransmitters, sometimes you have to explain the psychometriics to ppl like him who cant function outside of consrained definition... meaning, he makes his patients life worse with more certainty, whereas I somehow think the dsm should be 10 pages and well... when you get in a 45 min argument, come back to work in the department and your their darling, and he starts being nice to you, well, sorry, you wouldnt be so nice to me if well... all the big honchos thought i was going to put their school on te map... also why you stic to simple cases, psychosis and severe bipolar... excuse to fail... you can succeed, but if u dont, its cool, try something hard, like trauma victims in war wit ptsd and residual GAD... talking to patients makes it easier, talking at them, well what do you do.... exaust first gens... finnish at thorazine... wow, what an expert.... ****... hwy not go with holloperidol... they cant be delusional if theyre asleep...


of, also some of the slacker students... honestly, lets cut the crap, p/f is bs... 55-60, please, go for like at least a 75-80


also, sort of tired reading bs

same stereotypes etc., same small problems

same whining and compaining, like why?

no one forced you to care

why self-deceive yourself, what a waste

i'm tired, and becoming very elitist

no in life, only some things

inverse curve relationships are paradoxically desirable

you can actually be to good

how ****ed, feels like the union

except well, people die this time

carryover work, cost of slacking then

moreso, i make professionals look back

im not talking students, frcpsc certified

of course, only in my interests

even so, thats quite pathetic, imo

it's also, well, ironic, incompetancy pays

too competant, then you're a threat

like, your speech sucked, ontario lady

i commend you, but, please stop

i can't half ass things tbh

either slack, or aim for best

i couldn't represent a group nationally

unless well, i expect to win

life isn't a game, enjoying simplicites

is great, we need to take

a moment, to embrace the present

but well, please think long, hard

before you decide to carry others


people think i enjoy looking smart

honestly, i prefer watching soccer, playing

you want influence, forget the clinic

forget patient centred care, come prepared


i find doctors arent often suited

to be influential in politics... sigh

they're too polite, unprepared, can't debate

in summary: they lack killer instinct


but, what do you expect really

advancing in medicine means being passive

often not mentioning preceptors mistakes, brownosing


im not being critical, but seriously

im not someone you enjoy debating

as in, i know every fact

i can pick apart rhetoric, easily

i can manipulate tone, body language

i'm argumentative and passionate, yet polite

but reprieve, is more impression management


politicians careers, meh, do i care

a lot need to be removed

and too many remain utterly complacent

obsessed with getting big flashy residencies


many pretend to give a ****

it's annoying if you do care


i am, seriously, very very good

know many others where doing med

means a pay cut for them

usually psychiatry>clinical psych, b/c more money

add stability, non-contingent on skill

why should i work, countless hours

and make less than pill pushers


why would i, go to parliament

my room mate did that already

well, they didn't care much... seriously

but i'm, well, oppurtunistic, and scary

scary, as in, debating me... well

i hope there are no cameras


because i draw a crowd quick

because well, i hate half-assing things


seems as if students are delusional

no one cares you're a gp

tv wants a news story, controversy

so when you arive, please remember

you have 2 min, that's it

if you're well, in muse mode

essentially, i think politicians are nobodies

very few impress me, jack layton

linda duncan is another, however... doctors

seem to think they're repeating med

no one care's you're a gp

you have 2 minutes, do something

2 minutes is enough time to

well enough time to emplore something

if you are anything but perfect

politicians will easily have you removed


if in 2 minutes, embarassment occurs

as in, utter humiliation, media notices

all of a sudden, controversy arises

you have a story, public perception

is now different, im not heckling

the minister is now incompetent, uninformed

and well, i like using emotion


no longer am i a heckler

disturbing a public event, social perception

has completely shifted, kick me out

and well, try blaming me, seriously

i grilled you in just moments

you now look incompetant, social psychology

right from the beging, social scripts

i just manipulated the social script

i'm not self entitled, you're incompetant

in addition, you're arrogant, be careful

you think your party cares, really

you're a pawn, in one day

one public embarassment, under the bus

and well, **** it, im arrogant

but only because im very good


i'm not sure about you, but

it seems people want to care

they want to make a difference

but 2 minutes is your time

50 hours min preperation, imo

then well, you're not interupting

he's skipping out on his duties

by being unable to answer questions


questions he's probably never rehearsed, ever

i'm a real nut, obscure minutia

that's not something i consider extra

that's a core expectation, arrogance again



people don't get it though... one-dimensional lens

do you think i care... prestige

all this bull**** people need, why?

you think writing a book's fun


well, if you're interested, it is

but like, i want influence, power


i want to change our paradigms

i teach refugees, guessing more experience

than mr policy maker, law, sob-stories

i've sat for 50 hours before

reading legal problems, lol, lose... no

not worth fighting, even for corporations

i'm sure there are international violations

and we all have this reverance

for the un, i dont personally

but like i said, who cares

i play to win, and care


pulling **** like that is risky

i don't like risk on occasions

when i really care, life changes

my risk taking nature suddenly shifts


when i start speaking, watch out

phd's, md's provincial health ceos.. more

they get freaked when words emerge

i'm joe bloe, did he what

what are his credentials, for real


i guess 50 hours, that's weird

even for ceo's making six figures

then again, who reads two patents

to try and have prov coverage

for adhd meds ammended, finds forms

and sets it out for doctor


personal opinion sucks, patent evidence, ****

no one goes that deep, lol

maybe it's the adhd, who know's

but i honestly feel like, well

people put in mediocre work often


everyone has a perogative in life

what they want to do, achieve

but please don't discuss huge issues

or ***** and complain, do something


i laughed when people applauded before

that doc that spoke out, wow

he spoke out, in plain sight

that's very safe, lol, no biggie

try shutting people up, and more

and by more, i mean well

i ****ed you corrupt mother ****ers

wow, people suddently become friends quick

i would to if a kid, lol

just well ****ed my whole team

lot more balls than dr whiner


i guess i just find medicine

the whole culture, just too complacent

i guess that's why i'm intimidating

200 hours of legal work, happens


what do you think ms gp...

put into preparing her complaint, hours?

i would guess 5, oh my

no wonder docs thing meds safe

put 200 hours into legal work

you're just, well scary, and nuts


sounds arrogant, but im critical still

people joing stupid global health clubs

mental health groups, to do what

i did more with my group

in undergrad... 5 years of funding

and that's just the tip, others

just run bs groups, don't care

why schizphrenia, people would often ask

i care, they get no recognition

and honestly, they're heros for trying

i qualify for rediculous grants yearly

people with schizophrenia, inspire me

imagine going to school, hearing voices

thoughts implanted in your head, wow


ironically, it's not a treatment interest

more a human interest, for inspiration

2.0, and a short essay, easy

adhd makes life annoying sometimes, keys

especially 300 dollar car keys, lol

not fun to lose, but honestly

i feel guilty sometimes, i deal

and honestly i deal very well


if i wre schizpphrenic, frankly speaking

there's a good chance i'd snap

i doubt id live to 30

only thing that really scares me

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bipolar, i'd deal, watching my mom though

i'm inspired by her courage, positivity


and well, these people... have lobbies?

of course not, cancer, heart disease...

these are the sexy illnesses. funding!

i guess the schizophrenics don't lobby

1500 a month is tight afterall

and thats a lot, it's alberta!


but well, in terms of budgeting

how economical is it... to ignore

8 percent of beds, all beds

are filled with schizophrenics, some respond:

it's an inevitability: no, it's not

that's why i know everything... seriously

why do i care... intelligent, dumb

i'm smarter than 99 percent, whatever

does it really matter... showing off

that's not my style at all

i know this minutia, for change

politicians, doctors, planners, have fun, seriously

i know everything in and out

because i care so so much

i am denser informationally than premeds

interdisciplinarily is where i get scary

within mental health, no bull****, seriously

i've met one psychiatrist... more knowledgeable

and i love the experience response

idunno, 500 hours, plus mental hospital

try dealing with refugees, not dealing

earning trust, and advancing their skills

do mental health professionals ever get...

well, 6 hour discussions of trauma

as in witnessing fiances murder, abroad

withing 20 min of meeting someone

i'll answer, it doesnt happen, ever


what about cultural interaction, usually silence

wow, contra, i get kids working

not only that, they're excited, empowered

wonder how many visited drug house

got coke dealer to open up

explain everything, and this: small fries

rape, sexual assault, ptsd, did, schizphrenia

borderline is fun too, like seriously

theyre not hard to deal with

they're a struggle, understand their experience

and you change your view, everytthing

blame and frustration turns to understanding


i wonder how many other docs

ask them questions, like, ethics.. lalala

lol, wonder if it's unethical, well

to say im a resident, watch

and let me do therapy, my-god

i don't have a license, sacrilage

but well, im better than residents

minus one i found very impressive

so why not... success rate.. hmm?

couselling attempted murder, 36 hours post.

ughhh, obviously good, doc did assesment

for cognitive abilities in elderly woman

let me do it alone... yeah

why am i that surprised, i've interviewed over 20 murders, sex offenders etc.

i will admit though, kids... tough

i have lots of trouble there

communicating with people under 7, barrier...

something i've never really excelled at

adolescents... no problem, but kids... shoot

but we all have diff skills

that's why we have children's psychs


i guess my frustration is evident

lol, i almost feel punished, why?

i'm too good, care too much

my presentations are paradigm shattering... and

they're all peer review, very tight


sometimes i feel disdain towards others

what makes you worthy, like seriously

go into something more chill, seriously


like, why is self handicapping, gone

after only a year of therapy

casual, of course, nothing to serious

person had seen psych five years

idiot prescrived dexedrine to counter drowsiness

from escitalopram, it just not enough

to know, prescribe this, for this

explain geodon, versus risperedone, pharmacology, tradeoffs

and no descriptions, i want receptors

i also want side effects, fully

no list, explanations as to why

pharmacokinetics, comliance variability, when to check...

for eps... what about abilify, when?

what seperates it , gives compliance advantage

my fave: concerta,dexedrine spanules, adderall sr

adderall xr, altertec, dextromethylphenidate, ethylmethylphenidate (bonus)

in fact, what's half life difference it ethylmethylphenidate... lysdextroafetamine... single peak, double, average half life

why avoid dexedrine spanules in patients

especially when there's no abuse history

from concerta, to adderall xr, to lysdextroamfetamine

exlplain variations in levodextroamphetamine composition, additionally:

why are methylphenidate formulations less cerebral

phenomenelogically speaking, a greater bodily awareness

what are max doses... you're wrong

especially if you read it somewhere

adult doses are extrapolated from childrens

which formulation should you use when...

you have somatic anxiety, explain why

what about racing thoughts... how come

what is adderall xr's main advantage

hint: think levoamphetamine and directed goals

remember better steady state pharmacokinetics... seriously

vyvanse markets that, but in patent

language defined includeds non essential AA"S

as conjugates, meaning legal deception, essentially

is this fair? shire baught out

generic adderall xr from teva, barr

raised prices 500 percent, patient assistance

no way, patents almost expired now

raise prices from 50-250, freedom

that's a nice euphomism, vyvanse... free

temporarily i suppose, gotta keep patented

right on front lines, corruptly, fraudulantlys

most docs are lazy, exlain vyvanse

please don't bother, im the expert

notice breakdown products from daily dosing

these have no cns side effects

but pns, oh my, patents done

12 years before release, avoid cardio

****ed eh, we know already, profit

that's what comes first, yeah, anger

why wouldn't i be, im god

seriously, you think docs can compete

LOL, maybe phd psychopharmachologists, who knows

maybe it's all my philosophy, arts

comparing cmax amphetamine in adderall xr, vyvanse

deceptive, levo-amp, 1/15th potency of dextro


docs may know ****, but law

honestly, the whole gamut, pathetic


imagine seeing 5 neuros, empirical treatment

you're research of course, anything less

you then find your meds, gabaergic

as your idiot neuro described repeatedly

known to modulate medial rephne, 5ht-receptors

the downregulated ones on v5 interneurons

happen to synapse to gabaerigic, sensicle

expains alapralozam and clonazepams differential efficacy

as well, explains being cold, poor-smell

but well, that regulatory area... lol

it has 15 tracks... but some

very ellucidated... finally, i found neuro

and i found mechanisms allowing noise-to-signal-ratio

to stay higher than normal, laymans:

excess activity... 5ht2b downregulation, gaba-a

lack of stimulation, promotion gaba-b

funny, this links to an area

known to be affected by psychodelics

5ht2b... lol, which is modulated by

5htc receptors, explaining why antipsychotics, ssri's

tend to worsen condition, also well

why lorazepam is useless... 2 years

that's a long time, life sucked

and i had it from begining



why do you think i'm arrogant

i'm sorry, i cured myself, finally

and well, solidified the etiology, yeah

there were boards for this condition

many people wanted to kill themselves

yeah, you know what i do when i wanna learn eeg, i read 4 textbooks on it... cool eh!


and i should feel doctors, lol

have any right to paternalize me

i'm sorry, i'm not a neurologist

i know neuroscience... brain to biochem

all i need is 30 hours, period

i don't lose, experts don't exist

in my mind, they're just ahead

give me thirty hours, shut up

and really... do what i say

i don't take orders any more


i walk in, i dont ask

i tell, try and stop me

i will explain full physiology, pharmacology

believe me, your a medicintre gp

if i wasn't so patient centred

and if i didnt get sick

i'd have gone to uofc

been top resident at uoft now

i love when ppl believe rules


you know why they said apply

i outperform their 5th year residents

how can a third year... struggle

simple abuse cases... seriously, murder/rape... awkward

if you're uncomfortable with this... why

like why pay you, lol, did

doesn't exist right, well, **** residents

try two weeks of that, seriously

with success... also, well... resident 2

you said you're bio oriented... so

why is bio interventional knowledge poor

explain the neurophysiology of adhd ptsd

how is learned ubiquitous fear linked

to depersonalization, im not asking schizo

unless you know something, anything, please

why is patient x bipolar... history

long term depression, feelings of worthlessness

exposed to violence at age 5

do you know any meth users

that's a serious question, i do

what do you think depression, adjusment-originative

followed medicated with crystal meth binge

what does that look like, think...

atypical depression following mania... d2 and d3

they're totally fried, please d1, d4

please be ok, no acute psychosis

these linear thinkers, believe in dsm

hell, i do to, rough guide

but the 1 page on adhd

i read a 500 page text

1500 page book on anxiolytics, sorry


ironically, meth abuse might respond... guess

amphetamine, no joke, with adjunct skills

we're so scared of stimulants, why?

we just hear ssri's are safe

you're a resident, 5 pages, right

ive read thousands, venflaxazine... snri properties

not at low doses, but high

this can cause mania, rebound seizures

why am i a student, and well

tbh, far more competant, seriously

you claim to be biologically focussed

explain the new melatonin modulatings AD's

what about g-coupled glutamate full antagnoists

nice way to patent ketamine, money!


also, why no memantine with stimulants

there's a feedback loop, which well

increases intracellular calcium, effects DAT transport

also, add melatonin, cleaves dinitro-oxidase

prevents overheating, which makes apoptotic phenomena

well much worse... also whats NIMS

if you do hospital psych, know!

you don't patients losing tempregulation

it causes death you know, lol

also, bipolar with psychotic feaures... first?

do we go 2nd-gen-antipsych, or anticonvulsant

well, it depends, in europe, priorities

they're different, first line AS's mean...

30 percent of schizphrenics, psychotic from pcp

even high dose amps over period

labeled schizophrenic, lose power of authorney

psych confirms, because he's stupid, d1/d4

they just spike...that causes round well.

2 weeks psychosis, before rna expression

get's to normal, having fun yet

i'm never wrong, quetioning your competancy

i definitely would, im better, seriously

not by a bit, a lot

i'm better than old psych too

i suck at adolescent, but ****

how would she feel, if well

i explained biochem of 15 nutrients

exquisite detail, all linked to pathology

heterogeneous of course, syndromes and aeteologies

sometimes don't match, but you know (no he doesn't, but i'll pretend he does... he's nice... he didn't know what selgeline was, but well, rare subtype is mutation in maob, or overproduction)

what about sleep... antipsychotics, interesting choice

why not clonidine, cenral imidazole/a2 agonist

basically shuts down sympathetic, wut better?

for stimulant induced insomnia... no zoiclone, please

if you say that, you'll explain

subunit receptor specificity of zopiclone... why?

because people often use zopiclone, very carelessly

zopiclone is not zopiledem, half lifes?

potential for habituation, tolernace, your patient?

problems falling asleep, or staying asleep?

i stopped refering to adhd, btw.

if you kept answering, well, wow

clonidine was the right answer, 99%


have you heard of ssre's... lol, ssri's, no

these are much older, safer, effective

tianeptine, predates prozac, by 20 years

servier didn't want to blow 10,000,000,000

clinical trials are expensive, great fda

clinical trials for a stage 4, lol

20 years after release, adverse events

have any been reported, course not

but if you're french, 11 euro

sell abroad for about 40 euro

remember, it's not considered a drug

protecting ssri's and lily have costs

but those french make a killingi'm not bs'ing, i'm tird of it, people think im joking when i say psychs are incompetant... not all, but honestly... if i learned basic things to look for in general medicine... have fun competing withme... i even helped disociative personality recover... 4 of them, with a dead girl in a closet... tell me if you see that in your life... doc... no, you prob wont... and treatment protocol, not in the dsm... b/c i 1/50 g clinicians see it... shoot eh, this is supposed to be easy... well no, it's not, no why people say psych is bull****, because you have a license and am incompetant, and im a piece of paper from billing a six figure salary you idiot... we need to get clin psychs handling the dirty stuff. and leave the psychosis, demntia to psychiatry... especially residents from psychoharm cowboy programs... i know psychopharm better than you, plus 10 therapeutic modalities... how many rape victims have you seen... or is that well, not medical enough, or should i say too nebulous and disturbing for your sheltred soul... o well, have fun causing diabetes, it's easy work, rape is much harder, but i have a hope of helping this person recover, you do to, but psychosocial interventions in schizo undermine your biological paradigm for your bread and butter bio disorder... so forget it

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i'm just tired of being called arrogant, ignoring the doubleposts, thats only a facet of info... honestly... why i know this... i can even name receptor specific of chantix... and former stud smoking drug buprion


people are like, no training, you cant know... not one person in that ****ing department has sat down and read the big apa 1500 page on anxiolytics... and thats one of many books... they all rady stahls prescribers guide... wow 150 pages of statements... im sorry.... 6000 pages total, i know more than you, some IM's I know don't know what lamotrigine is and I have to tell a guy his bread and butter valproate and lamotrigine have synergistic, potentially dangerous effects... and he's an as, pathological liar... lot's of things... all this in 10 min, but when you deal with drugged up psychotic people, i guess it gets scary when someone walks in and well sais, this is invalid for these reasons, don't test me, I don't deal with hacks, especially self aggrandizing narcissistic hacks with false senses of self worth... i.e. npd... either compensatory, or oblivious... but wait, that's deep, sorry, i'll keep it simple for you... well, good thing i was nice, i'd hate to have to deal with him kissing my ass everyday while i have no desire to be polite with him,, pick on me, have fun, you dont have a chance in hell, research methods, cultural psych, normative objectivity of criterion you're using to represent abstract charactristics... it's called construct validity... and seriously... checklists, like neuro, im not 10, if you even insult me by asking such a question i'll teach you about how your second gens are profitable replacements to first, and not much better, ill even discuss etiological variation, how to delineate via behavior to make better med choises... in adhd, well, gets easy, lol... but thats fake of course, i forgot, you want to hear 130 idiosyncratic symptoms, with explanatins about variaitons in brain neurbiology for each... because i can do that... i don't say neurochemical inbalance... you'' hear about everything, in excruciating detail, bcause well, i dont like how vulnerable patients believe you're authoritive bull****, and number 2, you're an oversimplifying idiot, with no more than a rudimentary understanding of neurophysiology than the famous paxil commercial popularized by mad tv... unless youd like to show me otherwise... cause like shoot, ever heard of the occipital lobe, you mentioned syndromes in neuro before... you may have an interest... of course thats complex, might be beyond someone like you's grasp.... and shoot, im afraid to talk to stupid govrnment leaders... this was an attending at hospital... have fun retaliating, study 18 hours a day for 3 tears and then maybe i wont encourage your patients to file malpractice, they cant see it, but the nuance i pick up, you're done, even down to temporal time criterion minimally required to make certain diagnoses... plus adhd doesnt exists... i'm sorry, depression, bipolar and shizophrenia dont exist you hack... a ****ing beck inventory checklist... working memroy seems to have higher replicability as well as correlation between the known etiology, of adhd... i am a bit of a freak though, my working memory is insane... it should be like 20th percentile... but shoot, that's all i've used for 4 years because of short term limitations... so well, my fluidity of thought is insane, as is well, my ability to generate synergistic original thought... and if i was uneducated and listened to an idiot like him, well i wouldnt have improved working memory 40 percent... because he's skeptical for neuroplasticity... well, ****, look at my neuropsych dumbass, it's not minor, its this brain changed... compltely... yeah, sorry dumbass, maybe you should teach mindfullness meditation, it's good for impulse control in adhdh, oh yeah you dont believe in that, just bipolar... i.e. 50 percent of the time chronic adjustment disorder induced depression with meth use and subsequent downregulation causing atypical depression... what that, does not happen, no, you just don't know any meth users... until i see someone in hospital for a week, ill never believe bipolar, to intermittent visitation to make diagnoses, and patients lie about potent drug use with rebound symptoms creating behavioural profile of bipolar..... ya, but yeah... people dont smoke meth... i know i dont, thats ape****... but seriously... you're client is in subsidized housing, and my professional friends snort amphetamine... so u think someone depressed, with feelings of hopelessness might not be doing that.... shoot you're really naive, i guess that's why i'm sort of good, when you're well, you, opening up to a met head is hard... takes me 2-3 minutes.... makes a big differene, you know social adapability... you cant do psychdynamic without trust... not even cbt... and seriously, ytu teaching trust in a book, you've had this man locked on risperidone for 3 days... he wants to talk to you why... you know nothing about his life, are judgemental, unempathetic, unable to view life through various lens... never used a drug in your life... im sorry, i read more than you, plus well, human experience... just give me my 200 k already... the reason i make good convo with homeless dude too, is i slept with him outside a heating vent once... you should try it, lot easier when you know wut being homeless is like, notice little things like scheduling appoints nearby... o god, this humiliating, im sorry, you're like 58, im 24, you must be having a crises...


muse has outdone himself once again! :P


honestly, some people here are wussies (in case the alern offends you lol)

people talk and talk and talk

think being a doctor means you

well, are entitled to speak, ****

both people in my mind, cool

i never talk about myself ever

but yeah, both those docs posted

but an ounce of bravery, respect...

that's something ill share, but seriously

they seemed afraid of actually well,

accomplishing something, try fighting one year

privately, you and 5 hired lawyers

then well, winning, it's easy, failing

epecially in public, you're no threat

no one will bother you, why?

try being a legitimate threat, publicity

lol, not at all, harsh intimidation

the real heros arent on tv

and the ones on tv... my

they waste a golden oppurtunity... memories...

lol, weird, but i hated that

no one had values, true beliefs

it's easy to cheer people on

you know what's scary, publically speaking

in addition, doing it well, effectively

no one care if you're idiotic

if u look unprepared, why bother

you make docs look incompetant

i sound like a hardass, ironically.

i'm the most caring person actually

why would i give a ****

if i didn't give a ****...

specialty of choice, top canadian res

and i've realized, canadian grads... well

they're safe... it's rediculous how well

lol, people pretend my posts suck

ironically, if i edit them, well

thats what ministers read, and honestly

if u cant respond to me

good luck with a minister, seriously

i write to ministers, get responses


it's as if people live bubbled

in a fantasy, cries of injustice

procrastinating until their next move, again

in reality, its tough, and easy

to put it off, go unchallenged


lol, my last writing: city hall

front centre, the mayor enjoyed it

it's like my idiot class, again

3.8, and well, dumb as bricks

afraid to test their skills even

for fear they might discover mediocrity


well, of course you will, seriously

absurdo ad reductuum, latin fun, seriously

but only if it's used correctly


seriously too, the schizophrenia thing, LOL

you're either a zealot, or intimidated

im guessing the later, many are


iuno... if i go to ontario

i'll do a speech, plus interview

caring a lot doesn't mean ****

unless caring, motivates you, to fight

it sounds so rediculously arrogant, lol


but the biggest thing, restraining potential

is fear, and well, characteristically narcissistic

i have no doubt ill well

be the most influential poster here


on a national stage, and supra-national

i'm not saying i'm smart, lol

my biggest advantage is, i win

and what i mean, is well

giving up, i dont lose, impossible

you have to quite to lose


you also have to take risks

do i care about missing md

not a bit, im very desirable

but not academically, im good, very

but im not at the top

however, i want what i want


and i've noticed, no one

can match my work ethic, seriously

i think because well, i care

if i dont care, why bother


hendrson likes to *****, and *****

well... do something then, make change


i know i have the intelect necessary

i find those guys unchallenging actually

guess theres a big difference between:

walking the walk... talking the talk



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Experts blast asbestos mines in Canada.


Unrepentant criminal Conrad Black has arrogance

demanding to keep Order of Canada.


Conrad Black has sense of entitlement,

a criminal who is not Canadian.

He wants to whitewash his crimes,

and keep his head held high,

while being corrupt, white collar criminal. :eek:

Served his time, claims his innocence.

He should be deported from Canada,

being foreign national with criminal record.

But money gives entitlement, privilege, access.


Those with power don't give up.


Toronto Intl Film Festival starts soon. :P


Blueberry season starts early this year.


Olympics started, some cheaters thrown out.

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Why is no one talking about

the current genocide happening in Myanmar?


Insufficient media attention, not in news :(


It's another lovely day in Caribeean. :P


The PMs keep rolling in steadily. :)


Some of us are up late. :P


Mods chopping down active member numbers.

So, getting rid of spammers quickly.


Today was a nice rainy day.

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