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The Official May 13 Countdown Thread

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Thos e of you who are feeling "old"- think of all the awesome things you can do with a year. BECAUSE I didn't go straight through school and took time off to work/travel I feel like I'm in such a good place now. There are so many awesome things you can do with your life that people who do nothing but school never get to do, and your free time won't magically increase once you're a resident/physician. Seriously- enjoy it. If you got an interview, you're competitive, and you can always make yourself even more competitive, but you'll have to wait a while (if ever) before you get another chance to backpack for 6months, or travel to Nunavut and volunteer in a clinic there, or do any of the things you can do this year if you put your mind to it and decide to make the best of it.


While I do feel "old" compared to most pre-meds; I don't regret anything I have done in the past (volunteered x 1 year overseas, backpacked europe/south america, other typical non-trad activities). I seriously don't see anyway to improve my application significantly without doing a masters, which I am loathe to do (hate research, have a mortgage, helping partner pay off student loans, helping raise partners son etc...). My partner and I want to have a child one day relatively soon, and this pre-med uncertainty has definitely complicated matters. That is why I think I want to put my life on hold for only one more cycle until I move on. Being an RN, I will always have steady employment that I find rewarding (I just really want to be a physician).

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I agree with the second half of your post- I believe in the process more than the end goal. The "i'll be happy when" statements are bunk... we need to "be happy during" otherwise life can become a pattern of completing tasks and moving on to the next in order to fill the void.


I also agree that my life couldn't have happened any other way, from the day I was born up until now... things happen for a reason... some people have it easier than others... just the way it works. For some people it works to get into medicine right out of 3rd year, for others it doesn't (think Kyla's friend)... My fiancee getting diagnosed with CML changed my path, but lead me to a job that has opened up a lot of doors and provided a lot of maturation... It has changed me forever and I am grateful for that.


I disagree with your first statement about the people constantly asking about med school. I find that people ask about it because they are genuinely curious and that's one of the few things they have to talk about that isn't going to seem contrived. For people who aren't exposed to the "game" every day asking you a question about your life and medical school is probably their way of saying "hey, I care about you and want to know what's going on in your life- it's a big deal that you are applying to medical school and if you have an update I'd love to hear it!" To them, the May 13th deadline isn't this concrete idea like it is to us... so, when they ask for an update they may not realize that May 13th is the day we find out for UBC.


I have the same conversations with my fiancee's step-dad almost every week... but I sit and listen to him because he loves to talk about motorcycles and their business and various other things that are going on (like the Canucks)... besides, they can see how important medschool is to me so they ask questions about it, even if sometimes they ask "silly" questions I don't mind because it beats the hell out of not having anybody to talk to.


Just my thoughts.


It also allowed you to meet me - and isn't that the greatest gift of all?

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haha..i chatted briefly with someone in that break between mmi and writing station..they mentioned this was their third round of apps :P


I don't think so. I have long black hair haha. Quite the opposite. What makes you think you may have spoken to me?


Arggh, I'm approaching my mid-20's too...I feel so behind as well. At least the average age of acceptance at UBC is around 25 :)

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I have a horrible feeling in my gut...


Me too, it feels like I've been perma-tired/nauseous/crazy for god knows how long.


Elephant pregnancy sure is a b&$#@. That being said, I'm very much looking forward to the outcome, whether good or bad, and I'm grateful to have made it this far.

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I have a horrible feeling in my gut...


I don't know if you remember, but my very first practice MMI was done with YOU as my interviewer, and I was the SO bad and was done after like two minutes. I was really intimidated by you and you had all these smart sounding suggestions on how to structure answers and stuff... and I remember thinking, man that guy knows his stuff. I am sure you will do well FMX.

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I don't know if you remember, but my very first practice MMI was done with YOU as my interviewer, and I was the SO bad and was done after like two minutes. I was really intimidated by you and you had all these smart sounding suggestions on how to structure answers and stuff... and I remember thinking, man that guy knows his stuff. I am sure you will do well FMX.


which group did you guys practice with? Was it at ubc on saturdays??

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I feel lucky to be in this position although i must admit the wait is difficult.


I oscillate between two lines of thinking: 1) My answers were not really revolutionary, so why would they earn me admission? I was on the waitlist last year, which means I'm close, but could those answers have been that much better than last year and earn me a spot??!!?? 2) On the other hand, I feel that I did not choke on any of the stations this year, whereas last year I know I choked big time on 2 stations (i.e. no real answer given!!), which comforts me.


So who knows.... But I am going back and forth and back and forth on this one...

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13 DAYS!!!



And nice video post Ryan, definitely hope my may 13 starts with a letter similar to that! :)


I like the video, Ryan!


BUT... did anyone else scroll down with the mouse during the first few seconds with the letter, then realize "uh, it's a youtube video, dummy" :P

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, I do remember you, when we were chatting about usernames, you were saying how yours was really unoriginal (I see that you've changed it now though =P).. but really I don't think my practice performance is similar to the actual performance at all. But again.. 13 days and we shall see.... :o


March 13th will be crazy!

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March 13th will be crazy!


March 13th? lol


Anyway, I cannot believe it's already May. Time has seriously flown by and in 12 days, we will know what's going to happen in the future! So excited! Wouldn't it be a nice treat if they bumped up the release date to match the eastern schools on May 5th!!! :D I know it won't happen but I can still hope for that to happen! :P

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March 13th? lol


Anyway, I cannot believe it's already May. Time has seriously flown by and in 12 days, we will know what's going to happen in the future! So excited! Wouldn't it be a nice treat if they bumped up the release date to match the eastern schools on May 5th!!! :D I know it won't happen but I can still hope for that to happen! :P


i bet the results are already uploaded onto OAS....if they make a mistake like Queen's....we would F5 (refresh) OAS like crazy

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